Rating:  Summary: a good book Review: A good book one of the better of their books. I like jow they bring back tas.Their are alot of unexpected turns in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Very good, when is the next one comming out? Review: I was very impressed with this book. I have been reading these books for about 8 or 10 years now and i never seem to get tired of them. As it stands I'm on my third time throuhg this book its self. I like the fact the uncle Tas is back and the intro of those new charcters also is done quite well. Even those who walk the path of darkness will be happy to know that their buddy Rast is even hinted at a come back. I can not hardly wait until the next installment is released.
Rating:  Summary: The Return of True Dragonlance at Last! Review: After reading the horrible Jean Rabe Fifth Age trilogy, I had lost interst in the Dragonlance series. But then this book came along and has renewed the passion I felt those years ago reading the Chronicles. Luckily the storyline ignores what happened in the previous Fifth Age trilogy but I would say that you have to read those books in order to understand what has been going on in Krynn. The characters are not very new. Most are from previous books but the magic is there. We are thrust once more into a world ruled by huge dragons and a mysterious girl named Mina appears. Now this girl is like an Anti-Joan of Arc who becomes a leader of the Dark Knights. You are torn between liking her as a strong character or despising her as a villain. Palin has changed and resembles his uncle Raistlin in mood and manor. And characters like Goldmoon, Laurana, and some others remain to fight the evil in Krynn. I was glad to see a mention of the knightly order the Legion of Steel. Hopefully they will have a big role in the next two books in the series. The action and drama are very good and it kept me turning pages. Back to Mina; she is obviously a cleric of this One True God. But who is he? Okay, it can't be any of the old gods, so it has to be someone who died and perhaps wanted to be a god. It can't be someone new, otherwise it wouldn't make any impact at all. That's boring. So who wanted to be a god in the past, is dead, and now with the gods gone sees the chance to take over. Raistlin, Galan Dracos ,and Fistandantulus. The two wizards are too evil, and this god isn't really evil, his plans are a mystery. It is not Raistlin's style and I think the authors will leave him dead for this series. So who? My guess, the Kingpriest. Remember, the one who caused the Cataclysm. He wanted to be a god and wasn't outright evil, but was bad in the way he saw to doing good. Which is exactly how this god comes across. Hope I didn't spoil the surprise, but I could be wrong. Can't wait for the second volume.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I love this book. I've only been a fan for two years but I've read 42 DL books and this is right up there with all the rest of them. I think whoever doesn't like it should rethink and reread the book. I can't wait for the next one now.
Rating:  Summary: it is great Review: once i started reading it i could put it down. call this a little foward of me but i think that this is the best book of the fifth age. a must read
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I Have Ever Read in my Life Review: This book has touched my soul...liftied my spirit and has taken me on a never ending journey into a part of my life i never knew. I am captivated, overwhelmed and in pure bliss. I just got through reading "dragons of the fallen sun" and my heart is still pounding with the excitement of love, honor and adventure. The characters are not fiction, but true to my heart. They live inside of my mind and soul right now...hoping to catch a glimpse of my admiration for them, which they will over and over as I thoughtly converse with them through my minds eye and my hearts speech. If this excert is sounding foolish to you, you have either not read DOTFS or you are an evil dragon, imprisioned in the mind of a mere mortal waiting for you chance to complain and doubt. Get this book...or you will be sorry=P ATTN: AUTHORS: I WANT VOLUME TWO PLEASE, DO NOT KEEP ME WAITING, OR I WILL HAVE TO PIECE TAS'S ARTIFACT BACK TOGETHER AND TRAVEL TO THE FUTURE TO GET IT, AND YOU KNOW HOW US KENDERS ARE...THE BOOK JUST MIGHT SLIP IN TO MY POCKET ON ACCIDENT, WINK WINK!
Rating:  Summary: It's Just Not The Same... Review: I don't know what's happened with Weis and Hickman since the Twins Trilogy and the Deathgate Cycle series. I don't know if it's just that I've gotten older, or if they've lost their touch. Dragons Of A Fallen Sun, though readable, just doesn't have that old magic I felt when I picked up their first Dragon Lance book.The biggest turnoff to this book are the characters. While Tas can still make me laugh, most of the other characters are stale and never grow. Granted, they've got a few more books left to do that in, but they came across annoying in this book, especially Silvan and Palin. However, there are some well fleshed out characters that must be noted: Marshall Medan, the human Knight of Neraka placed in charge of Qualinost, who has come to love the ways of the elves so much that he does everything in his power to save them. Medan is definitely the strongest character in the book, and it would be nice to see much more of him in the upcomming books. Mina, the herald of the One True God, is also a pretty good character, but it's hard to get a handle on where she's coming from (which is good). The other problem I had with the book was the way everything had changed from the last book to this one. Tas, for one, should have stayed dead. I love the little kender's antics, but come on, write ONE book without him! I felt like the only reason he was there was so the authors could fall back and their bread and butter instead of going through the effort of creating a new character. Also, the readers are left floundering to figure out what is really going on with this whole backwards world plot. Very confusing. So, if you're a Weis and Hickman fan, then you'll enjoy the book, though you may be a little dissapointed. The familiar characters that return in this book are not the same ones we remember from before (especially Palin). However, if you've never read Weis nad Hickman, you will not be too impressed by this new trilogy and should definitely start at the beginning: Dragons of Autumn Twilight.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Feelings Review: I had mixed feelings about this book. For someone who couldn't get through a single Fifth age book, the recaps were helpful, however, i agree that the character development was not too great. I also didn't like how all of the characters had changed in such awful ways since Summer Flame. The last twenty pages are the best in the book and the rest is just blah.
Rating:  Summary: Good Starting Point Review: I always thought the Dragonlance Chronicles and the Dragonlance Legends were two of the best fantasy series of recent memory. Unfortunately, the two recent efforts, the "Second Generation" and the "Dragons of Summer Flame," were very disappointing. "Summer Flame" actually managed to destroy all of the key elements of the previous novels. Yet somehow I had to give Dragonlance another try, and I am glad I did. Weiss and Hickman have returned to the adventure and magic that made the first series work. The novel opens with the somewhat sad and mostly magic-less world left from the previous book, but then a huge storm comes, and with it everything changes. The storm brings the two catalysts for the novel. First, we meet Tasslehoff Burfoot the Kender from previous novels, who has - with the help of magic - traveled into a future that he does not recognize. With the help of a knight, he searches for the answer with some old friends. The other product of the storm is Mina, a young woman who brings word of a new god, and leaves a path of destruction in her wake. To complicate matters, the elves are divided and great dragons dominate the humans with a vengeance. The novel isn't quite as good as the first Dragonlance books, but it captures many of the best elements, and shows the promise this series has lacked. We have some new heroes mixed in with the old. The ending is a cliffhanger, and for the first time, I am eager to read the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: A good start, requires some background Review: I just finished this book inside of two days and enjoyed it immensely. It definantly lives up to what have become my expectations for the masters Weis and Hickman. On the other hand, it would no be a good introductory work into the Dragonlance Series: I would not have found it nearly as enjoyable if I had not read some of the other series before this one (the only "must read" beforehand, however, is Chronicals Trilogy). All in all an excellent read, highly recommended.