Rating:  Summary: Best of all so far Review: Harry's fourth year - though he doesn't know it yet - will be far more interesting than the first three, and far more dangerous. The book starts off with him being woken from a nightmare by his scar hurting. When he returns to school, everything seems almost as normal as usual - or as possible at Hogwarts - apart from people whispering about the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup, Hogwarts' Quidditch being cancelled for the Triwizard Tournament, and him (unwittingly) being entered into it. Harry (who has to deal with fame on a new level), Ron (who learns to control the green-eyed monster) and Hermione (who'll dabble in politics) struggle to keep their heads above water and on their necks, as friendships strengthen, and new ones bloom. Many dangers lie ahead, and twists galore unfold. Clearly, Rowling is able to sustain (and even add to) her flare, comedy, and suspense, as another year begins at Hogwarts.
Rating:  Summary: The Book With a Twist Review: This book is really good because it is different from all the others in the Harry Potter series. For one thing it doesn't have Qudditch at Hogwarts. The only Quidditch takes place at the Quidditch World Cup in the beginning. Although I love the Quidditch in the book, at least there is a bit of it. Also the ending is not exactly joyous as in the other books( of course I will not spoil it by telling you). I can ensure you that each page is FILLED with excitement and that you will not be able to put the book down once you start.
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait for Book 5 Review: This book it the best so far of Rowling's series. We are introduced to new characters and see our old ones grow. I'm very uneasy about this book being read to young children. There is a very heartwrenching scene in the book that turns away from her traditional style of writing. I actually felt my throat become scratchy and my eyes water. But you will definately enjoy this one. It doesn't end like the others either. You don't feel like everything will be okay. You are left to wonder how she will begin the next story and how will everything turn up. It's exciting.
Rating:  Summary: The Issues Review: As many issues arise from disgruntled parents about the mood and tone of the fourth Harry Potter book, I must agree that this is a tad too dark for younger children that has already been mesmerized by its magic. True, you can't hide this stuff from kids forever, but it's nice to have them enjoy the innocence they bask in while it lasts. As another follower of the Harry Potter series, I must say that this book is another great accomplishment by Joanne Rowling. Let's face it, once you've read the first book, there's no resisting that urge in reading all of them. Many new twists and induced anticipation appear in this book, and I wait with baited breath for the next one. The trend appears to be, however, that as Harry grows, his misfortunes and challenges go along with it. And as much as I like Harry Potter, I guess this is a bit of a downer (but not much) as compared to the fabulous first trio of the series.
Rating:  Summary: The Best one so far..... Review: It was nice to see that book four was 734 pages long, knowing it was the last book before the 'dry spell' while waiting for Hogwarts year 5 to be released in 2002. This book is very juicy in storylines. The book starts out with some very strange happenings at the Qudditch World cup when the Dark Mark is seen.( I won't tell you what the dark mark is or I ruin the suspense!) As most people know there will be no Quidditch this year at Hogworts but to make that up they will have the Triwizard Tournement. They haven't had this event in hundreds of years due to the amount of injuries and deaths to the participants. The suspense continues when Harry somehow gets into the tournament even though he is underage. In this book J.K. also introduced a new character know as Mad-Eye Moody who is the new defense against dark arts teacher who seems to have quite a liking and interest in Harry. As the Triwizard Tournament progress the storylines definelty get much more juicier. As the final event approaches it looks like all the contestants from the three schools are in contention. However the best part of this book isn't until the very very end as there will be a big surprise!!! I don't want to spoil anymore of the book so you will have to read the book! All I can say is after reading the ending of book 4 I can't wait for the return of the Harry Potter books in 2002!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Views on Harrys Ignorance and Superiority Review: Harry, in my opinion, is proud and refuses to accept other peoples help in sertain situations. For example, before the 2nd task he spent hours trying to find out about the gillyweed and couldn't do it. He used Hermione and Ron to help him but never even thought about Neville Longbottom who he dismissed as useless. As Bartemius Crouch Jnr. said towards the end, "Harry Potter, you have a streak of pride and independence that might have ruined all."
Rating:  Summary: The best of the 4 Review: As I have previously said this is far the greatest book out of the four,and the greatest book over all the books that I have read. I haven't read this book in a while so some things might be wrong. First there is no quiditch in the book because they are having all the people from all the other schools come and compete in these games. I think only seventh and eighth years can compete but someone mysteriously stuck harry's name in there and since the goblet picked his name he was representing Hogwarts and this other kid that he doesn't like. There are four tasks to do until they win {but I forgot what they win}and the last one is a race. .... That's all I remember so bye.
Rating:  Summary: Good book you shouldn't miss if you are a Harry Potter fan Review: This book is alright. I wouldn't say it is the best book i have ever read though. I would say this book gave the fans what they wanted, but it is no comparrison to the first book. I felt this one was held back, not as creavtive as the 1st. But who is to complain. I myself is a Harry Potter fan. I read the first when it was as common as many other books out there. If you want to enjoy a good book as excellent as Harry Potter(1), I suggest "The Golden Compass". It has the same "magic" that is in Harry Potter...Magic, excitement, suspense, commidy, bravery, love(a little more then harry potter) and more....It is by phillip pullman. Oh and i am waiting for #5 for Harry Potter...I hope it does better than this one. I still give this book a five because i don't want to compare it to #1. I say it is a pretty well written book =O). and i'm actually older than 12.
Rating:  Summary: Hope I am wrong Review: This book (as well as the previous in the series) is already available in Italian. But whenever possible I prefer original versions, and this is the reason why I read H.P. in English. In general, I enjoyed this book. As usual, it is so full of inventiveness and turns of events, that one becomes sorry when the last page is reached; and I really appreciated the imperceptible changes in the characters' nature, the transition from childhood to adolescence. But I fear that the author could become more and more "profit-driven", and subjugate her pen to the reasons of mass market. I have had this feeling here and there. I really hope to be wrong!
Rating:  Summary: Withstanding the pleasure of the first 3, but missing spirit Review: While still maintaining the originality and entertainment of the first 2 books, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire loses points because it doesn’t have the mere spirit of the first 3. It feels like a whole new Harry and all different characters, we are strayed away from the descriptive, sarcastic, smart and funny characters we loved in the first 3 books. This is in a way very intelligent but somehow disappointing. The 4th Harry outing is still highly recommendable. The story is shocking and has grown up a lot, this book I would most recommend to teens. Not for the violence or the sense of romance, but more plot-wise. The teenagers will take this in better, the kids may have to have it interpreted by an adult. The book mainly consists of Harry preparing and doing tasks for a big competition, and I found the preparation for the tasks the best bit of the book. It brings out an intelligence in the series that no other book has displayed, while the actual doing of the tasks themselves are great. You feel like you are there, feeling the fire on your neck and been caught up in a web of rush and tension. In the end, all in all, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire succeeds in being a pleasurable and intriguing book for most audiences, but for some it will be a let-down.