Rating:  Summary: Stinks. Really stinks. No, seriously, it really stinks. Review: (1) The writing stinks. Example: "This evil one is trying to kill me! But I am a greater master of the Force than he." Really. That's what it says. Seriously. Example 2 : "More Jedi. But they are only women." To which Leia responds, "Vardna Mojaya! You've hurt Luke." Did he not know that? (2) The plot stinks. DEI brought back the emperor from the dead and armed him with the usual superweapon. DEII (surprise!) brings back the emperor from the dead and arms him with a superweapon. Excuse me? Didn't we just see that in the last episode? Can you spare an original idea? (3) The artwork stinks. None of the characters look like the actors. Each frame has only 1 or 2 colors, which are either garish or washed out. (4) Why is almost everything green? In sum, don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT SEQUEL TO DARK EMPIRE Review: Actually, I do wonder about some of the stuff in here. The Emperor had Force storms in Dark Empire I; where are they in DE II? He could have used one to scoop up the Jedi children on New Alderaan and use the Galaxy Gun on the planet to eliminate the last vestiges of opposition!
Rating:  Summary: This was an average book. Review: Although this book continues the story of Star Wars I think that the Emperor should finially meet his end without coming back to life. Tom Veitch does a pretty good job at telling the story but I think he should stop makeing more super weopons and focus on the characters more than he does. I liked the art work done by Cam Kennedy, but I didn't like the fact that the characters had a green tint to them. But over all this was a fairlly well done story.
Rating:  Summary: A Death Star's Dead End Review: As much as I liked the first part of Star Wars Dark Empire, its sequel, Dark Empire II, should never have been given the go ahead at all-much less been published.Following Luke's encounter with the dark side and his capture by the Emperor and the mission to rescue him, he returns to the alliance to begin rebuilding the Jedi. With the empire in retreat, all seems as though the galaxy is on the road to stability. But it doesn't last--Luke is being haunted by the power of the dark side of the force and the command of Palpatine. Let's see, not only was Palpatine defeated in Return Of The Jedi, he was behind the events of Dark Empire, ultimately defeated again--now he is back. How many times is that? And he has yet another doomsday weapon ala` the Death Star to crush his enemies. I liked how Tom Veitch made the first Dark Empire story borne out of what author Tim Zahn created in his Thrawn trilogy. The story for DE II is just a retread of what DE was all about. The Emperor's surprise return worked once because you weren't really expecting it. But twice--c'mon. What a cheat and very lazy way out. Cam Kennedy returns to handle the art for this sequel. I didn't care for his work on the first Dark Empire, and I feel the same way about the art for DE II. The only difference now is, the story is as bad as the art.... Everything and everyone in the book looks abstract. Bonus material in the book features a foreword by Original trilogy illustrator Ralph McQuarrie, an afterword by Dark Empire author Tom Veitch, and a series cover gallery with great work by Dave Dorman--and reason I gave the book a second star. What a disappointment...
Rating:  Summary: The Immortal Emperor Review: Boy, as much as I love Star Wars, some authors sure come up with dumb ideas. I had just gotten over the Star Wars Christmas special and Han's party in ZORBA THE HUTT's REVENGE (oh, so hardened smugglers drink "zoochberry juice), when I found Dark Empire II. For starters, the title just shows how lazy Veitch and his editors are. Emperor Palpatine's death was the climax of Return of the Jedi and was the moment was marked the redemption of Anakin Skywalker and the fall of the Empire. So what does Veitch do? Resurrects our favorite despot...over and over and over. And I have to admit that the World Devestators were a decent concept (much more efficient than a Death Star). But the Galaxy Gun is just plain stupid. Especially since the Galaxy Gun ends up colliding with the aptly named Eclipse II, destroys Byss, and makes me wonder why I spent the money. Thanks alot Tom Veitch.
