Rating:  Summary: A young boy that has choices to make Review: This isn't a review per say. I am a 5th grade teacher and I read to my class everyday for 15min. before lunch. My class is mesmerized with this book. I haven't finished it yet, but some students are reading the second book. This is how a group of children feel about Harry Potter. the teacher too.(I loved the second one also.)
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I'ev ever read! Review: This it one of the most detiled books I'ev ever read. She explains every thing clearly, with out boring you to death. This is a must read if I'ev saw one.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter & the Sorcerers Stone Review: This may be billed as a childrens book but it is as well written & as entertaining as some of the best fanasty books We have read.
Rating:  Summary: The best one so far! Review: This part of the HP series is the best so far. I have read all 5 and this is my top one. The adventure never gets old, it keeps getting better all the time. Its always good to read this to re-fresh your memory on how he made all his friends and enimies.
Rating:  Summary: The Magic Begins Review: This review is about the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling. This book is about a boy who had magical parents who were murdered by an evil wizard named Voldemort. He is then left with his aunt, uncle, and his cousin Dudly. They would treat Harry very poorly. One day his luck miraculously changes and he is admitted to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry I think this story is great and I would give it five stars. I hope you will think about reading this book. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Summary and Why I Like it Review: This review is broken into two parts, the first section is why I enjoyed the book the second part is the book summary (DON'T READ THE SUMMARY IF HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK AND PLAN TO!)WHY I LIKE IT Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone is probably the best book I have ever read. The story keeps you reading page after page. This book is humorous, haunting, and suspenseful all at the same time. Even though there is no such thing as magic you can easily relate to the story. One example of something that you can relate to is Harry's commitment to sports when he has to get up for 6:00a.m for practice. Another thing that you can relate to is the rivalry between each house at Hogwarts (Hogwarts is divided into four houses which compete for house points and in Quidditch matches). This rivalry is similar to the rivalry between schools. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a humorous, fascinating, and captivating story to read. This book would be good for anyone whether magic is a topic of interest to you or not. SUMMARY Harry spends the first 10 years of his life sleeping in a cupboard under the stairs of a family who could not stand him. He believes his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon when they tell him that his parents had died in a car crash, and this is also how he received his lightning shaped scar. A mysterious letter is delivered by the friendly giant named Hagrid. Hagrid informs him that he has been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid also explains to Harry that his parents had died because of the evil powers of Lord Voldemort. The giant tells Harry is famous in the world of magic because he is the only one ever to survive after trying to be killed by Voldemort. The curse he attempted to set on Harry backfired at Voldemort and caused him to become so weak that he must live inside someone else. Soon enough, Harry finds himself at Hogwarts with his owl Hedwig and that's where the real adventure begins. Hogwarts is a lot like English boarding schools, except that instead of classes in math and grammar, the curriculum features courses in Transfiguration, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Harry becomes the star player of Quidditch, a sort of mid-air ball game. With the help of his new friends Ron and Hermione, Harry solves a mystery involving a sorcerer's stone, a substance with astonishing powers that can make a potion that will make the drinker immortal. Harry must stop Professor Quirrell from reaching the Sorcerer's Stone so he does not give it to Lord Voldemort. To reach the Sorcerer's Stone, you must make your way through a maze which takes you past Fluffy, a giant three headed dog. You must try to find the correct key to the door out of hundreds of keys, and win a game of wizard's checkers against live pieces that could leave you flattened with one wrong move.
Rating:  Summary: Arguments against some poor reviews Review: This review is mainly countering some of the 1, 2, and 3 star reviews I've seen: First, parents & teachers: Harry Potter dosen't encourage weightism: Dudley is not changed into a pig because he is fat, it is because of his clearly pig-like personality. His weight is just a detail. Second, H.P. dosen't encourage rule-breaking-Hermione, one of the bravest people in the book, is very concerend about both grades and rules. In the book it says that one of the main attributes of Slytherin (house of Harry's greatest enemies)is breaking rules, therefore putting it on the "evil side." And besides, what's a good book with out rule breaking- some of the time! Loosen up and read for fun!
Rating:  Summary: 5+ stars! Review: This review is no different than the others for Harry Potter- very happy and satisfied! I would recommend buying the hardcover version, they're so nice and definitely worth a few extra bucks.
Rating:  Summary: Rowling has a terrific sense of humor Review: This series is rather in the line of the C.S. Lewis Narnia books; both place young children from the ordinary world into a magical one and transport us to a place where reality is slightly bent. Rowling's knack for detail is remarkable, from Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans to the ins and outs of Quidditch. A wonderful story. I only wish these books had been around when I was a kid. They're fabulous reading for one and all.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent for ALL ages! Review: This series is so much fun to read. The writing is very fluid and grabs your attention from the beginning. It's a great story and it's so neat to see how the author has tied everything together so well. I can't wait to read the next one!