Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Review: This book is about a boy name Harry Potter. He isn't a regular kid oh no! He is a wizard. His father was a wizard and his mother is a witch .He is also known as the boy who lived. They call him the boy who lived because his parents was in a fight with a evil wizard and who ever stand up to him they die, and his parents did and got killed. The wizard tried to kill Harry but he couldn't kill him for some reason. So he just left a mark on his forehead for the mark of death. What I think about it I think it is really good.
Rating:  Summary: Adventures Beyond This World Review: this book is about a boy named Harry Potter and is famous for surviving Voldemort's Dark magic. harry goes to Hogwarts for the first year and fits in good, harry gets chosen for being the seeker for the gryffindor quidditch team, everything was going his way. there was this Proffesor that Harry especially despied, he was Proffessor snape, snape would always take points off the gryffindor house, snaped even tried to jynx Harry's broomstick during the Qudditch match against Slyntherin. afterwards Dumbledore, the headmaster of hogwarts mentions Nicholas Flamel who lived to be over 600yrs old, i think. Harry begins to do research on Nicholas Flamel. christmas had came and Hermione had gone home while Harry and Ron had stayed behind to do more research. on christmas, Harry recieves an Invisible cloak from anonymous, the cloak came with a note that said "use it well" harry hadnt known what that had meant but he sure knew how to use it. that night when everyone had gone to sleep, harry snuck out of the house and went to the forbidden 3rd floor, there was a library section that was well, forbidden for 1st years to read, it was only open to the people who had went to Hogwarts or people with notes escorted by their teacher to do some research. Harry was so excited and he just took out a book and opened it, a face was screaming out of it. it made a loud noise and the caretaker came to see what was going on. harry dropped the lamp and ran. while he was turning a corner, he saw snape talking to quirrel in a bad way. harry was scared and was huffing and puffing from running from the caretaker. Snape hears the noise and reaches out to try to get something. it wasnt anything so he turned back to Quirrel. the caretaker had been looking for the student that was out of bed, he turned a corner and saw snape and quirrel "talking" and told them that a student was out of bed. harry ran as fast as he could and he came to a door and went in quietly. there he found a mirror, he saw himself and then a little while later he saw his parents, and all the relatives of his in the mirror. he sat and stared for a long time and Dumbledore appeared out of no where. the next day, everyone who went on christmas vacation came back. Hermione came back with a "oh i remember now" she had read about Nicholas flamel somewhere before and then she found the book again. it said that Nicholas Flamel and Professor Dumbledore were the creators of the Sorcerer's Stone. the sorcerer's stone was used to make an elixer for long life and if the stone was in the wrong hands, they were able to control the world of the wizards and the mortal world. harry then knew what was in vault 731. it was the sorcerer's stone. harry had gone on an adventure before, to look for things and found a three headed dog named fluffy who was guarding a trapdoor. Harry now knows what the dog was hiding and he knew what snape was after, the sorcerer's stone. One night, harry had detention with malfoy, hermione, and ron for some reason that i had forgotten, and had to go to the forest with Hagrid to search for a wounded unicorn. hagrid had found a wounded unicorn a few days ago. hagrid was hoping to find the unicorn. harry was partnered up with malfoy and they were walking and yelling at each other at the same time.they saw a vampire looking like person thing that was drinking unicorn blood malfoy saw it and ran away screaming. harry was frozen and couldnt move, the shadowy creature was moving towards Harry, he slipped and fell. a centaur came to the rescue and saved Harry. hagrid, hermione, and ron had caught up with harry and found that he was safe and sound. harry new that was Voldemort. the next day, Harry and his friends had visited Hagrid and hagrid had a Baby Dragon. Harry asked where he had gotten it and Hagrid told him that he was at the Cauldron getting a drink and then a little man comes up to him and asks him to play a hand of cards and the man offers the Hagrid a baby dragon and the little man asked for a three headed dog, and hagrid said he had one while he was drunk, and then he asked how to get pass the three headed dog and hagrid told him that if you played a song then the dog would go to sleep. after hagrid had said that harry and his friends were looking for dumbledore, trying to tell him that hagrid told someone how to get pass fluffy. Harry, hermione, and ron had ran to the counsiling office too look for dumbledore and proffessor mcgonnal was there. harry asked to speak to dumbledore but she said that he had left to go to a meeting at Romania. Harry knew that since dumbledore had left, Voldemort could just go into Hogwarts and kill harry, harry knew he would've died and knew that Voldemort would go after the stone. Harry had to die trying, so he woke ron and hermione and they went to the trapdoor. the dog was already put to sleep by a cursed harp. harry had used the invisible cloak to get to the trapdoor and he took out a flute hand carved by Hagrid, and played it. harry got into the trapdoor first and then ron then hermione, when harry stopped playing the flute the dogs woke up. Harry and them hand landed in a pile of vines and it was a soft landing too. harry had to through a long line of protections sutff and then finally, harry got to the end of the challenges. he was expecting snape but instead it was quirrel and the mirror that harry had found the other day. Quirrel was standing in front of hte mirror saying "i knew you would come", he also said that he could see himself holding the stone but he didnt know how to get it. a voice from behind said "use the boy" then Quirrel told harry to go to the mirror. Harry had seen himself with the stone in his pocket, and suddenly, something felt heavier in his pocket. harry was scared and didnt know what to say. he lied, he told quirrel that he was holding the house cup and then a voice from no where again said "he lies" then the voice said "let me talk to him" and then qurirrel began unwrapping his turban and then he turned around, wut was behind quirrel's head was scary looking, it was voldemort. voldemort knew that the stone was in potter's pocket. Quirrel ran to potter and choked harry, the stone fell out of his pocket. harry tried to move quirrel's hand from his neck and the moment harry touched quirrel, quirrel's hand began to blister and burn with pain, harry used the rest of his strength to keep quirrel from the stone. Harry began to feel tired and sleepy, when he woke up dumbledore was sitting besides him and he told him what had happened and explained to him that he had destroyed the stone and that nicholas flamel was like over 600yrs old and is about to die soon. His friends came to visit him and harry told him what had happened. the story goes to the end of the book, gryffindor had last place, huffle-puff was third, ravenclaw was second and slytherin was 1st. everyone in the slytherin house was cheering. dumbledore had called for everyone's attention, he added additional points to gryffindor and then gryffindor has 1st place and everyone except for slytherin was cheering. this story ends with harry potter saying good bye to hagrid and going back to the mortal world, remembering and dreaming at the same time to get back at his cousin.