Rating:  Summary: Dark Empire 2 is good so read it. Review: Dark Empire 2 was good book because I like books that don't take a lot of time on making sure the character's nose is just right or the eye's. The characters were crisp and clean drawn. A real good story line too. Write back if you agree or disagree with what I am Saying.
Rating:  Summary: Why Did Vietch Have to Push It? Review: Dark Empire I wasn't too bad, although the continual pushing of doom and gloom, like that in the New Jedi Order novels, gets very tiresome very fast. Well, they took the repetitiveness to a whole new level with DEII. Now Palpatine's back, even after Luke slashed up all his clones in DEI. And he's got another superweapon, the Galaxy Gun. The idea itself would be a great one, if not for one fact: the weapon stays in orbit over Byss, which is in the Deep Core. Trying to hit a single target with a straight shot across the galaxy is hard enough, but here they're doing it by somehow shooting it through a space so congested by gasses and stars that manned spacecraft find it almost impenitrable. So the idea goes down the tubes. The highly controversial Kennedy art is a mixed course. The coloring can set the mood at times, but I'd still take Nestelle any day. His people are okay, but not very Star Wars-ish. That said, though, he draws good machinery and the ground battle on Byss was superb. Indeed, the large-scale ground battles on Byss and New Alderaan were the high points of DEII. Vietch's story is okay, but when the past is accounted for it gets tiresome. DEI was wrapped up nicely, even after it broke the nicely-wrapped-up ending of RotJ apart. Then Vietch has to throw yet another clone into the mix and downsize the importance of everything again. In a lot of ways, this is like the New Jedi Order series. Can the people in the Republic who fought for years and years ever get a break? Nobody is that bloody selfless. At least give them a little time to relax before Galactic Menace #72686123 comes and bears it ugly head.
Rating:  Summary: Why Did Vietch Have to Push It? Review: Dark Empire I wasn't too bad, although the continual pushing of doom and gloom, like that in the New Jedi Order novels, gets very tiresome very fast. Well, they took the repetitiveness to a whole new level with DEII. Now Palpatine's back, even after Luke slashed up all his clones in DEI. And he's got another superweapon, the Galaxy Gun. The idea itself would be a great one, if not for one fact: the weapon stays in orbit over Byss, which is in the Deep Core. Trying to hit a single target with a straight shot across the galaxy is hard enough, but here they're doing it by somehow shooting it through a space so congested by gasses and stars that manned spacecraft find it almost impenitrable. So the idea goes down the tubes. The highly controversial Kennedy art is a mixed course. The coloring can set the mood at times, but I'd still take Nestelle any day. His people are okay, but not very Star Wars-ish. That said, though, he draws good machinery and the ground battle on Byss was superb. Indeed, the large-scale ground battles on Byss and New Alderaan were the high points of DEII. Vietch's story is okay, but when the past is accounted for it gets tiresome. DEI was wrapped up nicely, even after it broke the nicely-wrapped-up ending of RotJ apart. Then Vietch has to throw yet another clone into the mix and downsize the importance of everything again. In a lot of ways, this is like the New Jedi Order series. Can the people in the Republic who fought for years and years ever get a break? Nobody is that bloody selfless. At least give them a little time to relax before Galactic Menace #72686123 comes and bears it ugly head.
Rating:  Summary: A good comic but not an extraordinary sequel to Dark Empire Review: Dark Empire II is good as far as comics goes but I think that having super weapons isn't fascinating anymore. We've seen so much weapons that a Galaxy Gun becomes dull. Could they use SMALL WEAPONS instead?
You're the judge.
Rating:  Summary: Fantanstic as far as comics go. Review: Dark Empire II was the first of the Dark Empire series i read, although the Emperor came back with sidebburns and more, i thought that the plot , and drawings were fantastic. My only complaint is that there seems to be a pit of unlimited superweapons, Death Star, Death Star 2, Sun Crusher, Starbuster, Galaxy Gun, world Devestators, Eclispe Star Destroyers. I am sure many other Star Wars fans will feel the same way.