To start off, let me say this. The book was long, and in being long the author was able to put a lot of detail into this. Also, i did notice that the author change her writing style a little bit, by using some words that i would not expect anyone in their teen years to understand.
As far as the book, it added a little theme of love which was very entertaining, and seemed suitable for younger audiences.
And as with every Harry Potter book, there was a twist to the story, which i did not get once again until they explained it (sigh).
This book was soooo dark toward the ending, it left me feeling quite sad for little harry potter, and his world in general. It makes me want to cry.
There were many aspects to this book, such as friendship, and many life lessons such as you can never trust anyone.If you were a fan of the first three, i recommend this book to you, if you have the time.
This might prove to be a problem though if they make a movie out of it, because it was very long... but that's another review.
~hope this helps
Summary: Major Cool Epic Book-Thing
Review: This book is ,like, so totally cool! It's about 14 year old boy-wizard Harry Potter at Hogwarts School o Witchcraft and Wizardry. KEY HIGHLIGHTS you should know about it:
Voldimort-did I spell it right?-(who ,like,has to be the late-great James Potter's father)is totally back in power.
Ron's got a crush on Hermine-you can give up on my spelling any time now.
And last but not least...Cedric Digory-there's,like, my spelling again-DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summary: The best book I've ever read! Sameena
Review: You'll love this book! An awesome story. Harry Potter, is not a normal boy, in fact he is way beyond normal. He is a wizard that goes to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His parents died, but not in a car crash as his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon told him. The dark wizard Voldemort murdered them. Now Harry lives with his mean Aunt, Uncle and cousin Dudley, the Dursley family. The Durleys are what wizards call muggles. Muggles don't have any magic powers. This fourth book in the Harry Potter series continues on Harry's adventures. Harry travels to his friends house by magical floo powder. At Ron's house Harry sees his other friend Hermione Grainger, Ron's younger sister Ginny and meets Ron's other brothers Bill and Charlie.
A mysterious event takes place at Hogwarts School in Harry's fourth year. This event is called the TriWizard Tournament. It's a special contest where three wizarding schools get together to compete. Three names from each school are picked out of the Goblet of Fire, a large cup carved out of wood that held flames instead of liquid. The three champions selected, then participate in the tournament with three tasks. But something happens at the end of the third task. Harry is transported to a graveyard and duels with Lord Voldemort. I won't tell you how their duel ends, but if you read this book you'll find out. If you are a Harry Potter fan, you won't be able to put this book down.
Summary: Best one yet
Review: This is the best Harry Potter book by far. Don't be afraid of the length; it goes by very fast. I read this book in one day. This is a great book series for all ages. I am 13, I love them, my dad is 42 and he loves them.
Summary: Needs editing
Review: Rowling got cocky with this book and decided she didn't need to edit it. Well, it still unfortuneately sold, but it isn't any good. Rita Skeeter is amusing for about a page. Her antics aren't important to the story and her entire existence could be cut out easily. It's the same with the House Elf Liberation Front. Oh yes, it's nice that Hermione is fighting for the slaves, but it's unnecessary. SPEW could go without anything being taken away from the story.
The TriWizard Tournament was just not realistic. Yes, something new needed to happen, but this is not within reason. Schoolkids being "bound" by this Goblet of Fire-power? Come on, you know that's just a cheap way to make Harry have to participate. And why would a school agree to put its students in so much danger? This is not a sports rivalry; it's closer to a war.
However, I liked Viktor Krum and Cedric and I don't agree that this book is "inappropriate for children." The only "profanity" consists of mild language. Come on, kids know bad words exist. Just because they hear them doesn't mean they'll become part of the kids' normal vocabularies. And the romance element--Harry having a crush on Cho--was actually very innocent compared to what real 15-year-olds engage in.
I read this book once and was disgusted by the un-Dumbledore-ish TriWizard Tournament, the uselessness of Miss Skeeter and SPEW, and won't read it again.
Summary: I'm a hard core right wing Christian...
Review: and I LOVE the Harry Potter books...and book four is my favorite!(unitil 5 comes out anyway...)
Anyone who says HP is evil is a hypocrite... If you are one of them...didn't you ever pretend to be a fairy, or a witch for Halloween, or a wizard or something??? OF COURSE YOU DID!!! You liked to pretend, you knew that it wasn't real! So come off it and lighten up! JKR has a wonderful, God given talent, rejoice and make her richer (anyone with a mind that inventive deserves it!)!
Besides which...the morality of these books is monumental... and incredibly human... Who doesn't know a Ron, or a Hermione? I went to school with not one but many Draco's and not a few Snape's!
Summary: I never thought I would read a book.
Review: Like the title says, I never thought I would read a book, but after seeing the movies, I was intrigued enough to read the Harry Potter books.
I read the first three in a week and Goblet of Fire in two days. This book is outstanding. I was completely engrossed from beginning to unbelievable end.
To all HP fans, you owe it to yourself to read this book. For anyone who doesn't want to read, this series will not only make you read, but keep you panting for more.
Now for the hard part, waiting for book five.
Summary: Awesome Storytelling with an Undeserved Rap
Review: I have all 4 books on tape and I've listened to all of them at least twice. First, Jim Dale is one of the best readers I have ever encountered in audio books, and I've listened to quite a few during my cross country drives. He truly gives the illusion of different people with accents and inflections that just take you into Hogwartz and into Harry's world. Now, for the book, what great story telling; good vs. evil, human nature with all it's goodness and at times faults, the dynamics of friendship, working as a team, integrity, and learning from your mistakes to name a few items that jump out. What great things for our kids! And to know, well to be almost as positive as a reader can be as apposed to the auther, that good will always triumph, the light will always illuminate the dark and dispell it - what hope and what a great message. I have a real problem with those who cast the proverbial stones at this book - usually before they have even read it. I'm a mother of four, raising my children in my faith and I can tell you that I WANT my kids to read these books - granted, I do not think that my 8 yr old is quite ready for the more frightening parts of this particular book, he and his classmates not only enjoyed the other books, they were inspired to actually read these books, or in my kids case, to listen as a family to them. It opened up talks about good vs. evil, why would one friend not trust another or hurt his/her feelings,why are there bad people, etc. In honesty, it has opened up faith dialogue. Yes, there is a great deal of what is considered "supernatural." But my children know that this is fiction and that you can not fly on brooms and the like. That's what we as parents are for, to help our kids to understand what they are reading and be there to answer their questions. I want them to use their imaginations and I want them to have their fairytales as I had them as a child. As a matter of fact, it was just such a fairytale that in the 4th grade took me from the lowest in the class in reading to the very top! Up until that point, I'd never been interested in a book enough to really read it by myself. Once I found one I could not put it down and it opened up the doors of literacy and self confidence. Either read this book, or, better yet if you have a commute and live a busy and hectic life - listen to it and be taken into another realm for a short while. And for those who take issue with this book, look at it's fruits: dialogue between parents and kids and their friends, actual reading and in some cases family time, time away from the tv and computer games, and using your imagination, to name a few...