Rating:  Summary: This is the best book i've ever read! Review: When I started reading this book I could not stop reading it. If you are looking for summer reading this is the book for you! I can't wait to start reading the next one!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I've ever read. Review: When I started reading this book I could't put it down until I read the whole thing. This book is jam-packed with adventure and comedy. You never know what's going to happen next! I highly recommend this book for people of all ages!
Rating:  Summary: This Book is Awesome! Review: When I started this book, I was under Harry's spell right away. I couldn't put it down!! Two thumbs way, WAY up! When Harry finds out that he is a wizard after living with Muggles (ordinary people) for almost his whole life, Harry's future life is changed forever. Soon he is off to the Hogwarts school of wizardry. There he will find friendship and adventure. At Hogwarts, he learns how to play the crazy sport of Quidditch, battles bullies, and learns about the school's history. But what will happen when he finds out Hogwarts' secret? Find out by reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a book HIGHLY recommended to children 9 & up!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Sourcers Stone is the best. Review: When I started to read this book I could not put it down for one second. It was the best book ever writen. My favorite part was Harrys first quidissh game. If I could read this book over and over again I would. I am going to read the next book yhat comes out by J.K. Rowling to. This book was the best one in the world, I cant wait till the next one comes out.
Rating:  Summary: It deserves 10 stars!!! Review: When I told my friends that I am reading Harry Potter they laughed. They said it was for kids and I am 21. Well, I got them hooked on Harry Potter!! I just gave them the book and they fell in love!! Anyone will fall in love with these books; no matter how old you are!!
Rating:  Summary: In the tradition of our imaginations..... Review: When I was a kid (okay, so I'm still only 17 now, but shhhh, you'll spoil the mood), my favorite books were always those by one Roald Dahl. Now, years later, I've finally found a wonderfully mature work that gives me the delicious pleasure of being a kid again without treating me like one. For all the younger fans that worship young Mr Potter, the series itself is surprisingly mature and will undoubtably appeal to all ages. Myself, who escaped the Pokemon tidal wave, was instantly suckered in by this wonderful, vivid world (and I usually only read Robert Jordan, Stephen King and the like!) and I don't regret it. Although there are quite a few people in my age bracket who will badmouth these books, most of them are people who haven't even read them theirselves. I suppose they feel it would be babyish to become involved in a series that's read by so many younger children. I, however, have become too deeply immersed in this fascinating series to care. The characters are as real as your next door neighbour or the kids you babysit, and such detail is described and given that you could almost will yourself to believe that in some distant land Hogwarts DOES nestle against a snowy mountain. And once you're done reading one, close it and find yourself back in the dreary land of the mundane, you realize just how much it had a hold of you. These make wonderful books to read to your child or to yourself for that matter. There's nothing wrong with rekindling the beauty of imagination that so many of us seem to have lost in today's world. Miss Rowling is a powerful and strong writer, and if she keeps on the way she has, as I know she will, years from now the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione will have reached the same elite status as the Hobbit. Now, if you'll excuse me, I myself have read my copies to tatters, and I'm afraid I must go about purchasing some more.
Rating:  Summary: I didn't believe they could be as good as they are! Review: When I was a little girl, I embraced the books of R. Dahl, M. L'engle, C.S. Lewis, E. Eager. My greatest fear was to be "stuck" somewhere without a book to read. And then, begrudgingly, I grew up. I've constantly thought about the pleasure I derived from the stories I read...I missed books like that...stories that were so breathtaking, so "edge-of-your-seat" that you couldn't wait for the next installment. Until I found Harry...Hermione...Ron...Dumbledore...and more. My husband and I plowed through each book together, laughing, crying, wringing our hands together. And now we wait...eagerly...for number five.
