Rating:  Summary: As if under a spell I couldn't put this down! Review: This is the best Potter book yet. It was a mammoth session but it was worth it - a treat for wizards and muggles alike! A must read!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! It's even better than the first 3! Review: The first book was great. The second was amazing. The third was stupendous. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is so great, it is nearly indescribable. It has the best plot that I've read in all my life. J.K. Rowling has come out with another best seller! I just can't wait to read the next three books and get further caught up in the adventures of Harry, Hermione, Ron the Durselys, and of course, Lord Voldemort, all of the professors at Hogwarts, and anyone or anything else that stumbles into the plotline! Simply spectacular!
Rating:  Summary: Another Winner! Review: I bought Harry Potter IV for two main reasons: my children and I enjoyed the first three episodes, and a desire to find out which of the many rumors floating around happened to be true. I found this episode even more enjoyable than the last. Harry is growing up and capable of doing many things-even if he has doubts about being able to do them. The book never seemed to get to a slow point that was hard to get through...but smoothly went from chapter to chapter with ease. When I finished the book I was still ready to keep reading and will have to wait patiently until the next installment is released. For all those unfamiliar with Harry...he is enjoyable for all ages and worth the read.
Rating:  Summary: How can a book this overhyped live up to expectations? Review: And yet, amazingly, it does! J.K. Rowling once again proves that she is one of the most creative authors of the century, weaving her magic to create a dark new chapter in the lives of Harry Potter. From an almost simple tale in Book 1 about a poor young boy who makes good, Rowling has hit her stride in Book 4, introducing us to a whole universe of Wizards and Witches, some good, some evil, and a complex plot that continues to weave in and around itself with so many details that readers hit thier heads in frustration with a "how could I not see that coming" sigh. It is nothing short of Brilliant. Thank you JK Rowling, for giving me 24 hours of pure, page-turning, pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to review without giving away the story... Review: Harry and friends contend with hormones and intrigue in this fourth book in the series.Students from *other* Wizardry Schools appear (I think I was as surprised as Harry was by the idea of schools other than Hogwart's), and Ms. Rowling kindly includes a scene in which Hermione spends a little time trying to teach a foreign student how to pronounce her name correctly - it's Her-MY-oh-nee. (I can't be the only one who's been mis-pronouncing it!) Hermione also starts her own labour movement - on behalf of the house-elf population. Draco Malfoy gets a much-deserved taking-down (in a scene that had my entire family howling with laughter!), we meet even *more* Weasleys, the Dursleys meet the Weasleys (!), and we get some very definite character development on some of the minor cast members. I know, we've all heard the rumour, someone dies in this book. It's true, and it's sad when it happens, but it's not the end of the world. Our whole household stayed up late to be among the first to get this book in hand, and I got first turn reading it - *well* worth staying up all night for. There are thrills, chills, great laughs, and the suspense is well-handled. (I thought, a little ways into the book, that I had it all figured out - I'm happy to report I was completely wrong, and completely surprised by the last several chapters.) Normally, my kids are intimidated by such thick books (734 pages!), but this is one they're queueing to get their hands on. Ms. Rowling has said that this book is central to the series, and that it took her longer to write than the previous books have, as she felt she absolutely *had* to get it right. I'd say it was time very well spent - this is definitely the best of the series so far, and it's only whetted my appetite for Book Five. Harry is fast climbing my short-list of most endearing young people in fiction, joining Anne of Green Gables, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, Jo March, and Encyclopedia Brown and Sally.
Rating:  Summary: Bigger is better! Review: As eagerly as we have all waited for this book, I was tempted to read it slowly, and savor it, but I couldn't. Rowling continues the magic she has displayed in the first three novels, but this time on a larger scope. You get the feeling from the very first chapter that she has cast her net a bit wider this time, but her control over this magical world is still complete. There are more characters than ever before, and a bigger view of the wizarding world, but the tale still revolves, as ever, around Harry Potter. He is growing up, braver, more sarcastic (his friend Ron is also far more sarcastic - he probably picked it up from Fred and George) but still as likable as ever. All the rumors you've heard are true - it's scarier, you see the Quiddich World Cup (Rowling may have taken the fan behavior from English soccer matches!), Harry gets interested in girls (although a G-rated interest), and someone dies. No hints here, but when it happens it will be nearly impossible not to feel great sadness at this event, although, as Harry, you might have to wait until you can catch your breath before it sinks in. Rowling's new characters are all vivid creations, even if some seem underused (there are promises some will be back) and many romantic hints are given which I hope will be played out in future novels. The mystery is more complex than that of the third book, and you never know whom to trust. The final confrontation is the most intense yet, and leads to many intriguing possibilities for book five. So, where is the line, and where do I get in it?
Rating:  Summary: The Best Yet Review: This is by far the best of the Harry Potter series. JK Rowling grabs you in the first three chaptes, and causes you to laugh uncontrollably, catch your breath in fear, and tears will undoubtably fill your eyes with the incredible kindness of Mr. Weasley. It only gets better from there, and I know that you won't want to wait til July 2001 to find out what happens next either!
Rating:  Summary: This is a real page turner, Harry is great! Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a fantastic page turner -- I literally couldn't put it down. It's size may be daunting to younger readers, but for those who love a good story packed with adventure, mystery and magic it's worth it. The book has a darker feel than the other three Potter books, since Lord Voldemort's power begins to build and his evil influence is spreading. He is not above murder, deceit and dark magic. There are plenty of new characters in this one, and you're never sure who is friend or foe right up until the end. Meanwhile Harry has plenty of his own problem to solve, everything from impossible tasks to getting a date for the Christmas Dance. The plot is too good to give away, so I won't spoil it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter this is a "must have". My only problem now is having to wait until book 5 comes out, particularly since the last chapter in "Goblet of Fire" is titled "The Beginning". Harry come back soon!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review: This highly exciting new book is most likely the best one yet. It tells the story of the world famous wizard Harry Potter. Harry was orphaned when he was one year old by the most evil wizard of all times. When the wizard tries to kill Harry, the spell bounces off of Harry and redoubles on the dark wizard. Harry grows up with his aunt and uncle, who "forget" to tell Harry what really killed his parents. In book one Harry is taken to the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he is trained in becoming a wizard. For those of you that don't approve of books about magic, the book is incredibly light-hearted and humorous. Magic just makes the humor in the book more funny. I mean, how often are you verbally insulted by your mirror? This book has the same touch of style as all the other books. There is an increadible amount of humor that makes you want to come back for more. The book plays as humor, fantacy, mystery, and adventure. This book apeals to most everybody. Harry lives a normal life with a twist. He has to get along whith his evil cousin, finish homework, keep out of the way of various ghosts haunting his school, keep away from a killer wizard, and avoid being turned into a canary by enchanted desserts his trick-playing friends provide. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a book everyone should love. It has all the elements of a great book, plus a suprise ending that is sure to leave you stunned.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: I just finished reading this book. It is wonderful but it would be a little bit too scary for younger children because 1. There is lots of violence 2. All of the swearing All in all I like this book better than the rest and I cannot wait until the fifth one