Rating:  Summary: Man's search for immortality Review: A small group of elite scientists has been working on a megacomputer that goes beyond artificial intelligence; Trinity is an unimaginable breakthrough that makes nuclear weaponry look like child's play. The problem is, for the past few months the scientists have been suffering from neurological disorders. One of them, Dr. Fielding, succeeded in putting a temporary halt to the research (or so he thinks) until the cause of these disorders has been found.The book opens dramatically. It's six hours after Dr. Fielding's death, seemingly due to a stroke. But his friend and colleague, Dr. David Tennant, is certain he was murdered. Now David, accompanied by his psychiatrist, must run for his life. What exactly has been going on in that lab? What meaning, if any, is there to the dreams or visions David's been having during his narcoleptic attacks? Why did Dr. Fielding send David that mysterious letter and what is the white granular substance in the envelope? Is David's paranoia justified, or, as his psychiatrist believes, is he delusional? As the answers to these questions are revealed, FoG is Greg Iles at his best! Unfortunately, the story quickly sinks into a tepid cat-and-mouse game. The characters are cardboard cutouts; the thriller aspects not so thrilling. At the end of chapter 21 is an event that's never explained; we're left hanging, wondering what that was all about. It's a small thing, but...well, sloppy. So much for the first half of the book. This seems to be a recurring problem for authors when they present an intriguing concept in the guise of a thriller (eg., THE DA VINCE CODE): The ideas are fascinating, but it suffers as a thriller. The second half is something else entirely! The full potential of the megacomputer becomes terrifyingly clear. David's visions been fathomed. He knows now what must be done. This is the edge-of-your-seat excitement we've come to expect from Mr. Iles. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the religious possibilities he presents (I don't think we're expected to.) The ideas themselves are mind-blowing! Motifs are an added treat. For instance, keep an eye out for mention of candles and bubbles. Though I could've done with less of the first half, THE FOOTPRINTS OF GOD is worth reading for its considerable intellectual rewards.
Rating:  Summary: Greg Iles fan Review: I have read almost all of his books and I will have to say, he outdid himself this time. This book was very gripping, mind boggling and absolutely hard to put down. This is a must read for everyone, the really scary part is that I believe this is really happening we just don't know it yet!
Rating:  Summary: Greg Iles Does It Again! Review: Greg Iles amazes me with his diversity of plotting and themes in his books. I won't delve into details of this book since that has been done in the critics' reviews. This book definitely held my interest and I was fascinated with the blending of science and the search for answers to religious and universe origins. I don't give 5 stars lightly, and I highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Greg Iles triumphs again!! Review: This is ellen in atlanta, and although I wrote a review of Footprints of God, I felt I didn't do it justice - I tried to compare this book to his others - specifically The Quiet Game, which is my favorite of his works - in that he was to me the next Faulkner - and I frequently quote the beginning words of Chapter 25 which blows me away - This book, Footprints of God, and his other works, is so completely different from each, that to compare would be a gross misunderstanding of what Iles is writing - he's evolving as he writes - each work a wildly different subject that jolts you into a reality you didn't think you could be lifted to - The Footprints of God deals with the creation of a super, living computer that is frighteningly close to the artificial intelligence countries are working toward. There is an ethicist who in the process of mega MRI's has visions of himself as Jesus, and can lend the meaning of what is out there to meld man and machine - The book is phenomenal - It is not lyrical like Quiet Game. It is computer lightening quick and a wonderful book not to be missed - Iles might be our next Faulkner, only evolved...a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Rich and disturbing; by the author of SERPENT'S DANCE Review: This story is a great example of what happens when a writer earns his publishing industry stripes through the solid craftsmanship and consistently creative spark of a solid body of work: he gets to tell us a story from his heart and soul, a story too complex and risky for anyone without a readership (Patterson did it with "When The Wind Blows", Grisham with "A Painted House"), free of formula and the short-sighted fear of people wearing suits who would otherwise constrain his vision within a branded box. And he does it while delivering a kick ...ride for thrill seekers and deep thinkers alike. This novel defines what is possible in speculative fiction, it reflects our own questions and poses alternative answers that are as provocative as they are sometimes disturbing. Reflecting on the occasions when our storytelling styles have been compared (we were "discovered" by the same publisher, Louise Burke), I am humbled by what he has achieved here. Too bad "The DaVinci Code" reached the market first (I enjoyed that book, as well), since this covers some of the same ground and almost perfectly mirrors the arc of that storyline, though with a much more resounding finish. "The Footprints Of God" is courageous and original, and well worth the time of anyone who reads not for escape, but for engagement and enrichment.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating.... Review: I won't rewrite the book jacket you can read that in the literary reviews. What I will tell you is that Iles's books only get better and better! This book was riveting! It has action, adventure, romance, and a plot that is engaging and intelligent. I could hardly put the book down. In fact, I purchased it yesterday when it came out and I already finished reading it! This book is a thiller that makes you think and you walk awhile with some philosophical food for thought. I can't wait for his next book!
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking suspense Review: It is pure pleasure to read any Greg Iles novel. His beautiful prose enhances the intriguing plot with sharp and insightful narrative. Once again Iles has penned a winner with "The Footprints Of God". Dr David Tennant is appointed by the President as an ethics advisor to oversee Project Trinity, the creation of an artificial intelligence computer. When his good friend and associate on the project dies under suspicious circumstances David turns to his psychiatrist, Rachel Weiss. She is at first skeptical until an attempt to murder Rachel and David ends with the killing of another government agent. Soon the two are embroiled in a life or death search for proof of evil doings at Trinity before the world is held hostage by the entity it has created. In addition to a suspense filled thriller Iles has given the reader much to think about. His well crafted dialogues entice the reader to consider whether there can be such a thing as artificial intelligence and if so if it will it outpace its creators. He also delves into the origins of religious belief and its relation to the creation of intelligent life on earth. I found myself reading late into the night and wishing for more when I finished. Don't miss this one!
