Rating:  Summary: Ring Review Review: This story is about an epic adventure of the fellowship and the battle for Middle Earth. It starts out that Pippen and Mary were caught by orcs and in feeling sorrow Aragon,Gimli,Lagolas, track down the Orcs but to only find there bodies burning.The story ends with the battle of helms deep the sacred fortress of Rohan wich saurom tries to attack with his army of Orcs.The fellowship tries there hardest to defend it but then gandolf the white comes to the rescue. This book is great I mean it was the second book I have read In my life.
Rating:  Summary: hobbit heros Review: This is the sequel to the Fellowship of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. After the fellowship has been broken, Frodo and Sam have set off on a different way as their companions towards the dark land of Mordor. Frodo's one mission: to destroy a small gold ring that will give the Dark lord ultimate power. One small compilcation: the ring can only be destroyed by throwing it into the mouth of Mt. Doom, right next to the dark fortress Barad Dur. I thought this was a good book an its one you can read more than once.
Rating:  Summary: best book ever Review: I read a very good book and that book was The Lord of The Rings The Two Towers.There were two things I liked in the book and that was they how Leglas shot two arrows at his enemies. Then the last thing I liked was when Gandalf was coming over the hill for Aragon with an army. I think this would be good book for everyone to read.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the rings reivew Review: Michael Simmons 12/09/03 Pd.7 Reading Imagine given a magical ring that could destroy the entire world if the forces of evil get it, if you don't destroy it. This is what Frodo Baggins had to do. This story is about a struggle for a ring of power in a place called middle earth. The two sides of the struggle are the free peoples and the forces of the dark lord called Sauron. Characters in the story are Frodo (a Hobbit), Sam (also a Hobbit), Legolas (an Elf), Gimli (a Dwarf), and Borimer, Arogon, Gandalf, Saruman, and Theoden (all Men). The setting takes place in a place called middle earth. In middle earth there are many regions were these different people live. Like the Shire (where the Hobbits live), Rivendel (where the Elves live), Gondor, Rohan, and Isengard (where the Men live), and all in the mountains live the Dwarfs and the Goblins (part of the evil side), and finely where the Orcs (evil) live in Mordor. The plot of the story is that a dark lord called Sauron, a spirit, has his minion's try to take the ring from Frodo. While he is doing that, armies of Sarumans from Isengard attack the people of Rohan. This is where the struggle of Rohan to survive comes in. Now the heroes have to split up. First, My over all opinion of this book is that it was a good adventure book but too many details. This book is a Fantasy book. The only way that this was a page turner book is because of the action. Last This book was Fantasy because none of the book was true. The book is part of a 3-book series, and this is the second one of the series. In conclusion, I recommend this book to people who can remember things.
Rating:  Summary: Good book for teens and adults Review: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - one of the bestselling books in the 20th Century. The "Two Towers" is the second part of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Reading this book without having read (or seen the movie) the first part, The Fellowship of the Ring, this book does not make any sense. This book has 398 pages and is printed pretty small. Even though the book was written for adults, many kids and teens (like me) read it. It has a 6.3 reading level. J.R.R. Tolkien describes Middle Earth in the book series "The History of Middle Earth" the book "The Hobbit" and the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The Lord of the Rings really has six books, each of the three books has two books. In the first book Frodo, a hobbit (small human-like creature) gets the Ruling Ring. He and the fellowship ride for a few months and have many adventures. The fellowship's goal is to destroy the ring. At the end the fellowship scatters. In the first part of the two towers most of the fellowship (except Frodo) fight the traitor Saruman and have adventures of their own. In the second part Frodo and his servant Samwise go to the borders of the dark land, Mordor. There they get attacked by a monster. After all I would recommend this book to adult and teens who read or saw the first book. Because of battles describes with many people dying I would not recommend this book to kids under 6.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers Review: If you want to read the best book in the world, Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, by J.R.R. Tolkien is the one! This fantasy, adventure-filled novel, takes place in Middle Earth. Frodo Baggins continues his journey to Mount Doom to destroy the Ring of Power, with his guide and best friend, Samwise Gamgee. With the death of Gandalf in the Mines of Moria, and Boromir in the woods, Frodo and Sam must be strong to continue their long, dreadful, and dangerous road to Mordor. They had been separated from their fellow companions Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli. Meanwhile, Merry and Pippin were kidnapped by the Uruk-Hai, and now Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are in hot pursuit. Frodo and Sam soon realize that they aren't alone. While they are sleeping, Gollum attacks Frodo and tries to take 'The Precious' (the Ring) from him. Gollum is held captive until he offers to take them to the Black Gates of Mordor, and in return he will be set free. Gollum make a solemn promise by swearing on 'The Precious.' After making it to the Black Gates, Gollum says that there is another safer and more secret way to get to Mount Doom. Frodo and Sam unknowingly agree, and don't know that Gollum actually has another plan in store for them. To find out what happens in this exciting, page turner epic, you must read this book! Having reading this book, I can truly die a happy person, knowing that this is the best book I will ever read in my entire life!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, entertaining, stimulating novel Review: the Two Towers continues the exciting story of the fellowship of the ring. It offers more excitement and suspense as well as several surprises. Tolkien consistently stretches the reaches of imagination, and he always provides logic and reason so that his story makes sense and follows a consistent stream of creativity. As I read the rings trilogy, I found that it was helpful to have seen to the movies to help picture the events, characters, and surroundings. Of course, the movies made much more sense after reading the books, but I found reading the books more enjoyable than the movies. I am really glad that I decided to read them at a friend's suggestion. Tolkien is an excellent writer. This book along with the others is intelligently written. It is not just kid's stuff. It is stimulating reading. He tells a great story filled with complex characters and plots. The story follows a logical and understandable path that sparks the readers full imagination and range of emotions. This book offers some of the severest character conflicts in the books as the characters must make sharp decisions about their actions and alliances. It introduces new characters and species that offer fresh starts throughout the story. This book of the story in no way serves as a filler or drags on and on. It is filled with action and suspense. There is no let up in the action at all. And don't think that since you have seen the movie, you don't need to read the book. If you liked the movie at all, you will indeed enjoy the book, especially if your one criticism of the movie is that it didn't make sense. The book will fill in the gaps and will cause you to appreciate the movie much more.
