Rating:  Summary: Almost there. Review: I took one star off because of drizzt's almost secondary role in this book. He's too great a character to be put on the back burner like that. The second star was taken off for a combination of three reasons. 1)Wulfgar is back. while it was interesting at first to see a man realize his mistakes and change, the constant rehashing of the same old problem (OH..I suck. I'll change.) has started to bore me. 2)the book is to short. 'nuff said. 3)Salvator keeps on putting the same old enemies in Drizzt's path. It's time to move on to some new and improved demented phycopaths for Drizzt to fight.Since Wulfgar IS back,(sigh)It would be great to have him and Catti-brie mary off. (after she has a brief fling with Drizzt, of course.) Also, I think it's time for Drizzt move off on his own and gain some new friends. (Elminster anyone?) I loved the book and thought it had plenty of adventure, and I will certainly buy upcomming Drizzt Novels. Thanx.
Rating:  Summary: Getting a little old Review: And now, direct from Calimport it's LIVE! with Regis and Cattie-Brie! Today on the show, Waterdeep's chef to the stars, Wulfgar Puck shows us how to entertain with Tundra Yeti and Ochre Jelly. Rap superstar Drizzy Drizz takes us down to south central Menzobarrazan and blows the lid of the whole Sword Coast/Ched Nasad controversy. Icewind Dale's own Bruenor the angry axe-wielding dwarf faces off against rivals Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf and Scott the Argumentative Dwarf in a miniature cage match. And special guest surgeon Artemis Entreri shows producer Gelman his new methods for small organ removal. All this and Shania Twain today on LIVE! Please, can we move on? Please? This book is okay, but it's just a bridge to yet another dozen books about the Crystal, Errtuu, Entreri and Jarlaxle. Spin these guys off, write their own books, but please do something else with Big D and his crew. I like them, I like Salvatore and I'm glad to see Caddedrly crossing over, but I'm sick of the same basic story line. Read the book and hope for something new in the future.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Continuation. Review: There are very few authors who have had the talent to keep their characters intersting through 11 books...I have read all the reviews good and bad, most of you make good points. Drizzt is getting a bit to Perfect, and Regis and Bruenor are being lost in it all.....Wulfgar turning into a scuzz is understandable..lets see how you'd act after being tormented in the Abyss by a Balor for like 8 years!!! It was well handled.......Before I go I have a request for ya R.A.S........GIVE JARLAXLE HIS OWN BOOK!!! Jarlaxle is the best char in the series...I want to know his history...what house he was from, how he became the ultra-slick bald Crystal-shard wielding Bad A$$ he is now. "Who better to wield Crenishibon indeed"..watch out Matrons...
Rating:  Summary: Very well written Review: R.A. Salvatore is one of my favorite fantasy authors and his novels pertaining to the on going saga of Drizz't Do'Urden are some of the greatest novels out there. The Silent Blade is Salvatores most recent installment and as can be expected it was wonderful. The story was great and suspensfull and I thoroughly enjoyed it despite the fact that it kind of leaves you hanging.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best of the series but Salvatore is back on track Review: I almost didn't want to buy this book since Passage to Dawn was so bad (actually it started out pretty good but went down hill fast). I was pleasantly surprised with the Silent Blade; I especially liked the return of Jarlaxle. A few things that I didn't like were the length of the book (it's pretty short), and I wasn't very impressed with Salvatore depiction of Calimport. Calimport is supposed to have an Arabian culture. I thought Salvatore didn't do a very good job with the names and descriptions of the city, they didn't sound very Arabian to me. All in all this is pretty good book that fans of the Dark elf series will enjoy. I also agree with what the other reviewer said about the artwork. Drizzt's face is too full and doesn't look anything like an elf. My favorite artwork has to be The Crystal Shard; the artist (Larry Elmore) did a fantastic job with that cover!
Rating:  Summary: Ignore all other reviews...this one makes the most sense!!! Review: As you will find with most people who have reviewed this book, they keep on going on and on about how repetitive it is compared to to other Drizzt books, how the ending leaves you with a huge cliffhanger, how Wulfgar should have stayed dead etc. etc. RUBBISH!!! The books is in no way repetitive. It is full of character and life - just like all the others. The fight scenes are as brilliant as ever. The characters are characterful as ever. I read one review that says Drizzt isn't a chaotic good character like he's supposed to be. RUBBISH! No one sticks by their alignment all the time. An anyway. How many LG rangers have you ever seen?? Eh EH?? Anyway. I would have given this book 6 out of 5 stars, but I can't 'cos that isn't logical! Yes, there is a cliffhanger at the end of the book, but only if you look at it that way. The series could perfectly well finish there and then, with no more forthcoming (though we all know that's not going to happen!!!!). Why, also, should Wulfgar have stayed dead? He may have been lacking in character as a youth, but he has grown up since then. Catti-brie and Drizzt...why not?? Alustriel (if you've ever read the Seven Sisters) has other things on her hands that dealing with one elf. They aren't as right for each other as you might think. Catti-brie and Drizzt on the other hand are made for each other. They both have a free spirit (as Bob is so fond of telling us) and make a great team. There is only one qualm I have about this book as a whole. As far as I am aware, not once does Bob Salvatore wrote "He was bald, unusual for a drow!" about Jarlaxle. This was a line I always picked out. I don't know why. I've just come to miss it now its not there!!! But...hey...I'm griping! Read the book. If you like it, you like it. If not... I'm just a bit dissapointed that Bob decided to make Wulfgar an alcoholic. That sort of screws up the novel that I've written to submit to TSR. After all...we don't want TSR to get a bad name for publishing books that promote drinking...
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Addition Review: I had very high hopes for this book, and to my suprise, my hopes were exceded. I apprecaited the interesting plot and characterization, and couldn't put the book down. But as always, I leave the book feeling that Drizzt is my hero and Wulfgar should have stayed dead ;)
Rating:  Summary: Discussion... Review: Drizzt is our hero...He is the most popular hero on realms maybe...He is intelligent, agile, charismatic bla bla bla...Salvatore is a god among Fantasy authors...YES! ...But...(a big but, mind it...) Drizzt lives similar experiences...he meets Artemis again and again, or errtu, Crenshinibon... So? What do we need in Drizzt novels? hmmm Lets think...First of all, is there any warrior in realms who could beat Drizzt? I don't think so...This makes Drizzt our idol right? again...is Drizzt really Chaotic Good? Nope...He acts just like a Lawful Good char, maybe Salvatore can make him more like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, and is Catti-Brie suitable for Drizzt? no nonono...Drizzt deserves Alustriel. Not this girl...if mr.Salvatore u r reading this please tell me what do u think of these....thank u!
Rating:  Summary: Simply Excellent! Review: I've followed the adventures of Drizzt and his companions for a while, but I have to say that The Silent Blade just became one of my most favorite books. Finally, we get to see another side of Artemis Entreri! Well done!
Rating:  Summary: what is wrong....? Review: I don't know what is wrong with everyone. I read the book, andI must say it is a great addition to the series. I've never read books like this before, ones that hold my attention longer than 2 minutes. Why does everyone have to complian? most of the reviews were complaints! all I have to say is...enjoy the book, don't examine it. I love the way things have turned out, and the covers have been amazing, especially the new one for "The Silent Blade." I am excited, as usual, for the next, and I hope every takes the time to read the book, before critique it. thanks bob salvatore! keep them all coming!! Kenny