Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter #2 is an awesome book(but not the best of all) Review: Harry is just like he is in the 1st book except older and a little physical/mental changes. Harry's closest relatives (Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and his annoying cousin Dudley) hate him even more than ever and Harry can't stand it. So he leaves in an amazing way (which I can't tell you about) and a strange creature comes to warn Harry about horrible things that are going to happen at Hogwarts if he goes back. When Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second year, Harry finds out that the warning is true. Torments start and horrors come which includes a new stuck-up/dumb/Mr. big shot (not really) professor and a ghost of a girl who haunts a girl's bathroom. Harry finds good info from her in the book about the strange things going on. Then the worst part strikes, someone or something is turning people into stone. Could it be Draco Malfoy, the biggest rival to Harry, or could it be who everyone is talking about, Harry himself?! Wait a second, does He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Lord Voldemort) have something to do with this? Maybe. You'll have to read the book to find out! There were a lot of fantasy elements that I liked and disliked. I liked the part with the strange creature who warned Harry about the dangers that were going to happen at Hogwarts that year. The story described that magical creature so well. It told every little detail. The part where Harry escaped from the Dursleys was exciting. I wash holding the book so hard. My parents kept telling to put the book down but just I couldn't. Another good part was when Mrs. Weasley got really mad at Fred, George, and Ron. You could practically see the seam rising above her. So was just screaming at them but being so kind to Harry. She said she didn't blame him one bit. I also liked the part when Harry and Ron flew a bewitched car to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because they didn't catch the Hogwarts Express (which is a train that takes students straight to Hogwarts). It was amazing how they got there. There were some close calls. Especially when they got to the school and met the Womping Willow (a bewitched tree). The part with the new Professor "Gilderoy Lockhart" and Harry was also good. I could tell that Harry hated him. He always tried to stay as far away from him as he could. Then the best parts started to happen. Students started to get turned into stone. But the students who were attacked were all Mudbloods (people born the a magical person and a normal person or muggle). I don't know why Colin Creevey (a weird kid who takes a lot of pictures) should be in this story. He is just annoying. The best part about Colin is when he gets turned to stone. I enjoyed that. I bet that Harry thought it was a lot quieter in the Gryffindor common room. But Harry did feel sorry for him. I kind of did...sort of. There are some parts that I didn't like. Like when Hagrid got sent to Azkaban prison (a place where wizards and witches go if they did something really, really bad like murder). Everyone thought Hagrid was the person who turned people to stone or they thought he sent something loose on the school. Harry finds out it wasn't really Hagrid, It was... um cough. Sorry, can't tell. Top secret. FBI info only. Another part I didn't like was when a Quidditch game got canceled. I loved reading about the Quidditch games. There one of the best parts! Well there weren't many bad parts in this story. I really liked it and if you like to read about adventure, sports, magic, and some scary stuff (etc.), you'll like this book. [Get]Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets today!
Rating:  Summary: Another satisfied customer... Review: Harry is the best character to show up in fiction for a long time. (The next best was also in a series for young adults by Australian author Catherine Jinks. The characters name was Pagan and the series starts with the book Pagan's Crusade) It's truly the characters that capture you in this series. You'll fall in love with the good guys, shiver at the bad guys, despise the weasels like Malfoy. Can't wait for the 4th book!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and pleasing Review: Harry Porter a wizard is back with the Dursleys on summer holiday from Hogwarts, the wizard school. The uneventful wait for the trip back to Hogwarts is punctuated by a dinner party by the Dursleys in which Harry is told to stay quietly in his room. Dobby a house elf with a penchant for self punishment appears to Harry and plead dangers to his life if he return to Hogwarts. A scene is caused with embarrassment and humiliation to the Dursleys. As a result, Harry is locked up permanently in his room with no return trip to Hogwarts. A rescue is made at the Dudleys by Weasleys and thus began Harry's great adventure culminating with a stand off in the Chamber of Secrets. This includes a journey back to Hogwarts in a bewitched flying car with his pal Ron after a failure to enter platform nine and three quarters at King's Cross Station. This ended with a crash and an attack by the crash victim - an ancient tree known as Whomping Willow. Once at Hogwarts, Harry began to enter into the wizard school life with the usuals; quidditch match - a game played on flying broomstick - and boring lessons. However nothing stays usual in a wizard school. Students are found frozen with fright. They can only be cured by mandrake juice - a plant with a fatal cry to anyone who hears it. The cry is let out by the roots of the plant, which is an ugly baby with green and mottled skin. Harry's mortal enemy, Lord Voldemort is at the heart of it all but in a totally unexpected way. This leads Harry into the Chamber of Secrets at which entrance is a disused female toilet haunted by a self-pity ghost. J.K. Rowling is simply magnificent in her story telling. Her imagination and story telling is absolutely brilliant. This might be classified as a children book. Yet any adults with a sense of humour and childhood memories would enjoy this book as much as any child would.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review: Harry Poter is the best book I've ever read because it has abig climax.I liked it because it is a fantasy story
