Rating:  Summary: Getting there... Review: After reading some of the reviews for this title on Amazon, I felt compelled to share my own. One particular review had more adjectives than my dictionary! The reviewer spent more time trying to impress me with her vocabulary than actually talking about the book. I feel that LKH is taking Anita on a very complicated journey. I think she has hit some major road blocks on the way. Ones that she might not have wanted to share with her readers. I still have to say that I enjoyed the book. I would love to see LKH concentrate more on the characters she has now, instead of adding any more to the mix. I would love to see Anita and Richard fill the gap between them. We shall see. I think LKH is trying to bring Anita to a new level. We just need to be patient and wait for this to happen.
Rating:  Summary: I enjoy nymphomania Review: So, sue me. I enjoy a little nymphomania. As usual I could hardly put the book down. It was a fun read, with fun boys and lots of sex. But I have to concede the point, there was hardly any plot. Scene one... Anita meets with suspicious guy who wants her to raise some dead guy. Very mysterious. Plot thickens. And then... a zillion pages of sex scenes and vampire politics. End of book... first guy shows up, admits something hinky was going on, but no need for Anita to raise the dead guy after all. End of story. So rather than a story, this was simply a couple days in the life of Anita Blake. Sort of like what Hamilton did with the second book of the Merry Gentry series. Not sure if this was intentional, or if Hamilton just isn't really focusing on the characters any more. I've gotta say one thing, though, it's a darn good read for a book with no plot.
Rating:  Summary: Read all Anita Review: I loved this book. The only complaint I have is that Anita can't seem to make up her mind on who she wants to be with. I think she should end up with Jean-Claude he likes or loves her even with all her faults and I think she should accept Jean-Claude because of it. Richard needs to accpet his monster and stop giving Anita hell about how easy it his for her to kill. In that world it's kill or be killed and Anita knows this. Over all it's a very good book and the only problem with Anita is that she should have to think that just because she sleeps with someone that she should start to love that person to. If she's going to love someone it should be Jean-Claude and she should recieve the fourth mark and grow more powerful. Other than that this was a good book and I can't wait for her (LKH) 13th book.
Rating:  Summary: it's all come very far Review: First of all, let me start by saying that I have no idea why anyone would want to give this book any less than four stars. I for one finished it in a single night just because I could not keep my hands off it! This book, along with the two previous ones, definitely shows just how far Anita has come and how much she's matured. Her sarcastic humor and wit are definitely still there, but in smaller quantities because she IS mentally growing older by the day, a "side-effect" of her lifestyle. At least, that's how I take it. She is definitely on the way to "burning out", and it'll be interesting to see how she deals with it. ;) This brings me to my favorite part: Jean-Claude. I mean, come ON people, we've been waiting for so long for Anita to just finally admit that she love LOVES him, and now, with a bit of Jason's help, she has! And for some reason, I also think that the length and complexity of their relationship has forged a bond far more intimate, shocking, and tender than that which she had with Richard. By the way, I am SO glad he's out of the picture, for now at least. Micah is a good character for Anita because, like Jean-Claude, he accepts every single bit of her. I would have hoped that once she had realized all that she'd been holding back from JC, Anita would break all the barriers that Jason described (::cough:: Micah ::cough::), but then again, Anita does what she will. Nathaniel and Jason are lovable as always, though I would have liked to see more of how Nathaniel has changed with Anita as his Nimir-Ra. That story definitely has major potential. Our heroine is now immersed in vampire politics and vampire life, and this is definitely a change from the good ol' days when she was just "your friendly neighborhood animator". And exutioner, of course. LKH, nicely done! Can't wait for Incubus Dreams!