Rating:  Summary: How I Discovered Harry Potter Review: When I was around nine years old, I spotted "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in paperback sitting on a shelf at my fourth grade book fair. I thought it looked interesting, so I bought it and took it home. When I was finally finished reading it, I thought it was a really good book and was proud of myself for reading such a long book (at least I considered it "long" back then). I still have that copy of the book today, too, even though it's really worn out and the title page fell out. I had no idea that this book was part of a series until my friend showed me "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," which I never got around to reading for a while. In 2001, when I saw an advertisement for the first Harry Potter film, based on the book, I suddenly remembered that I read the book a few years ago and I told my parents that I had to go see the movie. After I did, I was so mad at myself because I had read the book but had forgotten most of the things in it so that I didn't even remember the ending and was surprised when I saw it on screen. I told myself I should have read it again because it was really good, so after the movie I reread the first book. After I was finished, I spotted the second book while out with my mom and bought it right away. I got through it at a pretty steady pace, but on the third book I was even faster, taking it everywhere I went until it was finished. When I got the fourth book, I was amazed at how thick it was. I wasn't amazed like "How am I going to read that thing?!" but amazed like "Wow! Even more to enjoy!" I got through the fourth book even faster than before, and when I was done with it I reread the whole series. Since then, I have reread them countless times and I am so acquainted with books that I go to Borders almost once a week and constantly buy books or check them out at my library.
Rating:  Summary: First Rate Book! Review: When I was first introduced to Harry Potter and his adventures, I was completely spellbound by the amount of pure FUN i had reading that book. It was like no other book i had read before, it was funny (a quality that lacks in many books) , the storyline was absolute bliss and the description of character sharper than ever. Never , ever think that this book is only for kids, because, although it's written for those kids, it's perfectly suitable for anybody from 5-95 years old! I'd definately would want this for me kid, wouldn't you? ;)
Rating:  Summary: More Adult Muggles Should Read This Book! Review: When I was in middle school I was fortunate enough to fall into a series of books by Piers Anthony. The adventures of the generations of characters in the magical otherworld of Xanth swept me along adolescence. I read and re-read "A Spell for Chameleon" and "Castle Roogna" and wanted to learn from Good Wizard Humphry and try and avoid dragons and ogres in a land that strangly resempbled the Florida peninsula. I would become addicted to the fantasy genre. These books were funny, whimsical, and loved to poke fun at the unmagical, "normal" world of Mundania. I heard about the Harry Potter series a couple of years ago and I was reminded of my young love for the land of Xanth. In many ways, us adults could learn much from our young people. After reading "The Sorcerors Stone" I know that I will run out and get the other 3 books and the rest of the series to come. We should hold on to those fantastic childhood imaginations. We have too many Muggles (unmagical persons) today. They have lost that magical enjoyment from their childhood. Remember when we were kids we would have vivid battles against wizards and dragons and knights--riding to the next castle for another adventure? Sometime around 5th grade we begin to become conscious of the "adult" world and want to read "young-adult" books & magazines. We began to dream about having a nice hot-rod or falling in love. We desired to be adults and began to act older--or tried to. But in the growth we began to lose the "magical qualities" in our imagination. Heck, anymore I am noticing parents, like myself, of young children who actually want their kids to "get ahead" on their education with prestigious schools or day-cares. Or they put them in skating or swimming or gymnastics classes at age 3 and competitive sports camps in the summer. They are starting earlier in robbing their kids' magical childhood! Now consider this--what if about that same year--about age 11, you were sent to a school that would not allow you to lose your magical talents? Not only that, it encouraged it. HA! I would have wanted in that school in a heartbeat. The funny thing is, that with how many parents want their kids to grow up too soon, I can understand how their own kids have made the adventures of Harry Potter even bigger. He's the hero they may have always wanted to be. This is a great book because it is a great story. It's simple (why do too many Muggles think great books have to be complicated?), the characters are thought out (simple? yes, but NOT two dimensional like in some young adult stories) and lovable. And the greatest praise one can heap on to any fantasy classic from "The Hobbitt" to the C.S. Lewis' "Narnia" Series to Terry Brooks' "Shannarra" Series (and my favorite Xanth books) and the Potter books is that they are BELIEVABLE! All great novels are believable, but for a fantasy book it is what makes it an absolute classic.