Rating:  Summary: The best book ever!!! Review: Harry Potter and the prioner of Azkaban was great! It has everything a book should have. Comedy, Mystery, and a ton of more great qualities. I read it over and over and it never gets boring. In fact I've read each book cover to cover at least 4 times, and each time I like it more and more! I'd totaly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: The begianing of a leganed Review: Harry Potter and the saorcers stone is the book that started it all. It was the book that made the world have one less strugling single mom (J.K. Rowling) and truned her into a millionare. This book is where the series begains. Harry Potter was never quite your average kid at number 4 privite drive but bye the end of the book he is no where near average. This book uses great writing, humor and supenese to make a great book. I have heard two major complaints of this book. 1,) that this book is a childrens book and does not belong on a list with other classic and on the best seller list. This is not true. I not exactly a kid and I love the book and I know many people older than me who have loved it. 2.) That the book is to scary, NOT TRUE! The book is not scary at all. True VOldomart is not exactly some one I'd want as a room mate but he is the only cariter for the job. The Harry potter series are if not the best, one of the best series of all time. (in my mine only the cronicals of Narnie are a challenge) and Harry Potter and the Sorcers stone is a classic in its own right.
Rating:  Summary: It's the best book I've ever read! Review: Harry Potter And the Scorcer's Stone was magical. (No pun intended) As soon as I finished it, I read it 21 more times. Some of my friends think I'm a little wierd because I read a children's book. Most of them, however, are just as obsessed as I am. Harry Potter is not just a children's book. I am 14, and I can't wait for the fourth book of the series to come out. Yes, I've read all three in exisitance multiple times. I would recommend it for anyone who wants a really good book for either themselves or their children. Guaranteed to please!
Rating:  Summary: Simply loved it Review: Harry Potter and the Socceres stone is a simply great book Rowling makes the charecters come alive everywhere from there personalities to there creaative names. The story is outside of #4 Privet drive as you see the Dursleys a completely un-magic "Muggle" family. Then you meet harry as a baby not looking forward to spending the next ten tears of his life being bullied by his cousin dudley not knowing that he had just defeated the greatest Dark Lord in over 100 years. Then while sitting on the floor of " Hut on the Rocks/ The sea" there is a great boom on the door and his story begins starting wiht the telling of his past he learns that he is wizard and is to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy away from Dudley away from the Dursleys and into a world of his own where he meets his friends and where adventure awaits him.
Rating:  Summary: the world's greatest book! Review: Harry potter and the socer's stone begins when Harry's parents who are wizzards are killed by an evil wizzard. Harry then goes to live with his Aunt petunia and Uncle Vernon. Then Harry gets letters adressed for him but his Uncle tears them to bits. Finally Harry finds out he is a wizzard and has been excepted at, Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizadry. Going to Hog worts does nothing but lead to adventure. I thought this book was great. I thought it was great becuase it was so suspencful. the book also had end to end adventure and fun.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best I've ever read, it is excellent! Review: Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone book is the best. It is a excellent book, with a great story line. My favorite charchter is Malfoy, just kiddig. I like Harry and Nieville. This book is awsome I advise everyone to read this book. J.K. Rowling is a grea writer. Read this this book. It doesn't matter How old you are I'm 7th grade Ithink it is great!
Rating:  Summary: This a great book! I really enjoyed the who thing. Review: Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone is a book about a boy named Harry who finds out his mother and father are bot h witches. He learns at a witch school. While at the school he learns who was the evil villan that killed his mother and father, but not him. I shouldn't tell you the rest or I'll spoil the book. I hope the next book by J.K. Rowling is as good as this one!
Rating:  Summary: Now That's What I Call A Good Book Review: Harry Potter and The Socerer's Stone is a great book! It is magical and beautifully written. J.K. Rowling captures the hearts of young people and old people alike. You will never find a series as good as Harry Potter. Now that's what I call a good book
Rating:  Summary: It's a fabulous book of exciting events! Review: Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone is a very wonderful story full of exciting events. The Dursleys were as horrible as a human can be, and Harry hated them. One day, Hagrid the gamekeeper told Harry that he was accepted to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Harry was overjoyed-finally he can have a break from the Dursleys! But when he got to Hogwarts, he found out about something that students weren't supposed to know-the sorcerer's stone. Between Quidditch practices and school work, he had little time. But he was determined to know more about the Stone. When he found out that a teacher of his is after it, he goes to stop him. This scary book full of adventures is now number 2 on the best book selling list!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is a very exciting book to read. Review: Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone is about a boy named Harry Potter who lives with his Aunt and Uncle and his cousin Duddley who all treat him very badly.But after his uncle takes the family for a little vacation, Harry's life begins to change on his birthday. It was one stormy night on Harry's birthday that Harry met Hagrid for the very first time. Harry was amazed for what Hagrid had shown him because Harry never knew all this information that Hagrid has told him. Once Harry was in Hogwarts, magic was the life. Harry got into Quidditch which was a famous game in the wizard world. Harry also found out about the Socerer's Stone.