Rating:  Summary: I really love this book. It is fantastic! Review: This book is about a boy named Harry Potter who has lived his aunt,uncle,and his spoiled and fat cousin,Dudley.Harry has lived with these people for 10 years.On Harry's 11th birthday,a giant named Hagrid takes Harry to Hogwarts.You will have to read the book to find out what happens.
Rating:  Summary: its a magical world Review: This book is about a little wizard boy who loses his mom when they are in a fight with lord voldermort (lord voldermort is a bad guy)and has to go live with the dursleys the un magical famly but when the dursleys go on vacation Hagrid comes along and Harry Potter discovers that he is magical. Hagrid invites him to go to Hogwarts the magical school of wixards and wixardes and harry replies "sure". On the way harry has to go on a train and meets two friends named Ron and Hermione but when Harry gets there he finds some unpleasent surprises. At the end Harry gets in afight with someone might die. read this book and find out who he gets in a fight with and if he dies. I loved this book and I am now on Horry Potter and the Goblet of fire. There are four books in this sereies and hopefully another one will come out
Rating:  Summary: A Must Reader !!!!!!!! Review: This book is about a young boy who has magical powers and does not know it. He lives with his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed in a car wreck or thats what his aunt and uncle tell him. One day he finds a housemaid troll creature in his room. The housemaid is for witches and wizards. This troll had a letter for young Harry Potter. If you want to find out more about this book you should buy it. I love this book because it was breathtaking and you would almost always have to turn the page just one more time to see what happens to Harry and his friends. The book started out slow in the first two or three chapters like any book but then it was thrilling. My favorite character was Hagrid he is a big scary looking man with rough looking hair. The first time he is described to you he sounds so mean but you need to read on because Hagrid turns out to be a very nice man. My very favorite part of the book was when Harry,Ron,and Hermoine have an encounter with a three headed giant monster.
Rating:  Summary: A fabulous, exiting book! Review: This book is about a young but famous wizard learning about his past and starting a life in a whole new world!
Rating:  Summary: It's the perfect book for chilren and adults. Review: This book is about Harry Potter, he is a wizard in trianing. I loved this book. It took a while to read but it was worth every second. I'd recomend it to everybody!!
Rating:  Summary: A series worth reading! Review: This book is about the magical exploits of Harry Potter at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This book begins explaining how Harry's parents were killed by a dark sorcerer named Voldemort when he was just a baby. Voldemort tryed to kill Harry, but Harry was too powerful, so Voldemort just left him a lightning shaped scar on his forehead, and disappeared forever.... Or did he? This story then continues on how the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, left Harry at the care of the "muggle" (Non-magic) family of the Dursleys, and Harry's cousin Dudley. This family treated Harry very cruelly, since they thought Harry was different, deformed. When Harry heads to Hogwarts, he meets strange characters such as Hagrid, a big strong man. He also meets Herimone Granger, straight A student, and Ron Weasley, a shy little boy. While Harry is at Hogwarts, he doesn't learn Geometry, History, or Science. He learns Herbology, Transfiguration, and other things like Defense Against the Dark Arts. He meets teachers like Snape, Quirrel, McGonagall, and Filch. He learns a sport on broomsticks called Quidditch, which Harry has the greatest broomstick ever: The Nimbus Two Thousand. He also dons an invisibility cloak, which when worn made the wearer invisible. He also learns how to raise a dragon with Hagrid. But best of all, he discovers his ability as a wizard, a power that he uses for the good of Hogwarts and for himself. I hope everybody who reads this book enjoys it. If you liked this book, I reccomend these books by J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Have fun reading! Now that these books are international phenomenon and there are films based on them, I guess your asking if these books are worth all the fuss. While the movies are average and mediocre compared to the "Lord of the Rings" films, the books are still great, especially for kids. Out of the 5 books, I like Book 3, The Prisoner of Azkaban the best. Try reading any of them, and use your imagination. Books like these don't come out often, so catch them while you can!
Rating:  Summary: A book for all ages Review: This book is absolutely wonderful. When a friend told me to read this book I was somewhat sceptical, I thought it was a kids book. Well I am a 25 year old professional educator who loved every page.
Rating:  Summary: Magical Review: This book is absoulutley faboulas.I recommend this to all ages.you will be at the edge of your seat until the very last page.It's for all magic book readers.