Rating:  Summary: One of the best Review: The Legend of Huma was, and is,one of my favorite stories of all time. I first read this book when I was 11 years old, and enjoyed it then. I'm 26 now and still read it once a year or so. I'm not much a sci-fi fan, but this book has more to offer than dragons and knights. A very good story by Mr.Knaak
Rating:  Summary: Great Story for a Great Knight Review: The Legend of Huma centers on the adventures of the renowned knight Huma. The time is long ages before the events of the original Dragonlance series. Huma is a simple knight that understands the Oath and the Measure better than some of his more prestigious peers. It is this knowledge of compassion that compels him to save a lone minotaur, Kaz, from a band of goblins. The friendship that the two form cause a major transformation of Kaz who eventually embraces the knightly ideals. The main story of this great novel involves the incursion of the Dark Queen, Takhisis, into the planes of the living. Huma must rise above his simple upbringing and make a huge difference in the lives of all who dwell on Krynn. He is aided by Kaz all along the way, and the relationship between the two becomes a life changing event for the minotaur, who once served the forces of evil. Although the outcome of the story is inevitable, the way Knaak takes us there is superbly done. The characters are people you care about, and the history is consistent with the original series. The story provides much background information that readers of the Dragonlance Chronicles have always wondered about. The novel is a fast paced ride to an exciting and moving ending.
Rating:  Summary: Est Sularis Oth Mithas Review: The first installment of the Heroes Trilogy, "The Legend of Huma" is one of the best fantasy novels set in the world of Krynn. It tells the tale of the legendary Solamnic Knight Huma, and his pivotal role in the discovery of the original dragonlance and defeat of the Dark Queen prior to the Cataclysm. It also tells the story of Magius the wizard, Kaz the Minotaur, and Gwyneth the silver dragon.This book is full of adventure, dragons, warfare, treachery, politics, and of course romance. It's a very worthy addition to the original series, and tells the tale of Krynn's most legendary hero.
Rating:  Summary: Not half as good as the rest... Review: I am really sorry I have to only give this book a 3... I loved all the other DragonLance books, from Soulforge to Dragons of a vanished moon, but this book really never got me interested at all. I tried very hard to like this book but in the end I just could not enjoy it. Here's a few reasons why if you are interested at all. -No offence to fans, but the writting is really quite poor. -I learned more about Huma from the chronicles than this book. -IT MAKES NO SENSE!! Dragons appear out of thin air, Huma kills them, then more dragons come, he kills them too, etc, etc. -Too much fighting and not enough substance. -And finally, the plot is very vague, and seems to be there only to try and give reasons for more dragon fights. I have read books by Richard A.Knaak before, and this seems to be among his worst. ->If you love dragons and fight scenes, this book is for you though<-. If you are like me and prefer less fighting and more thinking, read the books by Margaret Weis and especially the legends trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: One of my all-time favorites Review: I read this book when I was much younger (24 now, and I read it back in grade school) and I still remember this story very fondly. This is easily one of the best fantasy novels I've read. The deep romance, the epic fantasy, and the entire story itself is great. I can still picture some of the scenes which this book created for me. Of course, it's not perfect. Nothing ever really is. If you're wondering if it's worth your money, however, I'd say almost definitely. I completely agree that this book should be made into a movie. -myskyra.net
Rating:  Summary: Terrible writing!!!!! Review: I was looking forward to this book from all of the reviews I have read, but when I finally did it was terrible. The story isn't that bad. It's the fact that whenever there is a fight it is over in one paragraph! The auther doesn't even drag it out and build suspense! The character development is nonexistant when it comes to the bad guys. I would have rather seen Huma fighting the STAY PUFF MARSHMELLOW MAN! The love story is laughable. There isn't one scene of romantic interaction in the whole story and they all of a sudden confess their love for each other. ... The only good thing is Kaz! Don't buy this book!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Legendary Review: DRAGONLANCE is a genre that, loosely based on the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, manages to siphon ideas from just about everyone. The universe itself is borderline sci-fi as the action takes place on a different planet, known as Krynn. DL borrows heavily from JRR Tolkein, Greek mythology, motifs from the Arthurian legend, Halloween archetypes and some other stuff. Now, all of this is not to say DL is bad. Some of the best fantasy books out there are a part of the DL saga. As Leonard Bernstein once said, every musician steals from other musicians, at least some times. What differentiates the best composers is that they steal from the best. I think the same can be said for the fantasy genre of literature. The present book is one of the better novels in the DL series. It takes place in the "early days" of Krynn - long before the brothers Majere come along. Huma, the hero of the story, is a brave and noble knight. Like all knights who become legends, he is sent on a quest. He even does knightly things such as jousting. The catch is, he does it while riding a dragon instead of a horse - a nice twist. The book is certainly action-packed; there is no question on that. The presentation and development of the characters is also quite well done. The lone complaint I have is of the battle scenes. It's not that they're badly written, but rather that they're too brief. Knaak only dedicates a paragraph to battles that one expects to go on for pages & pages. This makes some parts of the story a bit anti-climactic. A friend of mine told me that since Knaak was under contract to TSR to write the book, it had to be a certain length. Hence the shortened battle scenes. If this be the case, it's a real shame. Writing a novel should NEVER be like writing a sonnet. Placing artificial constraints on authors is beyond absurd. That criticism aside, this book is well worth the read for fans of DL. Even if one isn't into DL, or has not yet read any DL, this is a good place to start. The story is self contained, so there is no need to read the other two books in the series (unless you want to), nor is there any pre-requisite reading in other DL series that have come before. So, even if you never read any other DL books, I would still recommend this one.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book Review: I would reccomend this more to people who have no prior knowledge of Dragonlance simply because then you wont know how it ends(like history flunkies that didn't know how titanic was going to end). That however doesn't detract from the quality of the book because it is not the book's fault. The character were good and the plot was good but pretty much everything was good, not great. The love story was par and the adventure of Huma and his find was okay but I felt it lacked some depth. I would say this is still a fun read but there are better books out there.
Rating:  Summary: Magius And Kaz RULE!!!!! Review: I Love this book. It answered all my questions about Magius, he rules.Kaz is a great character that I want to know more about. I wish Richard Knaak would write more books.Him and James Ward are the best authors ever!! Thanks Richard,you make reading fun!!!
Rating:  Summary: Best book of Richard Knaak Review: This book is the best book I have read after Richard Knaak.My favorite character was Kaz. I was somtimes bored when I read about Huma feelings but otherwise it was great if you liked this one you should read "Kaz the minotaur" it's great too.