Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Review: I had read the Lord of the Rings trilogy several times before in the past but this year with the realease of the film trilogy by New Line Cinema I decided to read them once more. The Two Towers is the second book in the trilogy. It begins right where the first one left off with Frodo and Sam just beginning to venture into the dark land of Mordor. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are heading off in search of the captured friends Merry and Pippin. The main conflict in this book is an large advancing army of Uruk-hai, large disgusting beasts bread for the single purpose of destroying life. This army was created by the evil wizard Saruman who is now in alliance with the Dark Lord Sauron, thus the books name, after each of these characters places of residence. The book ends with the army defeated and the country of Rohan saved but with much work still to be done. Sauron's power is still great and Frodo has not yet destroyed the ring. The story continues in the third book, The Return of the King. I reccomend this trilogy to all readers, fantasy lover or not. This series is one of the greatest literary works ever published. The depth and detail with witch Tolkien writes is amazing.
Rating:  Summary: The Two Towers: A Great Adventure Review: J.R.R Tolkien continues the first part of an adventure The Fellowship of the Ring with this great sequel The Two Towers. This book took the first part and made it look dull compared to all the adventure and action in this one. I loved this book because it makes a whole new world of imagination and has description that it makes it seem like your actually apart of the journey. I also liked it because of the adventure and action sequences that take place in this book. But even though this book has action and adventure there is also the emotion that may even make you emotional. I don't really relate to my book except for when it comes to the characters, because I do relate to the characters. All in all, this book is so good not only will people who love fantasy, but all sorts of people will be shoving their faces in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Gotta love the simple minded Review: Ok to start off im am well aware that we all have our own opinions as far as well everything, but bashing this book is only the passtime of those addicted to something not legal in the united states. hmm... where to begin, how about with the first review 1 star "i didnt like this book i thought it was scary" what the hell is wrong with you tell you what pull the covers over your head and turn the nighlight up so you can read you pop up books. ok next victim stated this book was boring had cheesy characters and is boring read wheel of time. Man i dont know what your on but it must be good you see all those cheesy character are the basis for all the other characters in pretty much every single fantasy ever written are based on what tolkien wrote. a dwarf is always the the way tolkien described it in this trilogy, same goes for elves wizards and halflings. Oh yea the story is mundane and cheesy as well. man oh man gotta love the simple minded. you see god knows the whole fantasy setting does seem to blend from book to book, but when tolkien wrote this masterpiece it wasn't and do you know why, because tolkien created the entire fantasy genre with this cheesy storyline. every other fantasy nad i mean every other fantasy you read you can thank tolkien for because if not for him modern fantasy writers would have to go through all the trouble he did of creating an imaginary world with divers races and settings, also a few languages, oh and like i said tha basis that modern fantasy writers use for there characters, also creating a few thousand years worth of history. So in short read the wheel of time excellent fantasy, as are many others but try to remember who put all the work into it because all of them are just this book regurgitated, sad but true
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books Review: Everyone needs to read this for the story, characters, detail, and amazing things that Tolkien did to make this masterpiece a masterpiece. This is much better than the "Fellowship.." with much more action and excitement that makes you wanting more. If you're a fan of the first book then pick this one up right away.
Rating:  Summary: the bestbook out of the three Review: lord of the ringsThe Two Towers follows the lives of the Fellowship, shortly after they broke up. Samwise and Frodo trek on to destroy the ring at Mt. Doom, and the rest, including Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli search for Merry and Pippin, who had been kidnapped by Orcs. Fierce battles, amazing dialogue and very memorable characters made "The Two Towers" a great read. I won't spoil the ending, but, I'll tell you this: After I completed "The Two Towers", I immediately went out and purchased "Return of the King" to see how it would end.I would recomend it to any one from 13 above to read it.
Rating:  Summary: The Best in the series Review: J.R.R. Tolkein wrote one of the greatest trilogies of all time called The Lord of the Rings. My favorite book of them all was the second book called The Two Towers. Frodo and Sam have broken away with the fellowship and are heading towards Mt. Doom, the only place where the ring can be destroyed. While Frodo travels to Mt. Doom, Aragon, Gimli and Legolas risk their lives to save their companions who were captured by a group of orcs. Will Frodo succeed in destroying the ring? Or will it fall into the hands of Sauron? Can Aragon save his friends from torture and death? Find out if greed will destroy them all in this great novel.
Rating:  Summary: The Two Towers Review: I thought that this book was great. It was filled with tons of actions. Anyone who picks up this book will not be able to put it down till the end. J.R.R. Tolkien knew what he was doing when he wrote this series. Read this book today I promise you'll enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: The One with No Beginning and No Ending Review: The hardest part of being in the middle of a trilogy is its has no beginning and no ending. But was that a problem when you have the first and the third at hand? Really its not a matter for me as a reader even the writer JRR Tolkein at one time in his life writing this book feel tired and hopeless. The complexity of this novel is very clear in this second installment. The characters are not confused anymore and the journey is somehow sickening in somepart ( Frodo and Sam with ashes and irritatingly routine meals, lembas) and interesting in the others (Helm's Deep and Sam as a hero).
Rating:  Summary: Part two, in two parts Review: As the quest against Sauron continues, the Fellowship has split and gone their separate ways. The first half of the book follows the majority of the Fellowship, first as they search for their captured comrades, then as they fight the forces of Saruman. The second part chronicles the voyage of Frodo and Sam (and later Gollum), as they attempt to reach the realm of the enemy.As the book progresses, the reader can really begin to see the development of each character. The long, difficult journey undertaken by Frodo, Sam, and Gollum reveals much about each character: that Frodo is struggling with the burden of the ring, the hastiness of Sam, and the inner conflict and treachery that consumes Gollum. I'm not a big fan of the fantasy genre in general, in large part due to the the massive volumes generated by authors chronicling the minute details of every quest. It's tedious to read for all but die-hard fans of the genre. This arises in the Two Towers, but Tolkien's masterful sense of setting and character manage to keep the reader's interest, in spite of the long lulls in the action. This is a wonderful second installment, bridging the gap between the first stage of the quest and the final struggle. The true magnitude of Frodo's burden becomes evident, as does the power agaist which all good must stand or be destroyed.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Review: The two towers is an awesome book I like the action and the discriptions. You would like this book if you like fantasy and action. I give this book a 5 star and I can read this book any time.