Rating:  Summary: The Two Towers It's pretty good! Review: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Two Towers brings this fantasy world of the Middle Earth to life, with his vivid description of the land around. Tolkien's epic adventure takes you on the ride right along with the characters. Though at times the tale is tedious, it is as a journey over valleys and mountains would be. If you choose to read this book, I would definitely recommend reading The Fellowship of the Ring first, it being the first book of the trilogy. That would then allow you to understand much more of the story.
Rating:  Summary: Review for the Two Towers Review: I thought that this was a great book. It has a great story. I like the way that he wrote the first story about Aragorn, Gimili, and Legolas and then he told the story about Frodo and Sam. I like the second book the best because I was surprised with that part because the movie left alot of things there out. I had seen the movie before I read the book. I liked in the first book when they won the battle of Helm's Deep. I also liked when Gandalf broke Saruman's staff. The book has a great ending even though it is not happy, it leaves you hanging. the movies did a bad job,in my opinion, of illistrating the books. I liked the character Gollum.He was very strange, though. I also like the fearsome Uruk Hai. Very neat charaters. The Ents must have really been hard to make up. They were pretty off the wall. All around I might say this is the best book out of the three in the series.
Rating:  Summary: very descriptive Review: Have you ever imagined what the battle of Helm's Deep was like? The Bloody swords, Orcs with arrows in them, the dead Rohirrim on the walls? It's just one of the bloody battles in The Lord Of The Rings fantasy by J.R.R. Tolkien. Have you ever imagined what the Shire looks like? If you read this novel, you'll see the Shire in your head because Tolkien is very descriptive of the surroundings. The name of the main character is Frodo Baggins. Frodo is a sixty-year old Hobbit. The setting is Middle Earth in the Third age. The most important conflict is trying to destroy a Mystical ring made by the Dark Lord Sauron. In order to destroy the one ring, a fellowship is made of nine companions, each of a different race. There are Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Frodo, who are Hobbits with swords. Then there are two men, Boromir and Aragorn, who are equipped with bows and swords. There is an Elf, named Legolas, equipped with both swords and a bow and arrow. Then there is Gimli, a Dwarf with a broad battle ax. The last character is a wizard, a supernatural being named Gandalf Greyhame. This Fellowship of the ring is attacked by many agents of the dark lord -- things, like Ringwraiths, Orcs, Uru-kai, and Easterlings. I liked the book. One of the reasons I liked the book was because it had a lot of action and humor, for instance the Battle at Helm's Deep where the action and humor is contained mostly in the book. One example of humor is, and I Quote " Twenty-one!" cried Gimli. He hewed a two-handed stroke and laid the last Orc before his feet. "Now my count passes Master Legolas again." An example of the action is when Aragorn and his friend Eomer go to the gate and draw swords together. "Aragorn and Eomer ran to the gate. "look!" Eomer said, pointing to the Causeway. Both Orc and Easterlings ran towards the gate. Two dozen Orcs ran towards Legolas and Gimli, who were following Aragorn and Eomer. When they got to the gate, about three dozen lay slain on the ground. The only problem was that they were not dead. Eomer went to step through them, but two Orcs grabbed his heels, tripping him on the floor. They got up and were about to kill him, when Gimli sliced their heads off, just saving Eomer." I liked the book because of the battles. The final reason I liked it was because in the battles, Legolas and Gimli bet each other on who would kill the most Orcs. On example is, from the text: "Twenty-one!" said Gimli, patting his axe. "Good!" said Legolas, whetting his sword. " but my count is now Two dozen." "It has been real knife-work up here." One reason I disliked the book was because the Fellowship split up in the novel before this one.