Rating:  Summary: chilling, thrilling, interestingly filling! Review: This book has so many appealing elements in it. You have a techology based thriller, and it also touches on ethical and moral questions that everyone ponders from time to time. The book also has characters that really pull you in, you pull for them and their survival, and are generally concerned for their well being. There are a host of characters, and you are forced to hear several different stories of the same events, and you are given options of who to trust. The book pulls you this way and that way, always keeping you guessing. There is also a love interest that makes you care even more that things work out for the main characters. While it is a 'sci-fi' type of book, the topics discussed are done so in a very believable manner, and with what is discussed, it is something we could see actually happeneing within the relativly near future. The author seemed to research things well, and it was written very well. It is easy to read, and keeps you turning pages as soon as you start. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone that is interested by thrilling mystery type of books, as well as people that also like techno-trillers based around feesable technology.
Rating:  Summary: What else can you ask for in a book? This one has it all. Review: Suspense, action, politics, religion, philosophy, even a bit of romance. Very well done, Greg. A techno-thriller and page turner that grabs you right at the beginning. It lags just one little bit in the first quarter of the book but then picks up speed and is a hard one to put down. I am amazed at the authors versatility in his writing. I have read every one of his books and they are all different, with one exception - they all keep you turning those pages. The author makes a statement at the end of the book that may help the reader before he starts the book: "Writing about science and philosophy in a commercial novel is problematic. Write about them at their natural level and you leave the masses behind. Simplify too much, and you offend those individuals conversant in those subjects. I trust you will enter this book as an exercise of the mind and not judge too harshly either way. If we have learned anything in the past ten thousand years, it is that nothing is certain." Greg Iles writes a riveting yet believable story about artificial intelligence and a Super Computer developed by the greatest minds in science, a team of nobel-prize winning scientists. Known as "Trinity" the super computer is a merger of man (his mind) and machine, and what can be done with it. The possibilities are fascinating and frightening. Yet the story line explores religion, conscience, military strategies, philosophy and much more.- the reader is cognizant that this is a conceivable achievement in the light of today's advances in technology. I can see why Dan Brown (author of DaVinci Code) liked this book. It is written in the same fast-paced way and with a lot of factual research and information. It takes you through some of our actual military bases and research sites, and references actual events that have happened in our history with nuclear development. The novel takes the reader to Israel as well, where I found that part of the book fascinating as the main character searched for answers in the life of Jesus and His resurrection. I disagree with the reviewer, ("booklover 10) that didn't recommend this - it may be Iles best work to date. It gives you a lot to think about, yet it entertains you - like I said at the start - what more can you ask for in a book?
Rating:  Summary: Yet ANOTHER winner from Greg Iles! This guy rocks!! Review: I discovered Greg Iles right after his original novel, 'Spandau Phoenix' was released, and I have been VERY fortunate I discovered this talented author at the beginning of his career. I have seen him mature as a storyteller and I have also found out first hand that he is no one-hit-wonder, either.
While I long for the day that Greg will write another Historical Thriller like he did with 'Spandau Phoenix' and 'Black Cross', I am happy to enjoy everything he writes in the meantime simply because he refuses to be categorized simply by one type of novel. You want a courtroom thriller better than anything that Grisham has written? Try 'The Quiet Game'. How 'bout a supernatural thriller? Iles has done that, too with 'Sleep No More'. This guy has also written some pretty fantastic Techno-thrillers as well. He can do it ALL.
With 'Footprints of God' we see him at his creative best. The storyline of 'Footprints' is a dandy one, too: Is it possible to create a computer that is self-aware, with Artificial Intelligence that can grow and exceed that of the human brain? Sounds like science fiction -- until you read this book I assure you. Unless you are an absolute computer GENIUS, you will become totally absorbed by this incredible novel. The US Government wants a computer that can help us crack any and all computer codes on the planet, and one that is self-aware would be able to do that within mere seconds. But, a rather large problem exsists: we don't know HOW to build one. One of the super-computer age creators of the past 50 years submits that maybe we can build one without HAVING to understand how it works. Sounds hard to believe, right? What if we could use a Super MRI Scanner to essentially digitally COPY your brain into a computer...wouldn't that do the trick? It seems that yes, it could -- but the ethical problems this causes is the real plot to 'Footprints'.
Dr. Tennant and his co-worker, Dr. Fielding have grave concerns about the Trinity Project, yet as scientists, they also are insatiably curious as to whether or not this type of project can actually SUCCEED. When Dr. Fielding suddenly dies of a stroke, Tennant immediately KNOWS it was NO accident. He also knows that his life is now dangerously close to and end as well because of the information he knows, and because Trinity's leaders also know he believes Fielding was killed. One part conspiracy theory, two-parts thrills, 'Footprints of God' is a slam-bang amazingly creative 'what if' scenario that also manages to bring in the life of Jesus of all things. Exactly HOW does Iles pull it off? For the answer to that, you will have to read the book -- but don't worry, you will be doing yourself a pretty big favor by doing so.
All in all, this novel contains pretty much everything I look for in a modern thriller, first and foremost, it contains an exceptionally creative plot...second, well there IS no second. It just WORKS. Greg Iles is without a doubt, one of the most gifted storytellers writing today and I am a VERY lucky reader indeed to have been able to discover his variety of novels over the years. I am also grateful that he is young enough that I can look forward to reading a whole lot more of him in the future.