Rating:  Summary: READING THIS BOOK IS ILLOGICAL!!! Review: This is the WORST Star Trek book I have ever read!
Sherman and Shwartz have done something that is very common to books like these: they projected themselves in to the story as one of the characters. The only difference is, where other authors may have made themself a Ensign with a walk on in the story, Sherman and Shwartz have made themselves the Captain as well as the focus of the story! Forget the fact that it took Spock a lifetime to be able to call Jim Kirk a friend! Spock and Capt. Rabin are buds! They sit around tossing Jewish expressions around like Linda Richman of "Coffee Talk" fame. It's a joke! And it's not that they mention that the new (and wimpy) Capt. Rabin is Jewish and why it relates to the story. Instead they keep going back again and again, reminding the reader of this fact, -stopping just short of having Capt. Rabin performing a circumcision on Spock. Any true fan of Star Trek will sit there and wonder why they are reading this crap when there are so many better novels worth their attention! The only thing more amazing is that they are writing a sequel! Frankly, If I want to read Trek books that introduce new characters and tell their tales, I'll read the "New Frontier" line of books.
If you have read every single Trek book out there, you might want to give it a try. Otherwise, put this at the very bottom of your reading wish list. I proudly place me Trek books on a shelf after I read them. This hardcover I traded back to the book store for a used paperback. They should have named this one "Vulcan's Folly".
Rating:  Summary: How Spock became who he is today. Review: A little over a year after the disappearance of Capt. Kirk, as seen in Generations, Spock, now in command of the science vessel Intrepid II, receives a call for help from his friend David Rabin, commander of the Federation colony on the desert planet Obsidian, within sneezing distance of the Romulan Neutral Zone. David is convinced the Romulans are engaging in corrupt business activities there. The investigation brings back memories of Spock's childhood, when he and David were forced to find their way home in the Vulcan desert after attending Spock's violently disrupted coming of age ceremony. What I enjoy most about this book is the insight it brings to Spock's character development. We find out for the first time what it might really have been that would make Spock decide to defy his father's wishes and join Starfleet rather than the Vulcan Science Academy. I am reminded of similar circumstances in my own life.
Rating:  Summary: Spock searching for Spock Review: A very interesting story that was actually two stories in one almost. It is a great origin story on how Spock was first introduced to Starfleet as a boy and an excellent story on the dealings of his emotions looking for approval from his father Sarek. A great in depth on charcater development on the warring emotional half human side of Spock and his logical side as well. It was nice to see Uhura shine and there are always the quick quips of Dr. McCoy to laugh over. The overall story was a little weak and very predictable. The story is set up in a way where there are no major suprises. I think this book was more of a fill-in book on the some of the missing years between the disaperance of Kirk and when Spock becomes an Ambassador.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing..... Review: After having just finished reading Andrew J. Robinson's outstanding DS9 novel 'A Stitch in Time', I was really looking forward to other Trek stories. Well, the audio adaption of 'Vulcan's Forge' was a clear disappointment. The cliche burdened script had me yawning after the first few minutes. The authors' attempt to make the characters come alive fails in most all instances. The dialogue is rarely clever, and the tepid storyline (interspaced with even more cliche ridden dramatics) almost made me give up half way through. Likwise, the hardback version of this book is in the bargain bin (gee, I wonder why!) at my local bookstore. To be fair, I perused it for several minutes. Sadly, the unabridged story is even more tedious than the audio tape. The abridged cassettes actually saved me from more monotony. It's poor stories and uninspired writing like this that make people chuckle at the literary quality and entertainment value of Star Trek. Only Nimoy's voice talents prevent this from being a 1-star stinker.
Rating:  Summary: I cant understand how people could not like this book Review: An excellent book one of the best Ive read. The only part I didnt like is when the crazed vulcan started shooting people that seemed odd. Other that that it was excellent
Rating:  Summary: The Best I've Read Review: As an avid fan of Trek, I have often found Trek books to be filled with boring detail. So, upon receiving this book as a gift I was skeptical, to whether or not I should actually read it. I took a chance and enjoyed every page of it. Unlike other Trek books which, seem like the authors are trying to out do previous Trek authors by who knows the most details to respective series, this book weaves an two interesting stories, about Spock that helps any fan of Trek to better understand everyones favorite first officer
Rating:  Summary: The definitive Spock story Review: Here is the story that will delight spock fans everywhere. In this very excellent novel, Spock's life choices are explored, from his beginnings as a child, to the living legend he has become. The story is set both in the present and the past, and both complement each other well - showing us there is a clue to the present in the past. The real gem is the relationship of Spock and his father and the argument he had which has lasted for over 18 years. Maybe this sounds familiar, but the novel sheds some light and provides more detail into this part of Spock's life which has only been hinted on elsewhere. It would be interesting to see where the novels go from here.
Rating:  Summary: How can . . . ? Review: HOW CAN an author, or two authors in this case, get a book this bad published. I bought it as a bargain book and it was still over priced. Very flat, boring story line with dialogue that had every bad cliche one can imagine. Overt religion was never part of Star Trek and should not be! If you want to read about the desert buy Dune and read it again. Four thumbs down.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I expected alot more from this story. Missing is the storyline tie ins to provide continuity to the Star Trek universe. What's more, the authors would have us believing that 80% of Star Fleet is Jewish, Arab, or is intimate with Jewish customs. Enough already! We know Jewish people are great and that they will share in the future, I didn't need the entire story line to convince me of this. I think the idea behind the plot was a good one, it just got lost along the way.
Rating:  Summary: WOW-------AMAZING!!!!!!!! Review: I find it amazing that someone could write such a boring book. It was drawn out and flat out boring. I think there is a sequal coming out----watch out!!!!! This book I fuound to be a waste of time for me and also for the publisher. I think he has better things to do than to waste his time on this. Two thumbs down for susie!