Rating:  Summary: Could Tanis cry a little more? Review: Dragons of Spring Dawning was like the first two books in the series: A dark, hack and slash melodramatic action-adventure with a teenage writting style. The book started off great with Laurana kicking ass and Raistlin's background story finally coming out, but once this was over the middle of the book was awful (Laurana after the festival and Tanis n'companies journey from the elf place to Neraka). Here's how the twenty-or-so chapter's went; "Tanis where do we go?" says Riverwind "Stop asking me! Why do you think I should know?" Tanis said with a snarl. then Riverwind or Goldmoon would be shocked then tanis would realize it wasn't very nice and say his sorry. This happened all the time! I know Weis and Hickman wanted to show the turmoil going on inside of Tanis, but they just took it to far. Oh yeah, and then they would get captured, for the millionth time, and of course escape, with all there gear, of course.The ending was O.K. a few twists which were pretty cool, but at the same time predictable and not to dramatic. What other people have said and wrote about this book I was wanting something more, I guess. And what the hell, why did Tika go on the journey to Neraka? I wished her and Tasslehoff died. what the hell dude, Settle down, it's just a story. I know, it just made me mad that she went, anyway the story is dark and fun, filled with a number of different character's which are exciting, boring, malevolent, decitful, annoying, bright, and unforgetable. give this series a try, it's not bad.
Rating:  Summary: A new spring dawning Review: There is no time to mourn the loss of old friends for the struggling companions. Spring has arrived, and with it the final battle for Krynn. Over the grueling winter they succeeded in finding the legendary dragonlance, and the dragons of light have finally joined the fray. From the tortured forests of Silvanesti and across war-torn Ansalon, the heroes continue their crusade against both the forces of evil and their own personal demons. Tanis is torn between two tempting women, Raistlin struggles with his lust for power, and Tass... well.. he just makes me laugh, but none of the companions will ever be the same after this change of the seasons and there are many sacrifices yet to be made before Takhisis can be thwarted. In "Dragons of Spring Dawning", Weis and Hickman provide an action packed finale for their now-classic Dragonlance Chronicles, and beautifully set the scene for the equally grandiose Legends series. High adventure and memorable heroes have made Krynn one of the most beloved fantasy worlds available, worthy of repeated and frequent visits.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointment Review: After the several books that I have read involving Dragonlance, I expected more of this seminal series. I had hope. The second book had some potential. This book dashed those hopes, and squandered that potential. The characters are entirely too transparent. If I have to hear one more time how kenders never feel fear, but in that instance Tasselhoff felt something that equates to fear, I swear I'm going to scream. Raistlin is so ambitious for power that he has to constantly remind everyone, including the reader, of this, and oh yeah, by the way, he's Fistandantilus. What? Could that have come from any farther out in left field? This series is a poor example of Fantasy writing. The only reason that this book rates two stars is that it may serve as a whirlwind introduction to the world of Dragonlance. However, a book of short stories could have served that purpose better. All in all a disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Ah Ha Review: What can I say? Another great book in the Dragonlance series to read and read over again. This is the final enstallment in the Chronicals trilogy. This books is great but of course it is. It's action packed and the characters again come to life, not like they haven't been on your mind since you last put a Dragonlance book down. So read this, you'll enjoy, and don't forget to save room for another series.
Rating:  Summary: A Brief Analysis of Dragons of a Spring Dawning Review: In a land of elves and dragons, magic and wonder, nine friends find themselves committed to a quest they cannot refute; a quest to save the world. These companions face the final challenges in their valiant attempt to preserve the balance of good and evil in. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman wrap up their exhilarating Dragonlance Chronicles with the final installment, Dragons of a Spring Dawning. Although the story's plot, based on the good versus evil forte, may be considered a cliché, the outstanding character development and the intricate setting produced an exceptionally well-written adventure. Weis and Hickman's primary focus in the story is placed on the development of the main characters. From the beginning of the first Chronicle, the main characters possessed tangled threads of personal thoughts and emotions. As the trilogy progressed, some questions were answered while many others were left unanswered. With the conclusion of Dragons of a Spring Dawning, many of these threads were untangled allowing the relationships between characters and readers to become more intimate. Another main element of the story was the setting. The fitting descriptions of the setting aided by Weis and Hickman's use of personification enhanced the emotion and detail of the story. The importance and benefits of quality character development and setting is clearly shown in this book. Although many questions were answered, there were enough questions left open to ensure the continuation of the battle for the preservation of the balance between good and evil.
