Rating:  Summary: Great Job! Review: Although I've been a Star Trek fan for 30 years, I've never read any of the books. This was my first. LOVED IT! LOVED IT! LOVED IT! Now I plan to read all of Shatner's books. It was like watching a never-produced movie. A lot of fun!
Rating:  Summary: What a way to begin an epic! Review: The story begins with the retirement of James T. Kirk in the 23rd century, six months before the launch of the Enterprise-B. He meets a woman named Teilani and is given the chance at a second youth! But the ideal life on Chal isn't what it seems, as Kirk goes there to end a war between the Romulans and Klingons before it can start. Together, he and Teilani stop the skirmishes, and Kirk discovers the true resource that Chal has to offer...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: It held my attention all the way . Reading Star Trek Generations between The Ashes of Eden and the Return would be a great idea
Rating:  Summary: Dull and Exciting at the same time! Review: Ashes of Edan was a wanderfully written book, it is very authentic in a Star Trek sense. Although it was confusing because the sceane and the date changed frequently through the book. As always Shattner starts out with James Kirk in his earlier years wandering about the galaxy. This book would be for the ages of 14-40. I say that because most people before and after those ages woulden't understand the book. It is definitly for the Star Trek fan.
Rating:  Summary: Kirk worship, but okay for what it is Review: This is well-written, very readable and in places quite exciting. The plot is sound, and there are even attempts to tackle the subject of the aging hero, which might have provided a pleasant dash of seriousness. The main drawback is the painfully obvious fact that Shatner is his own character's biggest fan. The supporting characters keep extolling Kirk's superhuman qualities, and Kirk himself emerges as a demigod, even his virility revived by the passionate attentions of a stunning Klingon-Romulan a third of his age. In short, a novel with a decent premise and some fine moments but somewhat spoiled by the authors's uninhibited self-glorification. Still: the best of the bunch, by far.
Rating:  Summary: Oh GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I'm not done with this book yet, but I can still tell you about it. It is very good, William Shatner is a great writer. Now, down to details, and why I gave this book a four star. (Bold faced is words from the story)IN THE SOFT LIGHTING OF THE CAR, TEILANI DREW AWAY FROM KIRK. ONCE MORE, SHE HELD HER FINGER TO THE FABRIC SEALER CONTROL AT HER NECK, KEPT IT THERE. THIS TIME THE FABRIC OF HER JUMPSUIT PARTED COMPLETELY, FELL AWAY FROM HER, NOTHING HIDDEN, ALL REVEALED. KIRK HELD HIS BREATH AT THE BEAUTY OF HER PERFECTION. SHE REACHED OUT FOR KIRK. HE DID NOT HESITATE. blah, blah, blah- MCCOY SHOOK HIS HEAD IN PITY. "SHE'S A THIRD YOUR AGE." "WHICH IS THE WAY SHE MAKES ME FEEL!" KIRK TOOK A DEEP BREATH. blah, blah, blah- AT LAST KIRK FELT HOPE. "THEN HELP ME HERE. HELP BONES SEE THAT WHAT I'M DOING ISN'T WRONG." BUT SPOCK SHOOK HIS HEAD. "I CANNOT. FOR IN THIS INSTANCE, I FIND MYSELF IN THE UNIQUE POSITION OF AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING DR. MCCOY HAS SAID." you go spock!! "SPOCK...NO!" "IF YOU HAVE BEEN FORTHCOMING WITH US, CAPTAIN, THEN I MUST SAY YOUR ACTIONS INVOLVING THIS WOMAN ARE UNCHARACTERISTIC, UNSUITABLE, AND ILLSERVING YOUR PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND REPUTATION." you go spock! KIRK STARED AT SPOCK. MORTIFIED. IN HIS OWN VULCAN WAY, SPOCK WAS SHOUTING AT HIM TOO. Okay, if you want to read the rest, buy the book as I did, but first I agree with Spock, William Shatner is totally ruining Kirks' reputation. Plus, one major thing that annoys me about James Tiberius Kirk is his obsession with women. Carol Marcus. Faith Morgan. somebody named Odona. Marlena Moreau. another somebody named Kelinda. AND THESE ARE JUST NAMES FROM THIS ONE BOOK!! I'VE READ LOTS OF STAR TREK BOOKS AND IN EVERY ONE HE FALLS IN ''LOVE'' WITH SOME WOMAN. He hardly knew Teilani. In another part before Teilani he was with Carol Marcus, and I hope you know what I mean by ''was with''. All in all Star Trek Rocks. But If I could change a few things, JTK's obsession with women would be the very first thing to be changed. YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I've ever read Review: I really liked this book
Rating:  Summary: Only Shatner could write a story about his own character! Review: Good story here. It ties in a hole in between the end of "Star Trek VI" and "Generations". At least we get to find out what happens to the Enterprise before the new ship is launched. Also, it's a great love story for Kirk with entanglements from the Federation bureaucrats involved in the story. There is one problem though. One thing he writes about contradicts another book called "Sarek" which was written by A.C. Crispin. That story occurred after "Star Trek VI". The Enterprise had been repaired of all battle damage at the Vulcan spacedock (the damage inflicted by Chang and the other Klingons). In Shatner's story, the Enterprise is in mothballs, Kirk gets it back from Teilani, but the ship still bears the battle damage by Chang's photon torpedoes. Enough nitpicking. The story is a good start to the many sequels Shatner would write later. Not the best in the series, but quite good.
Rating:  Summary: Shatner writes kirk good, but this is a little bumpy Review: I saw this book and knew I had to read it. It has an excellent plot and good story ideas but he needs to make it run a little smoother, like The Return.
Rating:  Summary: Increadible, Kirk does Kirk best Review: William Shatner, (Kirk) does kirk best, as this increadible novel shows. One of the best parts was the Checov/Sulu ordeal. I liked how Shatner went back and fourth from the past to now.