Rating:  Summary: Final Fantasy X...Better Than VII? Review: When I first bought this book, I was stuck in Mushroom Rock Road at the sinspawn fight. After I bought this book, I have gotten about halfway through the game after starting over again. This is really a good book if you don't mind stuff like "For more information about loaning money to O'aka, turn to the "Shops" section of this guide." That can get kind of annoying after a while. Also, it does not explain the training arena in the Calm Lands very well; an FAQ online at gamefaqs.com really helps on that, though. And the directions to solve the Cloister of Trials are rather vague, and very confusing for the one where you get Bahamut. But overall, this is a very good guide for a very good PS2 game. The Blitzball character section at the back is especially helpful. Ryja y kuut tyo, yht ihdem haqd desa, rybbo kysehk! (Just in case you're wondering, that's the in-game language, Al Bhed, for "have a good day, and until next time, happy gaming!)
Rating:  Summary: The Final Fantasy 10 Offical Strategy Guide! Review: I've heard that stores dont sell the Final Fantasy 10 Strategy Guide. So I thought how about if I get this right on Amazon.com! So I ordered it and then when I opened it, it was full with colorful pages, boss strategys, characters, items, weapons, walkthrough, 2 sided poster, sphere grid, secrets, and etc! LOL. This is the strategy guide that you will need for the game Final Fantasy 10. If your stuck on a part on Final Fantasy 10, this is the strategy guide for you, if you need to learn more about what the game is about this guide is for you, if you need to know where the hidden aeons are or any weapons or items this is...you know. Get this strategy guide, you will need it cause later in the game, you will need to know how to kill Sin and all. Well, if you want to see a couple of example pages, click on the picture of it. This has 272 pages! Also, it shows some of the graphic pictures on it. Anyways, good luck!
Rating:  Summary: Sometimes You Need a Leg Up Review: Many published guides exist for games that simply do not need umpty dozen slick pages of fan information and a simple-minded walkthrough. These are simply marketing maneuvers to increase profitability. But occasionally, a game comes along that is so complicated and secretive that simply following the linear path may win you the game, but miss the real richness and effort put into it. Final Fantasy X (FFX) is one of those games that come along so rarely, and the possession of this strategy guide will greatly enhance play.Technically, this guide is typical in format. It starts with an introduction to the game, its main characters, and the spiritual forces called Aeons. There is a discussion of the unique system for acquiring enhancing abilities, discussions of weapons and armor, key items, shops, etc. Following the walkthrough are sections on side quests, secrets of the game, how to play blitzball (something I never mastered), an extensive bestiary and some interviews with the creative staff. This is a glossy, 270-page dissertation on the game - an alarming amount of information. The walkthrough itself is quite thorough, complete with the customary maps, illustrations, and directions. The discussion, however, is not always in the best order, creating the possibility that over reliance on the guide may lead the player to make some irritating, but not fatal mistakes. Some of the diagrams for the puzzles are also a bit hazy, perhaps deliberately. In any case, this is a complicated game, and even a guide like this will miss some details. I think this is for the best, actually. It keeps the player from simply connecting the dots. There is a real danger that the extra quests, etc., will lead the player to over-level the characters. It is possible to get to the point that the final series of battles is something of an anti-climax. Keep this in mind when using the guide. Some help is a blessing, but too much can spoil the show. Even so, this is the best resource for extending game play. If you want to squeeze the last few drops of value from the game, this is what you need.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Companion to an Awesome game!! Review: The Final Fantasy X Strategy Guide is, simply put: awesome. The guide leads the player through the game (spoiler-free!) all the way to the final battle. It has a detailed section on side quests and mini games, which I found very helpful. The layout of the guide is visually appealing and very thoughtful. I enjoyed flipping through the guide, looking at the pictures. To fully experience Final Fantasy X, I highly recommend buying this guide. Although it is relatively easy to reach the end of the game, this guide enriches and enhances the experience. Another excellent guide from Brady Games that is well worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Dan Birlew is Garbage Review: I hate to be contrary, since most people seem happy with this guide, and since there's no alternative on the market, but I'd also hate for bradygames and playonline to think that most of their customers are satisfied. Dan Birlew seems to be the author of a great deal of official guides. He authored the notorious guide to ff9. (here's a summary of that guide: want to know more about x? go to playonline.com.) apparently Birlew and company learned from that experience that a guide can't consist of a series of links to a website, because this guide is more forthcoming than that one. As you would expect from an official guide, it contains information about who you're going to fight, what you can find, and where you can find it (though the maps aren't always terribly clear). What it doesn't contain is anything resembling STRATEGIES for anything except the boss battles. Want tips about the confusing weapon customization system? you're on your own. blitzball tips? sorry. an intelligible walkthrough for the temples where you aquire the aeons? well, you get the idea. guidbooks didn't used to be this bad. the unofficial guide to ff7 was the best ever. it was written from the point of view of the gamer. now it seems that the game makers suppress unofficial guides and control the kind of information that's released in the official guides. but the result is that there's literally no advantage to having the official guide, as opposed to downloading the tips that are freely available on the internet. please, please save your money.
