Who knew proton torpedoes were so expensive? Apparently that's why Luke only had one pair when he set out to take down the Death Star. And that's not the only bit of trivia you'll bring away from this aptly subtitled Ultimate Guide to Star Wars Vehicles and Spacecraft. Whether you're looking for the bathroom on Jabba's sail barge or you just want to see where Boba Fett catches a few winks on Slave I, this is the book for you. In Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections, author-archaeologist David West Reynolds zooms out from cataloguing minutiae as he did in Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary, and instead takes apart the big toys of Star Wars, from AT-ATs to X-Wings. Full-color, exploded technical illustrations get you under the hood of every noteworthy ship in the Star Wars trilogy, from a grand tour of a Jawa Sandcrawler to a sprawling, four-page foldout of (what else but?) the Death Star. Detailed labels and realistic, miniature depictions of crew and characters roaming around each ship are so engaging that you may find yourself imagining you're on the Millennium Falcon giving Chewie a hand with the power couplings. --Paul Hughes