Rating:  Summary: Okay, WTH... Review: I've been reading reviews for Cerulean Sins and have found that the opinions of the readers are split; half find the book just as entertaining as the other novels and the other half does not. I am of the half that find Cerulean Sins extremely entertaining, and believe that Laurell K. Hamilton had done an excellent job. Granted, this installment of the series was not as fast pace as the other novels and sex was a reoccurring theme, just as in Narcissus in Chain. If you don't look at the big picture, then yes this book will most likely be a slight disappointment. Being a writer myself, I understand the big picture. CS is a bridge of sorts. It furthers the plot from Narcissus in Chains, and the character relationships and beliefs that changed in NIC were further developed in CS. In NIC Anita took the last steps that officially elevated her into the ranks of the "monsters" that she fights on a near daily basis. The lines are blurred for her as to who and what the monsters really are. The other books in the series worked on humanizing the monsters, showing their pasts, vulnerabilities, shortcomings and strongpoint and NIC and CS takes that a step further. Minor SPOILERS read at your own risk! *******SPOILER ALERT*************(...)*******SPOILER ALERT************* Faithful readers of The Anita Blake Vampire hunter series, this newest installment of the series has to be read, it sets up the plot for the next book as well as the rest of the series. Don't turn your backs on LKH just because this book wasn't what you are used to from her. Continue to read her books with the faith that she wrote CS the way she has for a reason, we just don't know what that reason is yet. Personally, I enjoyed CS immensely and I can't wait to read Incubus Dreams in September!
Rating:  Summary: Anita Blake: Vampire Humper Review: I have been avidly reading the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series since I first discovered Guilty Pleasures around Christmas time 2003/2004. I have literally been reading the books one after the other and It seems like they are going downhill! Anita used to be more of a PERSON, someone that readers could relate to in some ways, and now she is just a negative, overwhelming, bitter person, that is hard to like. I don't like what has happened with Richard in the last two books of the series, and I am not very happy with Micah's character. (...) I couldn't believe there was a two page descriptive of Anita giving Jean Claude Oral sex! I was shocked! Anita needs to stop calling herself a Christian too...She doesn't act like one, behave like one, or inherit any characteristics of being a Christian in any way! She's a hypocrite! She seems to be getting in way too many arguments and conflicts that are totally unnecessary and her personality has really started to suck! I like the old Anita better...this new, (...)Anita has way too many issues and It's utterly mind boggling to keep up with her various personal problems. I am dissapointed in this book and am HOPING that the next book brings us back to a more likable, relatable, familiar Anita.
Rating:  Summary: It hurts me to do this! Review: I've been in love with LKH's writing for a decade now, and it grieves me to part with her, but part with her I must. What began as an awesome series staring a wonderfully tough but ethical herione infused with sarcasm has evolved into someone with about as much depth as a porno-movie plot. I've stayed with her two books longer than I should have. I'm jumping ship to Charlaine Harris, anybody want to join me in the life boat???
Rating:  Summary: Sex AND story... Review: I am not going to go into too much detail since there are something like 250 reviews on this site already. I just have to say, yes, there is a lot of sex. But there is also a lot of interaction and plot. If you don't want to read sex scenes, please don't read this book (or the previous one of the series, Narcissus in Chains). But don't be fooled into believeing it is "just sex." It seems to me that LKH has a line of stories in her head and some books need to be used to get there, and to get Anita where she is going, she needs to be in these situations - to learn to deal with them. So, the mysteries and more elaborate investigations should be back, but Anita is evolving. And hey, if she wants to have lots of sex, it's her choice. My only qualm is that she holds the men in her life up to a stricter standard than she holds for herself. I would imagine eventually they would tell her to ... off and have the same sex that she is having. But, yes, if you don't like sex scenes, don't read this. But don't give up on this series just because of this novel.
Rating:  Summary: Anita's Character Moves Along Review: Just finished this book. Definitly not what you would expect comparing to the first books in the series. Anita's character has moved along in a good way. She does alot of things that you would not expect from Anita Blake, but is backed up by the character she has always been. I do think this book and the last one (Narcissic in Chains)has moved her to be TOO comfortble with too many people, but at the same time im definitly not complaining. Asher has recently m oved onto my 'character i like' list, and i was very happy to see him in this book. I would definitly suggest reading, but start at the begining of the series.
Rating:  Summary: Someone take LKH's pen away from her!! Review: I am officially done w/ Anita. I have always reread books but starting w/ Narcissus and now this abomination, I am boycotting her! Sex is fine, I'm no prude, but LKH either needs therapy or a good lay, because her frustration is ruining her writing. I wish she paid even a modicum of attention to her fans. Just about all of them hate the direction that this series has gone, the only reason the Anita makes the bestsellers list is because her fans buy the book in hopes that this time it will be different. That won't last two more Anita books. If you like LKH and want to read something that is closer to her older stuff than I recommend the Merry series. Consign Anita to the grave, something I wish that LKH's publisher would do!