Rating:  Summary: Need to wrap this "alternate universe" thing up Review: This book suffers from the fact it is Act 2 of a three act play. The story line is tedius and after an action packed start really bogs down. Yes we know Kirk loves Telanie but Shatner seems to dwell on this to the exclusion of all else. I have been a fan of the alternate universe since "Mirror, Mirror" on the original series. Loved "Dark Mirror" and always wondered why "The Next Generation" never pursued this story line. "Spectre" was a very good pickup for the story line, but this book was a real let down. I hop "The Preservers" finally ties this up, one way or the other. I know there is money in trilogies, but this series would have done better with the entire story told and wrapped up in one, or at the most, two books.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad 0 stars isn't an option! Review: William Shatner, in his old age, not wishing to accept the fact that in the present ST universe his character is dead, writes a piece of Kirk(self)- aggrandising junk like this. William Shatner has told Star Trek fans to get a life and yet write books and excepts fans to buy them. This work reveals William Shatner for the hypocrite that he is. I appeal to Pocket Books not to publish any more of his books.
Rating:  Summary: Drawn out cliffhanger Review: Dark Victory has a lot of build up throughout the book but it never delivers on any suspense that it builds. What happens if the author decides not to write anymore or, Heaven forbid, has a stroke or something and cannot write. I don't think that this book was written on that eventuality. There was nothing wrapped up. We would have been better off if he had done a very large book instead of the first two.
Rating:  Summary: Good story but a little disappointing..... Review: I've read "Ashes of Eden, The Return, Avenger, Spectre" and now this one. I'll be glad when "Preserver" finally comes out. I'll read it too but maybe the story line should have ended with this book.
Rating:  Summary: Great to see Captain Kirk in action once again! Review: Dark Victory, the second book of the post Kirk death trilogy is just that. If you are a fan of the original series you will recognize the characters - and the one we never met in Mirror, Mirror - the alternate Kirk - Tiberius. This latest book features Kirk as he comes to grip with his past, and, in trying to rectify his actions in Mirror, Mirror - he has unleashed a wrath greater than Khan. To say any more would spoil the book. Just a Jim Kirk is ready to settle down and fulfill that part of him that we never saw before, he is pulled into a conflict that needs two universes for manuvering room. Because of the time period the Next Generation cast is involved. The differences between the two captains is entertaining, and certainly proves once and for all which captain is the best. Who better to write about Jim Kirk than the man who portrayed him for 30 years? And yes, we do still want to see the original gang in action - Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Mr. Scott. Live long and prosper James T. Kirk.
Rating:  Summary: Isn't it about time for Shatner to wrap this up? Review: All right, so Kirk's evil alter ego is alive and well in the mirror universe. Yes, the book somewhat focuses on this, but we hardly ever hear from him. Unless I missed something, this story never does explain how Tiberius returned from the dead. Did he also get sucked into a temporal nexus. If so, did a generous and warm hearted mirror Picard also get sucked into the nexus after trying to stop an evil man from blowing up a planet? I don't think so. As evil as the mirror universe counterparts are, this seems unlikely. The mirror Picard may have found a way to get into the nexus there, grab the evil Tiberius, then escape, but nothing says this. Perhaps all of this will be explained next year when Shatner comes out with "Preserver". Until then, we'll just have to wonder. This book was OK, but it's starting to go down hill some. It's getting to where Shatner needs to wrap it up. Enough is enough. Even Shatner won't live forever!
Rating:  Summary: Hard to put down Review: I really enjoyed the book, but did not like the fact that I have to wait for the next book-Preserver- to know the ending.
Rating:  Summary: Shatner should have stayed out of this one. Review: Unlike the most of the other books co-authored with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens this book trades in on good plot with heavy Shatner presense as Kirk. In Dark Victory Kirk continues on his epic against the mirror universe and against his mirror double from that Universe. The premise for the book is excellent and the writing capabilities of the co authors are excellent. Yet when one reads through this novel you cannot help but see how much heavy handed re writing was done to place Kirk at the center. All the other characters such as Picard, Riker, Janeway, LaForge, etc... are pushed into the background. One is left with the sense of "WOW this is intense...but what is wrong with the other guys?" Almost all of the other characters seem to be nothing more than moving background. In someplaces you can almost see the tangent created by the co authors to deepen the story and make it more enjoyable only to have a Kirk scene thrust upon you. To term it frustrating is putting it kindly. If you love Kirk and only Kirk then you must read this book. If you want good science fiction then I would pass on this one and read the previous series written by these authors.
Rating:  Summary: Shatner can definately write Kirk better than he played him! Review: This is probably the second-best Star Trek book Shatner has written (after last year's amazing Spectre). For those who have read it - on p165 he says the large animal is 4 meters long and the small one is 400 centimeters - it's the same thing!!
Rating:  Summary: William Shatner needs to let Kirk die! Review: William Shatner has once again brought James T Kirk back from the dead. What was he thinking? Dark Victory had such promise to it, yet held absolutely no substance. His previous novel had tremendous intrigue and a fascinating story line, but when I began reading this one; I felt as if I was reading drivel. The characters just sat there - Does the world really have to revolve around Kirk? I think NOT! Picard, Riker, Troi, Data - WHERE WERE THEY? Mirror Janeway? She had a huge roll last time, but she was barely noticeable. And I mean no disrespect to the late DeForest Kelley (who will be sadly missed) but Bones is far to old to be running around on missions. William Shatner needs to let Kirk go! He died in "Generations" and that is where he should remain. "You're dead Jim!"