Rating:  Summary: Another Victory for Harry Potter! Review: This fourth installment vastly exceeds expectations, keeping readers guessing until the end! Rowling never loses a thread in this tapestry and weaves them- dare we say- magically together for a brilliant end.However, as anticipated, this volume is much darker its predecessors. I am not entirely sure of its suitability for small children. At risk of spoiling any surprises, (which are well worth waiting for), let me just say the book does not end with the same "good triumphs over evil" euphoria as the previous Harry Potter books. The beginning of the boy/girl factor is brilliantly done- and you will be surprised at where romance blossoms. If you are expending energy trying to guess who dies- stop- you are wasting your time. When reading the book gives no hints until it actually, and sadly, happens. For such a long book, it is a very quick read. I found myself reading faster and faster, desperate to find out what happened next! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. The only part I hated was finishing it and realizing how long it will be until number five.
Rating:  Summary: Even Better than the first three combined! Review: The 4th installment of Harry Potter books is absolutely adventurous, gripping, and fun. I dont know why the age for readers of these books are set from 9-12 years old. Everyone can read these books and I can't wait to read the 5th one. This is a must read for all ages!
Rating:  Summary: 734 PAGES AND I WISH IT WAS 700 MORE Review: I got the book at midnight on July 8th and finished reading it by midnight on the 9th. I couldn't put it down. Book 4 is the best one yet. Not only are you able to read about the same familiar characters that we all love so much, Rowling manages to introduce several new characters who you will find just as unforgettable, such as the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher. You also find more background about characters such as Snape and Hagrid; she also gives more details about the time right after Voldemort lost power and what happened to his followers. Harry and the gang are growing up and start to deal with issues like boy/girl relations. Herimone even gets a boyfriend and someone is a little jealous. And yes- a recurring character does die which is a sad part in the book. It is still full of humor like when the Weasleys go to the Dursleys and George and Fred get hold of Dudley. You also find out that there are other schools like Hogwarts. The end is fantastic but she leaves many issues unresolved that will leave you clamoring for book 5. I am a 30 year old with no children and would encourage any adult to join in the fun and read this or any of the Harry Potter books.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first three! Review: This was a WONDERFUL book, full of surprises, thrills, new spells and characters, and a danger more threatening than any other! The Goblet of Fire is a pivital book in the series, as an evil power rises again and as Harry finds new strenghts. Although extremely long, not for even one moment is it boring or repetive; in fact, every page holds a new surprise or secret! The ending especially was full of cunning twists and unexpected surprises! Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is packed with humor, magic, discoveries, mysteries, and surprises that will make you fly through the 734 pages! It is a must read!
Rating:  Summary: Best Harry Potter Ever! Review: I pre-ordered this book from Amazon as soon as I knew I could. I was so happy to receive the free saturday delivery from them that I had to put aside everything else that I was working on that day and just begin to read. This is definately the longest and most involved Harry Potter book yet, but also one of the best Harry Potter's book yet! If you have read any of the previous 3 then you will have to pick this book up... I don't want to give away the plot for anybody, but I will say that this book is just as chilling and thrilling as the previous ones. If you have just recently read or re-read for that matter, Book 3 then you will enjoy Book 4 even more. It picks up right off where Book 3 left off. What is Sirius Black up to these days? Who really is going to be Harry's new girlfriend? And the one close to Harry who dies, well, I won't give it away, but I will say that you will be thinking one thing, and then totally surprised by who it really is! I commend J.K. Rawling on her best book yet, and can't wait for the movie in 2001 or Book 5 to see where Harry Potter ends up next! So whether your an adult who is hiding their love for the series or a child who has gotten a real thrill for reading recently, then you should order this book ASAP!
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't Stop Reading! Review: I've read all three previous Harry Potter installments and "Goblet of Fire" outshines them all. I only stopped reading long enough to eat! I highly recommend this book: my Mom coudn't wait for me to finish so SHE could read it! This book is a page-turner, loaded with lots of unexpected surprises, new characters and a classic battle of Good versus Evil. There's a good blend of action, adventure, romance and of course, magic! J.K. Rowling is a great author and I can't wait for the next book in this series. Keep them coming! Hats off to the Hogwarts School.
Rating:  Summary: Rowling does it again Review: Though I've finished the book, my head is still at Hogwarts. I'm continually amazed at Rowling's storytelling, her character development and the plot twists that keep you on the edge of your broomstick. Harry and his friends have another year of potions and caring for magical animals while learning how to be international ambassdors of sorts. And, throughout Rowling sees fit to remind us that Harry and his friends are human - and are subject to the pains of growing up - even some difficult lessons. It's clear that this book is most important in the plot which links all the books. And I'm almost sorry I've finished - as I now have to wait for the rest of the Harry Potter saga. Rowling has a fresh voice that leaves a classic impression on you.
Rating:  Summary: Worth reading all 734 pages! Review: For those of you who can't get enough of Harry Potter, this book is absolutely perfect. My only complaint about the series so far is simply not having enough to read, but the 734-page fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, solves that problem. It has all the appeal of our beloved three original books, with tons of new characters, exciting twists, and more insights into Harry's past. This book almost reads like a mystery, as the reader is not completely filled in on present events, and hints dropped along the way can be used to piece together what will happen in the end. Consider yourself warned: the only displeasing aspect of the book is the somewhat dropoff ending. The other books of the series end with some kind of triumph on Harry's part, and you walk away knowing that more problems may arise, but things are all right for the time being. However, the problem presented in Book Four has only begun to be solved by its conclusion. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Worth waiting for Review: I found this to be a wonderful transitional book. The doors are now open with lots of intricate plot threads hanging for future novels. There is no denying that this is an intense book that deals with difficult issues. I believe the young readers will be better for the exposure and the skillful handling of these issues. This book has wide appeal....even to 32 year old Muggles.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING! Review: OMG! This is truly the best book that I have ever read! The moment I got it yesterday to a few hours ago, I had literally been hooked on J.K. Rowlings every word! This book is better then the first three no doubt, and the others were awesome too, so that should tell you something! I will be waiting with anticipation for her next book! Thank you so much J.K. Rowling and keep writing!