Rating:  Summary: A Good Start, But Far Too Broad Review: Babylon 5's telepath arc never realy impressed me, so I apporached this book with some misgivings. In it, we see the discovery of humanity's telepathy, and how Earth's government reacts. The grand scope of the novel is it's main downfall-- we never really stay with any one character long enough to get to know them well or understand their motivations. However, this book is the first part of a trilogy. The second and third books are much better.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad but not great Review: I thought this book was ok but nothing great. i thought "Legions Of Fire"was a better first book to a three part series than this book. I have always thought the telepath plot was ok but it is just an excuse for more action. This book explains everything that happens before hand. Im more interested in political intrigue with the ISA,centauri,narn,Drazi etc rather than the arch with the telepaths.That is why I found "Legions Of Fire" to be more entertaining. Read this book if you find the telepath plot interesting but if you didnt care much for that plot skip it
Rating:  Summary: A throughly interesting read. Review: This book in a some what hurried view explains the history of propably one of the most intersting aspects of the Babylon 5 genre. In a sense you could look at this book as a future history as it is not set at the current time of events in the B5 universe. If you are well versed in B5 this book will effortlesly add to your knowledge and deliver invaliable incite into the Psi-Corps history. If on the other hand you are knew to B5 this book will begin to establish a solid foundation for you to use to expand your interest in the subject.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read for fans of the series.... Review: "Dark Genesis" gives a concise history of the origins of the Psi Corps, and some of the hidden forces and secret agendas that made it what it was during the time covered by the show. Possibly the most interesting aspect of the book is the moral ambiguity; it is not at all clear that the Corps is bad and the resistance good. The Corps, in the beginning, is a tool of the Vorlons, while the resistance fighters, whether they know it or not, advance the ideology of the Shadows. From the viewpoint of normal humans, both are potentially dangerous enemies. It was also interesting to see the histories of the bloodlines that will ultimately give rise to the final leaders of the two factions, Alfred Bester and Lyta Alexander. All in all, a good read.
Rating:  Summary: The begging of telepaths Review: I have to say that this book is the best novel i'ved read in the babylon 5 world. It explains how the world is there and how the Psi corps got started. To just know how humans were and how they treated the telepaths then from them to becoming part of thier system is just amazing. This detail is what was missing in the Babylon 5 shows. This is the book to see the history of bester and lyta alexander. "Corps is mother and corps is father".
Rating:  Summary: The begining of the Psi Corps is very interesting Review: This story was a little confusing and difficult to follow. After I read it for the third time,I think I understood it much better. I was able to understand more about the Corps and enjoyed learning, while trying to chase down rogue telepaths. A must for any telepath, psi corps or not. "The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father"
Rating:  Summary: Not the best B5 novel... Review: I only wish I could get a hold of the original outline for this book. The whole idea was worthy of a novel, but the execution wasn't to my liking. I found myself rereading sections often to make certain I was 'with' the story. (probably due to the constant shifting in time/characters) That type of reading has a tendancy to wear you down over time. Unfortunately, I didn't really feel for the characters as much as I would have liked to. The ending wasn't a terrible cliffhanger, but it was enough to generate interest in the next episode in the trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: Nice back story, gives a lot of insight into how the Corps came to be and what their relation to "mundanes" is in their past. One of the best B5 novels written, and without a single character from the series playing a real part in it.
Rating:  Summary: hard to follow action story Review: I was hoping for a more thorough explanation on how the Psi-Corps got started - what motivated the mundanes and the telepaths. How did something that should have started as a gulag get so powerful? Instead we get an action story. That in itself is not bad, but there's not much character exposition so I couldn't tell much difference between the Psi-Corp telepaths and the underground telepaths. A wasted opportunity that could have been much more.
Rating:  Summary: A good solid read for B5 fans, or even those who aren't. Review: Keyes has written an excellent B5 novel with none of the B5 characters in it. This first novel of a trilogy sets the tone, and lays down the groundwork for the novels to follow. B5 fans will enjoy the plot, and the references to ancestors to some of the B5 characters we know already. Readers new to the B5 universe can enjoy the story apart from the rest of the arc, without really missing anything. A good read, and I'm looking forward to the other books in the series.