Rating:  Summary: J.K. Rowling Bangs One Right Outta Da Park!!! Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a high-spirited, delightfully refreshing voyage into the entirely intriguing world of Harry Potter. As my favorite book in the Harry Potter series (so far), J.K Rowing shows a grasp on language as well as a mastery of literary fusion. By this I mean that Ms. Rowling can pull off, with successes, the melding of several genres into an overall excellent book for everyone between the ages of 11 and 110. Ms. Rowling successful merges the mystery genre (can you catch the culprit), the realistic fiction genre (details of setting and personage make you feel almost as if you are inside the novel), fantasy, and even sports fiction (Quiddich). Ms. Rowling also makes this novel a delightful read in making the reader all the more attached to our protagonist, Harry Potter, and his friends. I highly recommended this novel for everyone who wants to escape into another world for a couple of days (or if you're like me, a few hours).Benjamin Cavataro Bak Middle School of the Arts Grade Eight
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book!!! Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a highly engrossing book. It includes danger, mystery, and adventure at the same time. If I were the author, I would write more books to let readers relish more Harry Potter adventures. In my opinion, I think it's a great book!
Rating:  Summary: Five stars for Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a magical fantasy written by J.K. Rowling. With Rowling's great imagination, she creates many mystical creatures such as elf's, unicorns, enormous birds and giant snakes. This book is only one of the five Harry Potter classics that J.K Rowling has written. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a mysterious adventure and has many problems and twist that Harry will need to work his way through. Harry Potter is a boy that lives with his mean aunt and uncle. Although Harry might seem like a normal boy, he is nothing close to being normal. Actually, Harry is a wizard that goes to Hogwarts Witch Craft and Wizardry. Harry Potter is famous for his lightning bolt scar across his forehead that he got from one of the worlds darkest and most evil wizard's that killed his parents, Voldemort. Meanwhile, Voldemort is the least of Harry's worries. The escaped prisoner, Sirius Black, is on the run and is looking for Harry. He supposedly set up Harry's parents to be killed and now wants to kill Harry. But, is Harry really the one Black is looking for? In my opinion, Harry Potter and the whole rest of the series are great stories for all ages to read, especially good for someone who really likes adventure and surprises. For me, once I started reading any of the Harry Potter books, I couldn't put the book down and hopefully it will be that way for you too.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter strikes again Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a mysterious, bone chilling, suspenseful story about, of course Harry Potter, an adventurous third year student at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry in England. Supposedly a murderer of thirteen people, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban, the highest security jail in the country, and is to be believed to be after Harry. Dementors, jail guards from the prison, are out everywhere, even at Harry's school. They suck the life and happiness out of any place they occupy, and Harry is petrified of them. Anytime he sees one he can hear his parents dying, what a lovely thought. There is tension between Harry, Ron and Hermoine, Harry's friends. Hermoine is trying to do too much work, she has two classes at the same time, making her a little bit tired and grumpy. The new cat she got, which definitely creates tension between her and Ron, tries to eat Ron's pride and joy Scabbers, a very old and frail mouse. Ron stops talking to her and she becomes very lonely. The climax is when Sirius Black sneaks into the school and lures the friends to the shrieking shack, a haunted house connected to the school by an underground tunnel. It was a pretty exciting climax. I thought Rowling could have spiced it up a bit, but maybe that's just me. All the conflicts and mysteries of the book are interestingly and cleverly woven together to create a finished product. And a very good one I might add! My favorite part of the book is when Professor Lupin and Sirius Black are about to kill Peter Pettigrew, yet Harry nobly protests and explains." We'll take him up to the castle. We'll hand him over to the Dementors.... He can go to Azkaban...but don't kill him." Harry shows alot of integrity here, even though he would probably rather love to see Pettigrew die; he makes the right decision. I think the theme of this book is overcoming your fears. Harry has to do this all throughout the book. He had to learn how to perform a patronus, a very advanced spell which castes away Dementors. " A paralyzing terror filled Harry so that he couldn't move or speak. His Patronus flickered and died. White fog was blinding him. He had to fight..." Here Harry is being surrounded by Dementors, naturally, Harry is scared, yet he faces his fears and pulls through. This probably wasn't my most favorite of the Rowling books, yet it was certainly gripping, suspenseful, and interesting. The reason I didn't like it as much as the others was because it was more of an internal conflict type of book, whereas I like more action. The writer's style is very straightforward and truthful, and I like that. The language is very easy and conversational. Her vocabulary is exceptional, especially for a child novel, yet she doesn't use big not understandable words. I think this book was a little bit creepy, which is good. I would definitely recommend this book to others. It is a book in which you really have to think. I give it four stars!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book with all the other Harry Potter Books. Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a really wonderful book. It has been a good book just like the other books in the Harry Potter series. I think others should buy this book. They will fall in love with it like me. J.K. Rowling, is truly a talented author.
