Rating:  Summary: The best yet Review: I originally purchased all 4 of the Harry Potter books for my son. Being a firm believer that the "book is usually better than the movie", I decided to re-read "The Sorcerer's Stone" before seeing the film. Well, in the past two weeks I have read all 4 books. "The Goblet of Fire" has certainly been my favorite. Not only are there the usual twists and turns that we have come to expect from the "Harry" series, but there is also a good deal of character development as Harry and his friends mature. The ending definitely leaves you wanting more. For those who feel that Harry moves through the world unscathed and without emotional baggage, he certainly picks it up in this story. My one concern is that with the cheerful picture of Harry on the cover, younger readers may think that this is another light hearted story of the young wizard. Probably any child below 10 years will alternately be bored by the character development and horrified at the ending. However, I would strongly recommend it to older children and adults. Not since the Tolkien series have I been so drawn into a world of fantasy and imagination. I especially like Dumbledore's summation at the end of the book..."when you are given the choice of doing what is right or what is easy..." Harry continues to do what is right and so does the author.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT!!! Review: Hey everyone! The fourth book is so far the best! It really is detailed and has a great cliffhanger and surprise ending. Leaves you wanting more
Rating:  Summary: The best book EVER!!! Review: I've read all of the Harry Potter and i've loved each one more than the one befor it. I know evryone says its "Horrible for kids. But seriously. Come on. How different is reading Harry Potter and watching a magic show. Yea. lets get rid of harry potter. And while were at it. lets get rid of magic all together. and horror movies, and anything that could do anything bad. no ghosts. no hollowene. Anyway. I loved the book and have already pre-ordered the fifth. So I say, GET IT
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is the best book I ever read! Review: I've read all four books and I think Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the best out of the series of Harry Potter! I can't wait until the fifth book comes out in a year! I like that you can never figure out who the bad guy is until the end. I like how there is so much action. I wish I could go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I wish I could taste all the candy of witch's and wizard's. If I went to Hogwart's I would want to be in Gryffindor. I would like to cast a spell on me to make me be able to fly the most. I hate Malfoy and Snape because they get Harry into trouble. Hagrid is a friendly half giant. I highly recommend this book to any muggle, small or large!
Rating:  Summary: Red Head Harry Potter Go Home! Review: Unlike the more mature fantasies of C.S. Lewis's classic Narina books or King and Straub's Talisman which depict schools as deadening embodiments of progressive aridity Rowling show's them as portals to enchantment rather then as an evil to escape from, something which underscores her "hero's" essential preppy sensibility & vapidity.
Rating:  Summary: I wonder... Review: Just like the 3rd book, it made me think about the true identity of a person. From the consistent topic in Sharekespear, we shouldn't judge someone from appreance. I wonder if Dumbledore is really good person or what kind of person professor Snape is (he continued to look like a villian from the first volume, but he showed he sticks to the good side against Voldermort). From this book, there seems to be a beginning of romance if it is appropriate to tell for children's book (but I think it's ok. Romance is about love, isn't it?). I wonder what Ron feel for Hermione and Hermione think of Harry. I wonder when the fifth book will be published and what kind of story it proceeds with clues thrown in previous ones.Though Harry smiled on the cover, I was sad when reading the last page. Why was that honest and brave boy killed because he was on the way of Voldermort (I received an e-mail askinf if Harry was killed. Of course not. Without Harry how the author can write the seriese to 7th volume? If I mentioned the poor boy's name, it's like a foul to say the killer's name in mystery movie to the persons who don't watch the movie). Sometimes the good and innocent are sacrificed in reality. That's sad.
Rating:  Summary: More serious the rest, Harry Potter continues to deliver! Review: Things start to happen in book 4. Serious things. This lives up to the claim of being the turning point book of the series. Not only are Harry, Ron, and Hermione growing up (Ron suddenly notices Hermione's a girl and Hermione dates famous quidditch player Viktor Krum), this book signifies Lord Voldermort's return. It's a must read, although be sure to keep this out of the hands of anyone younger than 8. The Harry Potter series is one of the best series I have ever read, and J.K. Rowling has talent beyond belief for keeping not only children reading, but teens and adults as well. For all those who think this book is heathen, come off it and go back to reading the bible that's glued to your hand. You are missing out on one of the best book series ever. This is definately not a fad.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible as usual Review: Amazingly the Harry Potter series gets even better with The Goblet of Fire. Rowling weaves another masterpiece in the Harry saga. I have read all 4 and a recommend them to anyone. This book is incredible I highly suggest you pay the money for it. It is worth it.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite one! Well, maybe. Yes. It's my fav. Well... Review: It's just too hard to pick a favorite. But, I will tell you the ending of this book had me GLUED to the pages. (Well, I wasn't literally stuck to them. You know what I mean.) I am a very picky reader. (I'm also an adult - yes, I am over 21 and have a Harry Potter tattoo on my hand as I type.) These books have grabbed me like no others. I love the fact that the lead characters are not snotty brats. I love the fact that when they're getting into trouble it's nearly always for a greater good and not for themsevles. I love the fact that J.K. Rowling keeps our characters intelligent and does not talk down to us, the readers. When Harry gets on the Hogwart's Express, I feel I am personally in for an adventure of a lifetime! Highly recommended for adults and children.
Rating:  Summary: I wish it was true! Review: Being 19 years old I thought I'd never like a story like Harry's. I thought it was for little children. But as soon as I read the first page, I knew I was mistaken. I couldn't stop reading it and I swear I fell in love with every single character of the story. This book made me believe in fantasy again. Sometimes I ask to myself "why isn't this story true?" "why doesn't Hogwarts really exsist?"... but after some seconds I realise it DOES existst... in the deepest of my heart.