Rating:  Summary: A fitting conclusion to an exceptional saga Review: After the setback at the end of book two, hope finally dawns on Krynn. For the rediscovered dragonlances and the return of the good metallic dragons are finally turning the tide of fortunes against the forces of darkness in the War of the Lance. In the north, under the leadership of a new general, none other than one of our familiar companions, victories follow victories, cities are retaken, enemy commanders are captured, and for a time, evil seems to be on the verge of defeat. Nevertheless, the Dark Lady has a devious ruse of her own that would deal a devastating blow to the forces of good from which they may not recover. Meanwhile, the other half of the sundered fellowship struggles to bring back the Silvanesti dragon orb and reunite with their friends. Their efforts are meaningless to Raistlin, who already have found a way to wield the power of the orb and whose mind may have turned to darkness. The end comes in a frantic rush as the companions fight to rescue their friends in the evil lair of Takhisis, prevent the Queen of Darkness from gaining corporeal existence in Krynn, and finally escape with their lives. All the while, the nightmare that they all shared in the twisted woods of Silvanesti would come back to haunt them in the waking world. The thrills are not diminished from book two. One of the hallmarks of this book, and perhaps of the series, is unpredictability. Character make decisions out of love, fear and remorse, that seem to be unwise from the reader's standpoint; yet at the same time, these are the very marks that make them human (or otherwise). On the flip side, while some antagonists may come off as irreconcilably evil, the Dark Lady is more complex. Her insatiable thirst for power makes her callous, yet there are times when one can't help but feel some sympathy for her. The climax takes place in several places at once and comes in a frenzy of actions that are as exciting as I've seen. Despite the somewhat happy ending, there is still a dark overtone. Evil is not wholly defeated and still reigns supreme in some parts of land. Victory is paid for at great costs, and there is little cheer and much poignancy as the companions gather for the last time before going their separate ways. The sweetness of victory is tempered by the memory of those who are gone and by the knowledge that those who remain are no longer the same. Nevertheless, the end is also uplifting by the realization that true friendship and love can endure. The Chronicles has left a legacy of memorable characters. It's unfortunate that, despite the many DragonLance sequels, many of them won't play a major role again. Thus the Chronicles can be said to be unique and special in this sense. Other fantasy works have left me impressed, awed, even shocked, but few have been as moving as the Chronicles. If any work can be said to have captured the spirit of Tolkien, the Chronicles would have my vote.
Rating:  Summary: Dragons of a Spring Dawning-Awesome Conclusion!!! Review: I have read quite a few of Wies and Hickman's books and this one was by far the most intriging!! The last parts at Neraka still leave my shivering with delight. Tanis was one of my favorite characters in the whole series. He kept a cool head and stayed focus (until Kitiara showed up, but hey she tricked me too with her charming crooked smile!) Kitiara was one on the most intense and evil characters. She had her way with men which (I hate to say, I saw right through her)made her a very devious person. Wies and Hickman definately left the end of this book open for another series (That series is the Legend series made up of The Time of the Twins, The War of the Twins and the Test of the Twins) I think people everywhere should try this incredible series which left me spellbound for months. Even if you don't like fantasy i think you should give this a try. Hey, you really might enjoy it!!
Rating:  Summary: A Dark and Breathtaking Ending for the Best Series Ever. Review: I have just finished reading the "Chronicles" for the 100,000 time in my life (I'm reading it over and over again since I was in the 3rd grade. i'm 19 years old), and I still found myself wiping a tear. Visiting Krynn again, and meeting all my old friends: Tas, Raistlin, Caramon, Tanis and the rest of the gang is always great, and I love these books more and more as I get older. "Dragons Of Spring Dawning" is in my opinion the darkest book in this 3 books series (I don't consider the 4th as a part of the chronicles, in my opinion it ruins the perfection of the other 3). All the conflicts that are only hinted in the other 2 books are floating into the surface, and creats one of the most facsinating plots ever written. We discover darker sides of the characters that we fell in love with, and in the end, it only makes, me at least, love them even more. I ended this book, again, and I almost cried. For some reason, the goodbye was harder this time. I found myself wishing, in somewhat childish and naive way, that I was really there, in Krynn, not only visiting, peeping through the keyhole of a book, but actually there. This is, I believe, the sign of a truly great book (Or books, in this case, the Legends are also highly recommended) I know that it is not my last visit to Krynn and not the last time I meet my favorite party. I hope, if you've never been there, to meet you there too.
Rating:  Summary: A Great end to a great triology Review: Books you should have already read : Dragons of Autumn Twilight and Dragons of Winter Night. The companions are separated and even though they won an important battle against the evil armies of the Dark Queen, have silver, gold and brass dragons to help them and have mastered the art of using dragonorbs and dragonlances, the final battle has to be fought hand to hand(sometimes literally!). The end is not as predictable as it sounds. Friends will die or worse, turn enemies! Who will rule Krynn in the end is not obvious. So my dear friends, read on. Take a plunge in this high adrenaline finale to the triology that keeps you on the edge and makes you a part of the victories and defeats of the valiant warriors fighting to save Krynn from eternal darkness.
Rating:  Summary: Good to the last drop. Review: Weis and Hickman can sure end a series. It feel for me like the end of one of the D&D videogames. With the final conflict with the Dark Queen at hand the Heroes must do everything to stop her. Even with some of the deaths of my more favorite characters I still had to read on to find out if the Dark Queen was going to be defeated or not.