Rating:  Summary: Good read, just one little problem Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a rolicking good read. There is plenty of adventure, mystery, and humor (such as when Harry finds out that his aunt and uncle have been telling their friends that they have been sending him to a school for "incorrigibles"!). This book is better than the second Harry Potter book and almost as good as the first. Definetely a fun read. There are two points that I feel need mentioned. The first is not a complaint, just a little heads up for parents who may want to know. This book is for a somewhat older child than the first two. There is a small bit of "language" (very tiny amount, but parents who may be offended should be aware). The second point is a bit of a complaint. As with the second book, the author again spent quite a bit of time going over information from the first book (in order to make this book stand-alone for the reader who did not read the previous books). I find this to be annoying in a serial book. Readers who do not take the time to read the first books should not be catered to in the latter books of any series. Furthermore, for the reader who has read the first books, the rehashing of old material gives the story a feeling of marking time. The reader is no longer in the story, rather is just waiting for the author to finish catching up those who are behind and get on with the story. For this reason, I have taken away one star.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a story about a boy named Hrry Potter. He is a wizard attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. He's a third year and third years are allowed to visit the village of Hogsmede. His non-magical Aunt and Uncle wont let him go to Hogsmede. A wizard from Azkaban named Sirius Black has escaped and Hogwarts is full of the gaurds of Azakban, the dementors. Balck was said to be a servent for the evil Lord Voldemort. The dementors have the abiliy to drain all the happy thoughts out of a person. Harry and his friends, Harmonie Granger and Ron Weasely meet a werewolf, Professon Lupin. Rubis Hagrid, their "care of magical creatures" teacher and his pet hippogriff, Buckbeak injured Draco Malfoy, Harry's enemy. Buckbeak was executed. They meet Black one day, he was innocent for the murder he commited. Black wants to kill Ron's pet rat, Scrabbers, who was really a wizard named Peter Pettigrew who blamed Black for helping Voldemort murder, when Peter really helped Voldemort. Thanks to Harmonie's "time turner" they saved both Buckbeak and Black escape the dementor's kiss, which is something a dementor does to suck the soul out of a person.
Rating:  Summary: the whole family will love this book! Review: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban is a superb book every one willl love i did!!!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter...Exciting, Suspenseful and Extraordinary! Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a suspenseful book. This book makes you feel like you are experiencing the magic of the wizard book. Harry is a teen student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is a book like no other. Harry Potter is a captivating book that contains extreme details and suspense. Harry Potter is caught between two worlds: the wizardry life of his friends and the Muggle world of his only living relatives. What should he do? In this book, Harry encounters many things including the Knight Bus. Harry meets his friends, and they enjoy many good times with each other. I also liked when Harry learns that Sirus Black is a rival and is out to get Harry. This part is extremely suspensful. This book is a terrific book for all ages to read. I enjoyed this book because it was exciting, detailed, extraordinary, and positive.
Rating:  Summary: One of My Favorites - Rowling is a Genius! Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a terrific addition in the Harry Potter series. I have read all the Harry Potter books, including the recently released, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". In my opinion, these books are terrifically written, and definitely not an contribution towards "santanism" for those crazy people out there. The third book is even better than the first and second book in the series. It's very flowing, and written in such a way that it illustrates the surroundings in the plot. The characters are complex and interesting, and full of surprises. I particularly liked this one because it gave the reader a peak of Harry's past and realtives. For those who believe that the book is stupid and useless, here's a note: - Rowling did not write this because of the magic, it's because she wants to display the world around us. it is much more realistic than you would think, and anyone who reads this carefully and closely should be capable of realizing this. It's merely written in the world of magic to add more entertainment. However, the morals, the actions and the philosphy can easily be tied into our own world.