Rating:  Summary: a must read for all ages Review: Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets is an exciting and fitting sequel to Book I. Although some parts of the 1st book have been mentioned again (i.e. background on the Dursleys, how Harry ended up at Hogwarts,etc.), it didn't stop me from reading. The development of the plot and the characters is like going up a ladder, taking the reader on a new level in every chapter. If in Book 1 I felt Harry's emotions, here in Book 2 I ended up caring for Harry and his friends. JK Rowling has (again) brillantly put together a story that has everything in it: adventure, magic, humor, mystery but never failing to emphasize on compassion, courage, self-sacrifice, loyalty and true friendship. And though I found some of the characters annoying and ridiculous (Lockhart, Colin Creevey & Dobby), they nevertheless paved the way to bring out Harry's best qualities. While Lockhart prided himself with his fame, charm and good looks, Harry has proven himself humble and not at all hungry for fame and publicity. Dobby, the house-elf who tried to keep Harry away from Hogwarts failed because of Harry's determination to go back, and was even more determined to stay upon learning of the threat against the lives of the Muggle-borns. The events that happened to Harry and his friends has proven once again that Harry is not just a wizard, but also a compassionate and self-sacrificing individual who will go to great lengths in saving another person's life. And although he was suspected to be the Heir of Slytherin (because he is a 'parseltongue'), it nevertheless showed that his inherent goodness has the power to outweigh whatever qualities Voldemort passed on to him on their first encounter where he ended up with the lightning scar. The combination of Harry, Ron & Hermione is like forming a dream team. In Book 2, all three characters had their moment to shine, and their friendship has grown stronger. Ron has proven himself a caring and supportive friend to Harry. Aware of Harry's plight with the Dursleys, he 'rescued' Harry with the help of his brothers, brought Harry to their home and treated him (Harry) as a part of their family. And at Hogwarts, Ron never left Harry's side, and despite his abhorrence with spiders, he still went out with Harry in following the spiders' trail in the hope of solving the mystery that was lurking inside the Hogwarts castle. And who could forget Ron's reaction when Draco Malfoy insulted Hermione by calling her a 'mudblood'? That is true friendship indeed! Hermione, on the other hand, provided the 'brains' in the team. Her intelligence, combined with Harry's courage and Ron's oftentimes funny taste for adventure, plus their common desire to search for the truth makes them the kind of team any league would like to have. Book 2 has also given us a mirror image of what we see in society today - from the rich and abusive (the Malfoys) to the struggling but compassionate (Harry & the Weasleys). Above all, it gives us a lesson that has been told and retold many, many times : that evil, in whatever form it takes will never overcome what is good. Harry is a model of bravery, compassion and loyalty which I hope we can still find in the Muggle world. Once again, my congratulations to Ms. JK Rowling!
Rating:  Summary: The best book Review: Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrects is just as good as the first one. In this book though Harry has to face a little bit harder task then what he delt with in the Socerer's Stone. He is in for more danger. Now I can't wait to read the third one.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than The First! Destined To Become A Masterpiece! Review: Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets is one to read, the excitement, suspense, & comedy of the first is back & better than ever. Your favorite characters are back too & this time Harry has a new annoying Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The story starts off again at the Dursley's where Harry is still tormented by his wicked relatives, but at least now he has frightned them enough to move out of the cubard. Before returning to Hogwarts, a creature appears, a creature by the name of Dobby. Dobby warns Harry that if he returns to Hogwarts terrible things will happen & disaster will stike. And srike it does, when returning a chamber is open, a chamber of secrets that hasn't been open in centuries, & now one by one muggle borns are turning to stone so it's up to Harry, Ron, & Heromine to save the day.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Review: Harry Potter - a great series! Harry Potter books present adventure and fantasy all rolled into one! J.K. Rowling makes Harry's world seem almost real - I find myself re-reading the Harry Potter series all the time, and I can't put them down! I think today was the tenth time I re-read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This book is just as good as the first one - I suggest you read it!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter- And The Chamber Of Secrets Book#2 Review: Harry Potter - And the chamber of secrets is a great book. I didnt know that, that book exists until one day when I went to work with my mom her boss told me is a great book so I decicded to read it. Well lets begin with the overview of Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets. Harry Potter attended Hogwarts School of Wirchcraft And Wizardy. But,when the school semester was overhe went to live With The Dursleys(with his uncle)family. Harry Potter didn't like it there. Harry Potter was always wondering why his friends never wrote back he tought that his friends had forgot about him but the owl was not delivering the letters.When Harry Potter want it to returned to Hogwarts a little strange creature appear and told him that if he went to Hogwarts again something was going to happend(he was going to make trouble)but Harry didnt believe him and the liitle strange goblin told him why his friends never wrote bsck to him. But,Harry's uncle was always screamin' at him and that is why Harry didnt like it there.His uncle didnt even want his frineds to know that he exists(Harry).Well that's all Im going to say for know so if you read the book you are not going to know what it going to happend next so it could be more exciting.I really like Harry Potter_and the Chamber Of Secrets. It is reall funny too.I hope you enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter 2 was my other favorite book of the year. Review: Harry Potter 2 is one of the best books you can read.Not only does it have a wonderful adventure it also was much more longer and exciting then the first book.