Rating:  Summary: It's satisfactory Review: As far as strategy guides go, I'd say this is definately one of the bluest that I own.... I enjoyed looking at the pictures and the several scetches of the characters. In all honesty, there's nothing wrong with the looks of this thing. The maps are pretty easy to follow, as well, and the poster thing of Rikku's Overdrive mixes was just a gem. Plus, the advice in here is really handy, and you'll find out convenient little things that make the game a little more towards your liking. Everything isn't in the most accessable order, but if you don't mind flipping around here and there, then it's great. However, the author of this guide doesn't always spell everything out for you plain and simple. There are a few things that you have to watch for yourself; he won't mention them in the walkthrough--such as the item you get towards the beginning of the game in Besaid for Valefor's second Overdrive. He slips that information in while he's describing the aeon in the introductory pages, but not in the walkthrough. But if you pay attention, you should be able to catch little things like that and have no problems.
Rating:  Summary: Good Guide that doesn't hold your hand Review: Getting a perfect guide book is rare, Brady games usually gets it right though. After the horrid guide to Final Fantasy IX, which was virtually useless as it would merely referr the reader to the Play Online Website for the solutions, I was really hesitant to buy this book. The game is pretty staright forward and I found myself referring to the book on very few occasions, which is abnormal for an FF game. I used this guide for the not so obvious secrets, but not a lot. The guide does not hold your hand in it's walkthrough, but thankfully doesn't leave you hanging either. However, some of the secrets could have been, and should have been incorperated into the main walk through, having to bounce between sections of the book was aggrivating, and I think that Brady should reevaluate their format and consider throwing the secrets into the main walkthrough. Also, some of the secrets were vague and unclear. I opened the secret path in the frozen forrest, but couldn't get to the crystal to charge the clouudy mirror because some blockhead was standing in the way. The book says nothing about how to get that person to move. Also the Cactuar ghost side quest, Some of the rocks you have to touch would glow, but would stop glowing as I approached, and when they stop glowing it won't do anything. The book offers no remedy for this dillema as well. I did beat the game, but with many of the side quests unfinished, and for the first time in my long history of Final Fantasy with none of the ultimate weapons. The guide was efficent, but could have been a little more elaborate without guiding me by the hand.
Rating:  Summary: If you got the game, you WILL NEED this strategy guide Review: "Try try again." Thats what you always hear if you cant win it yet. But this strategy guide can be useful for anything on the game. -sphere grid -items and weapons -boss strategys -characters -walkthrough And more! This helped me beat the whole game when I got this. Now my friend is borrowing it for her time in trying to beat the game. NOT WASTE OF MONEY. Good Luck! ^Elizabeth^
Rating:  Summary: FFX Strategy guide review Review: An excellent guide book features 2 page charecter info for all 6 main charecters tells you how to find the 3 hidden aeons and tells you how to use the sphere grid tells you all 64 mix combonations Rikus overdrive can make! Comes with awsome two sided poster 1 side with the sphere grid and one with the mix combonations riku can make! Has an EXCELLENT walk through for every area! Defenitaly buy this book! Don not be hesitant to buy this cause of the authors horrible guide book he made for IX this one is much better!
Rating:  Summary: It helps Review: The guide helps, especially when you're playing it for the second time. It is incredibly useful when attempting to capture animals, finding Al Behd primers (but the author disregards some things in the beginning that may prevent the player from advancing in the language early on), and treasure chests that you may have overlooked. It isn't a cheat book, but it can give some useful tips; in addition, like another reviewer stated, it doesn't hold your hand. If you need additional help (espcially on side quests), it's best to check out message boards like IGN.Com. Overall, it's a good book..but try not to rely on it so heavily, cause glancing down at a book constantly makes playing it less fun.