Rating:  Summary: Salvatore sets you up and then lets you down... big time Review: When I finished Salvatore's Silent Blade, I found myself rather disappointed. Salvatore was taking too much on in this novel, spreading himself too thin. Salvatore's soap opera left me more than a little dissapointed because the stories seemed to end abruptly in an open-ended fashion. Salvatore's story just copped out at the end like he was working within a limited number of pages. The stories were very good, but there was just way too much going on to give each story enough time and space to develop. If this was Salvatore's last Drizzt novel then I'm ashamed of him because of this lack of closure. If there is more to come, then I want to suggest that any future novels have a tighter focus. Before buying this book, I'd find out if Salvatore is planning more books in this series, otherwise you are in for a big disappointment and many many questions unanswered. (I encourage anyone who would like to email me, do so...I'm interested in hearing what you think.)
Rating:  Summary: Maybe the best Drizzt novel yet. Review: I started reading this book a 1:00 pm. I finished it seven hours later. This book would not let me put it down. Salvatore is the best thing to happen to fantasy since J.R.R. Tolkien. Of particular interest to me was the story of Wufgar, a man tormented by memories of his six-year imprisionment at the hands of the demon Ertuu. We also see Artemis Entreri back in Calimport. But all is not well with the assassin. Repeated defeats at the hands of Drizzt and the stay in Menzoberranzan have taken a toll on the killer. His only hope of redemtion is a rematch with the dark elf. Drizzt and friends travel to the Spirit Soaring to turn the Crystal Shard over to Cadderly, so that he may find a way to destroy it. Throw a certain dark elf mercenary, Jarlaxle, and you have one of the best of Salvatore's Forgotten Realms novels. This is definately one to buy.
Rating:  Summary: The Best! Review: One word...WOW! Bob Salvatore has impressed me once again with his lasted novel from Forgotten Realms. To say that this novel does not dissappoint is an understatement. The three interweaving storylines are masterfully written and come together wonderfully. The characters once again garb your attention and pull you into their dilemas in a way that no other writer of fantasy, besides the great Tolkien, has ever done. I congradutlate Salvatore on perhaps the greates Drizzt novel to date.
Rating:  Summary: Awe Struck Review: For those fans who've been reading since Drizzt's inception DO NOT MISS THIS BOOK. It is amazing how well Salvatore has done with sticking to the character's individual personas. A must read for anyone who loves Fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: Another Salvatore Delight! Review: R.A. Salvatore does not disappoint in his newest Drizzt book. The interplay between the companions is very well handled, and the chronicles of Entreri's actions in Calimport adds a lot to the book. The twists and turns often leave the reader engrossed in the novel (I read the book in 2 days). Can't wait for the next one!
Rating:  Summary: A dissapointing story from a great author Review: First I wish to state my tremendous respect for RA Salvatore, an author who has been an inspiration to me. His skill and vision helped give me the desire to try my own hand at the art of words. I have enjoyed his Drizzt books and the Demon War series, finding them skillfully written with equal measures of action, humor, and reflection. This noted, I must say I found Silent Blade a dissapointment. The players were all on stage but the plot and script wasn't there. As always Mr. Salvatore, through Drizzt's words at the beginning of each part, strikes home with messages of life so that even if you disagree, you can respect what he writes. I wish the rest of the book was as well done. Much of this book, getting into Artemis Enteri's black heart, was the true joy of Silent Blade for me. It was new and the action surrounding the assassin was far more exciting than Drizzt's trials during most of the book. My only problems with these portions was I felt a lack of the memorable characters RA Salvatore always creates. No one really stood out at all. In addition the city of Calimport never came alive to me, the descriptions lacking their normal vibrancy. The rest of the book focuses on the trials of Drizzt and his friends. With one exception I never felt any of them in any danger. They are simply too skilled and powerful. Nothing came even close to the edge-of-your-seat sequence of Streams of Silver when the Companions fled the troll-infested swamps. With no danger there is no suspense. The plot felt thread-bare, the desire to destroy the crystal shard recovered form the last book. New readers are given little idea of how dangerous it truly is, given along a thin backstory for the nefarious crystal. Also as complications ensue, I feel the choices made become unrealstic involving the crystal. I recognized the characters but felt nothing new came from them with the exception of Wulfgar. I want to see them grow and change. Bruenor is the same as he was in the Crystal Shard. Some development would be nice. As always Drizzt is too perfect, easily sublimating his love for Catti-bre due to Wulfgar's return. Nobility isn't perfection but the attempt to overcome flaws. I want to see the dark elf struggle with his passions, not dismiss them intellectually as is the case here. I feel Drizzt has degenerated from a flesh and blood character the reader can indentify with to a cipher that is a great swordsman and spouts words of wisdom. Admittedly this review is harsh but only due to the greatness we have seen before. Most other author I would deem this an acceptable book but not with RA Salvatore. He has shown us too much in the past. I feel as if he has grown too comfortable with the characters, unwilling in most cases to stray their course from what they have done before. Ind the book's defense, many of RA Salvatore's touches are still there. The battles are well done and the new characters are compentently created even if little is done with them. Jaraxle as always is entertaining and the dialogue is first rate with humor scattered liberally but without detracting from the novel. The elements were there, they just needed to cook longer
Rating:  Summary: Great start at a new series of books... Review: I have to give Salvatore credit (once more) with this great work of fiction. He has an uncanny ability to draw my attention to the lives of imnaginary characters; a trait that seems quite useless to many, but the implications are very well understood by me. The only thing that I can really say that is bad about this book (let's get this part over with first :) ) is that the first six chapters all have un-Salvatore-like run-on-sentances. He uses a LOT of descriptions... A LOT. Three lines of text might just be one description of one place. Of course, this is not without cause, for Salvatore does introduce us to similar environments and must compensate for the fact that "He's already descibed that in some other book." The character of Artemis Entreri halfway comes to grips with his mortality . . . which is understandable considering he must be about in his late thirties by now. Maybe that little jaunt to the Utter East (In the Double Diamong Triangle Saga) was like a mid-life crisis for him . . . sort of like a sportscar for us. =] I'm looking forward to the development of characters that have been "brushed aside." Such ones include: The elven maiden Drizzt rescued, Jarlaxle (to the point of his own backstory in a novella), Berkthgar the Bold, and the King of Mithral Hall (Bruenor's Ancestor).
Rating:  Summary: R.A. is finaly back!!! Review: This book was a great way to say Im back for RA.The silent Blade is just want we wanted more Drizzt,Bruner,Wulfgar,Catti-brie and Regis on the road of certain destruction again..Very nicely written with the suddend twist and turns that all us Drizzt'lovers are use to.All I will say is this is a must read for the fans of RA.Salvatore
Rating:  Summary: A good read Review: An excellent book I really like the way Salvatore has gone with everybodies favorite assasin Artemis Entreri. He has really matured the character making him much more appealing. Alot of the book is devoted to him which is great. I also like the way he has gone with Wulfgar and the unspoken conflict between him and Drizzt.
Rating:  Summary: Salvatore ROCKS Review: Man ever since I've read The Legacy I been reading like hell just broke lose and wounted to absorb all the storys before they were gone. In other word I now cant put books DOWN!!! My life has changed ever since I read it. Of corse I've read other author'b books before BUT with Salvatore has sparked my imagination like one one else could. I thank you for this. I just have to say that I am looking VERY forwored to reading his next book The Silent Blade. Please say Drizzt does not die thou even if he does die Wulfgar did come back from the dead. So with your cativity all of your books to come will be fantastic!!! WRIGHT MORE AND KEEP THE SPARK ALIVE!!!!!!!