Rating:  Summary: Best of the Harry Potter Series Review: I have read all 4 of the Harry Potter books and this one is definitely the best of all. Harry Potter is a young boy who came form a wizard family. However as a very small child his parents were killed by the very powerful Lord Voldemort who's main target to kill was Harry. During Harry's first 3 years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Voldemort has attempted to kill him several times but has failed. In the 4th book things got much more dangerous for Harry..... At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry it was going to be another normal year....or was it? Harry Potter, the star Quidditch player for Hogwarts' team was looking forward to the Quidditch season when news came around that the entire year's games would be canceled so Hogwarts would be able to host a Triwizard Tournament involving Hogwarts and two other schools: Beauxbaton and Durmstrang which is led by a former follower of Voldemort). Each school needs a champion to compete in 3 different challenging tasks to find a Grand Champion. However Harry is the 4th champion, the second from Hogwarts. But the evil Lord Voldemort is making a plan to put an end to the talented Harry Potter's life. If you are looking for a great fantasy story this is the book to get.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a wonderful book that many enjoy. It is a little vilont in some spots though.It took me a week and one day to read this book. I read it when I was 8.
Rating:  Summary: huge hype... no delivery Review: From the first news article commenting Harry Potter, to having his face on the cover of TIME magazine, or basically becoming one of the most bestselling books of all time, you could say that Harry Potter definitely has the hype. In school, my fellow classmates who are 4 years older than me, read these books over and over again so i decide to read them all, all 4 existing harry potter books and quite frankly, they all palinly [stink]. From the literary perspective, its still a book for children under 12, who still do not know about such great authors like James Joyce, George Ornwell, or John Steinbeck. It tells too much and it's just too easy of a read. There are no hidden messages between the sentences, or any moral truth we must learn from them but rather, just sentences telling about Harry Potter and his friends, The Evil Lord Voldemort, and The Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Now i must admit that the whole concept of Harry Potter is great, great idea, entertaining but it just isn't my novel. People who like intellectual novels, DON'T READ THIS. (OR ANY HARRY POTTER BOOK for that matter)
Rating:  Summary: Read this before buy! Review: I finished this book, relieved that I made it through all 734 pages without going crazy, and a little (only little) dissapointed. This is why, and why you should read this before you buy the book. About 450 of the pages were drawn out. What I mean by that is, J.K. focused too much on some detail. Who's she trying to be, Jules Vern? Anywhey, the fact bothered me that Harry Potter didn't get to Hogwarts until 200 some pages into the book. The part with the dark mark, and the quiddetch (I'm not sure if thats how you spell it) world cup. Don't let that stop you from buying the book, but its takes a little while until it gets interesting. This is a very good book though. But it doesn't deserve 5 stars. Third still is, and always will be, the best of the Harry Potter series.
Rating:  Summary: a book i feel a part of Review: Harry Potter when he stands on his broom n rides it, it feels like I'm right beside him. In HP 4 it scares me with the goblin things and its fun when HP wins the Goblet of FIRE. and its cool when he gets his Firebolt. I just luv HP.
Rating:  Summary: a fun read Review: Before I had started reading The Goblet Fire, I was skeptical on what to expect from this book. It started a bit slow but shortly I got sucked into what was going on in the story. Harry goes through many situations that really keep you guessing what will happen next, such as living with his neglecting aunt and uncle in the beginning of the book, or taking part in the Triwizards Tournament. The not knowing what to expect next keeps, you wanting more, and makes it hard to put the book down. I thought the book was really well written, and was fun to read, because you did not have to know anything about the events in the story. You learn about new things as you go along, which keeps it interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes this kind of story or to someone who needs a change from the realistic genre.
Rating:  Summary: Keep Fighting the Good Fight Harry! Review: Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire J.K. Rowling, who transformed a TV generation into book lovers, continues to create magic in her fourth novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Her series about a boy at odds with himself, his family and his entire world until he discovers that he is a magical wizard speaks volumes on what it means to feel like an outsider and at long last find love and acceptance. In Rowling's earlier novels, Harry begins to understand his powers through a series of adventures that teach him to trust his friends, question authority and most importantly, believe in himself. This tale is as old as time, but Rowling stretches the moral play to a new elevation, as evidenced by the book's dedication: "...to Susan Sladden, who helped Harry out of his cupboard." Granted, Harry's adoptive parents forced him to sleep in an old cupboard, but it is a rather simple step to take this meaning less literally. Nowadays, "Coming out of the closet" means more than an announcement of one's sexuality - it refers to taking pride in those aspects of your character that others would have you deny, either out of discomfort, denial or the desire to not be different. Rowling uses Harry's position as an outsider in the Muggle (non-magic) world to depict what it feels like in the real world when you are made to feel different, and follows Harry through a process of accepting his differences. This is a valuable lesson for Muggles of any age. Rowling refuses to force Harry to fit into a mold. In The Goblet of Fire, Harry and several other witches and wizards are forced to rescue the person they will "sorely miss." For Harry, this is Ron, his best friend. But even as magic has decided that Harry will miss Ron most, Harry realizes that deciding whom to save, and therefore have in his life, is not that simple. That Rowling likes to toy with conventions is evident. From her real-life rags to riches story to a strikingly feminist subplot that has characters questioning whether house-elves (who cook and clean) should be paid, Rowling refuses to let things slide simply because they are expected. The same is true with Harry. How easy it would have been to have Harry transition to the world of magic and live there in bliss. But this would not be true or real. In Harry's adventures, his greatest adversaries are from the magic world, from his own feelings of self-doubt and from the people he is expected to trust. Rowling has opened new doors throughout her Harry Potter series, and this fourth installment is no different. Rowling may be "just a children's author", but she has demonstrated once again that the lessons we learn as children about acceptance, tolerance and taking on new challenges shape who we are. Harry's life is difficult, especially after he learns who he is, but what makes Harry's life so rich is his ability to transcend the evil forces in his world and life live to the fullest. For children and adults, this is something we struggle with daily - to not give in to life's challenges. Keep fighting the good fight Harry.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire Review: I give the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by: J.K Rowling five stars. It was a great book, I would recommend it to any person who has read the first, second, and third Harry Potter books and liked them. In the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter goes to his magical school called Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he goes to Hogwarts and finds out that two other schools are coming to Hogwarts in an event called the triwizard tournament. In this tournament in order to get into it you you need have to be at least 17 and older to put your name into the "Goblet of Fire". Since Harry's only 14 he can't he can't get in but somehow Harry's name gets put in and .................? To find out what happens read the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K.Rowling.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is written by J.K. Rowling. If you have read the first three Harry Potter books than you will love this book. Despite the 734 pages long it's worth the read. In the story when it's time to choose the winners of the contest for school representative for the triwizard competition the three representatives are chosen. Harry Potter gets a big surprise. To see what the surprise is read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
Rating:  Summary: Appropriate for all! Review: I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the books on tape. I have read the all of the books more than once, but I enjoy the tapes or when I am doing very tedious work such as painting my room or working out. Jim Dale does a lovely job reading and is very consistent with the voices he has devised for each character. Having also listened to the Lord of the Rings on tape I was very disappointed that it wasn't Jim Dale doing the voices. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.