Rating:  Summary: 4:30 am Review: I waited anxiously for months for the latest installment in the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, I received my copy from Amazon when I got home one night around eleven at night. Not surprisingly, since it was a Harry Potter book, I stayed up until 4:30 IN THE MORNING to finish it. These books are amazing!
Rating:  Summary: I just got mine SIGNED!!!! (Naperville,IL) Review: I waited inline for 6 hours to get a signed copy, and it wassure worth it.I'm 13, and my friends call me obsessive. I made a time turner necklace and when i got to meet her, she stopped signing to get a better look! WOW!
Rating:  Summary: my favorite of the four Harry Potter books out so far... Review: I was 27 years old when I read this novel. I read the Harry Potter books in order. I initially hesitated to read them because I feared that anything that hyped would be a great disapointment. Well, I was wrong--these books are better than I could have imagined. There is not just the incredible creativity in the storyline and details but also, just as importantly, there is a feeling of love between friends that is building throughout these books. This is something that is so hard to do without seeming mushy or maudlin. I am also impressed at the building and varying of the plot lines throughout the books. With every new one I fear a re-hash of an earlier novel. But that never happens. JK Rowling is a master at balancing the familiar elements from earlier novels with new twists, so it's never tedious. This book is my favorite because it has not one, but two of the coolest characters in the Harry Potter series--Professor Lupin, and...well, the second one is a surprise, but those of you who have read these books probably know who I mean. Also, this book has some great magical creatures (Hippogriffs, Dementors), two great Quidditch matches, and more background on Harry's parents. It's an immensely satisfying book, and the one that made me decide that this series was great.
Rating:  Summary: A must read for fantasy readers of all ages!!!! Review: I was a bit embarassed to be caught out with this book in my hand (especially as it had a " for ages 9-12" stamped on it)... but i couldn't help myself. I read a lot of rave reviews about it and to my amazement, these books actually deserved it. Each chapter just kept on getting better and better!!
Rating:  Summary: These books are great Review: I was at a local book store looking for books for a trip my family was taking. I saw the Harry Potter books on display and hearing how good they were purchased them. I've had all three for about two weeks and have read them about three times each. Number three deals with Harry using magic, again, in his muggle neighborhood. Thinking he might of been expelled from Hogwarts Harry does a little more magic trying to go to London. Harry realizes he's not going to be punished and learns that Sirus Black an infamous prisoner has escaped and is after him. Harry and his friends Ron and Hermoine go through another year of Hogwarts trying to figure out about wizarding, and everything else. Harry has a lot to deal with b/c of Quidqitch and with Bucbeak being on trial this year is like no other.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter III prooves disappointing Review: I was disappointed in this third volume of Harry Potter becaused it lacked the creativity of the first two. Of all the parts of the book I was disapointed, it was the ending. I don't wan't to give away a crucial plot, butI must say J.K.Rowlling seemed to be scrounging for the most fanciful ending her imagination could come up with. If her next book is like this, I doubt I'll read them anymore. The only reason I read the third one is because everyone else was raving about them, and I had to see what the big deal was.
Rating:  Summary: I hate to be a damp rag but¿ Review: I was disappointed. The plot is fairly linear, except near the end of the book, when it twists needlessly to fit an ending that is a poor potion even for wizards. Not having read the previous two books, I found Harry to be least likeable character in it. He is precocious. Never suffers his poor judgement. And wins not by his wiles and wits but by his good fortune and superior equipment. Even as an orphan he is a child of the 90's -whinny, disrespectful, and constantly aggrieved. Accompanying Harry through his adventure are his constant companions Ron and Hermione. While Ron does little more than dance around Harry, like the little dog around the big one in cartoons, Hermione is more fleshed out. She is a stressed and short tempered as she overworks herself and doles out her righteous opinions to her friends. A wonderful role model for all maturing girls. The portrayal of the adults in the book is decidedly Dahlesque. While it would be foolish to deny the generational tension, does it have to be so exploitive? It's curious that in order for a children's book to succeed adults in it must be one dimensional. Either tyrannical or foolish, they flit through this novel serving no purpose other then to provide counterpoint to Harry's timely quips. While the other media suffers Bart, South Park, and Beavis and Butthead, I was hoping that in print this device would less popular. But here it is in this wildly promoted book. I did enjoy isolated parts of the book and there were glimmers of mastery, but it relies too heavily on typical tensions, commonplace characters and a let's-throw-the-kitchen-sink-at-it ending. Does it have a saving grace? Of course. Because of Harry Potter, children are reading. Let's only hope that their reading eventually expands beyond Harry, his friends, and Hogwart.
Rating:  Summary: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban Review: I was hooked on this book from the very begining. An escaped murderer named Sirius Black escaped from prison and is after Harry. Prison gaurds were placed around Hogwarts so Sirius wouldn't come in. Every time Harry saw one of the dementors he fainted. Finally Sirius breaks in and tells Harry something that shocks everybody. Read it to find out what he said.
Rating:  Summary: I'm 37, with no kids, and I love these books. Review: I was intrigued by their premise, and while shopping at Amazon, I read an excerpt from the first book, and I was hooked. As I mentioned, I'm 37, no kids, I'm not a teacher either - however, I am an avid reader, and I was an English Literature major in college. These books are great fun to read, they have some scary parts, they're all hilarious. The characters are vivid and appealing. One really DOES want to grab their Nimbus 2000 and fly off to Hogwarts with the other wizards and witches after reading these. There is some mild swearing, but nothing to freak out about if you're a parent (most kids probably hear much worse at their school, more's the pity).
Rating:  Summary: The Best Harry Potter Book out of All Four! Review: I was intrigued to find out what was behind all the hype of Harry Potter - so I read the series, some what pessimistically. However I was so surprised to find that I thoroughly enjoyed them. As always though, everyone has a favourite and the Prisoner of Azkaban was definitely MY favourite in the series. It has, perhaps, the most optimistic ending for Harry so far as his family situation goes (hopefully an escape from the horrible Dursley's) and it also introduces some of the most imteresting characters including Sirius Black and Professor Quirell. The Prisoner of Azkaban has it all from werewolves to hippogriffs and there are even more exciting Quidditch matches (and Gryffindor are even more determined to carry away the elusive Quiddich cup this year!). Definitely the BEST Harry Potter yet!