Rating:  Summary: maaaaaake the paaaaaaain stopppp! Review: Oh my good lord! That book is so... long! I waited until midnight to get that book and it was too long for me to finish! How many years has it been since it came out? I haven't gotten past page 75! It is long enough to be two seperate books! Here is another thought: if J.K. Rowling wanted to be smart, she would have written all of the books and then had them published! It's been so long, the people who were interested in it at the begginning are to old for it now! Also, why didn't they wait for all the books to be out before making the movies and why did they hire a guy in his 70's who had cancer to play a character he would have to play for like eight years! The whole concept is stupid! They should have done what they did in Lord of the Rings: all the movies at one, a guy inhis 50's but no! They had to ruin everything! So many little children are so upset because Dumbledore died! Hollywood should think about how much pain they will cause small children before they make another eight movie series!
Rating:  Summary: It is the best so far! Review: Harry potter and the goblet of fire is the best book she has ever written! It is about a kid named Harry Potter and his third year at Hogwarts(a magical school for witches and wizards). Somehow his name gets pulled out when it was not supposed to be and now everybody thinks he did it. He is now entered into a tournament. This tournament has three tests. Does he fail? Does he die? Dose he win? Find out by reading this book by J.K.Rowling.
Rating:  Summary: VERY good book; it is NOT Review: This is a great, must have, awesome book!...It is not , I repeat, NOT "full of dark witchcraft". It's a wonderful book for all ages! I found myself reading it everywhere(my brother and I fought over who would read it first). It's totally exciting and will have you on the edge of your seat. Don't even bother listening to people saying how horrible Harry Potter is and that it has bad witchcraft and wands and magic in it. That totally doesn't make any sense! And some people think it's too long. They are just being lazy. The longer the book, the better! :) You must get Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire! ...
Rating:  Summary: 4 an a half stars Review: this book has a lot of detail i didnt rate it 5 stars because it had to many details so many that it made it hard to understand the book
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review: We like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire because Harry Potter always saves the day. Our favorite part is when the Weasley family and the Dursly family get traped in the school because someone locked them in the school. It can't be better because it has enough information. We read it because it had a good book cover. B.B. and R.R.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I just got done reading Harry Pottor and the Goblet of Fire and i thought it was great it kept me trunning the page and i was reading for hours(whitch if you know me is very amazing) I thought that the beging was just a little slow but it picked up fast when they got to the World Cup. It seems that everything happens to Harry and when his name came out of the goblet I knew someone was after him and that somehow it was going to carry of to the next book. I found the house elves to be very interesting creatures and that it is weird that they always want to help and think it is bad to be free and that is kinda sad to be like a slave to so i guess i agree with Hermonie.This book is exantly layed out so that there are no borring parts and so it keeps the reader reading for a long time. and i just wish the they would give more things that explaine the wizerding world a little more because there are so many things that i wonder about like what well harry do after school? where well he live? but i guess i am going to have to wait and find out. So right now i am waiting anxciously for the next book to come out because the ending in the 4th book kept me memrized for a long time and it seems that there is some big events that are about to happen and i can't wait to find out what they are.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review: So, you're a fourth year student in the school: Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and your parents are dead by a very evil force and your new parents treat you like garbage. Nobody has it worse than Harry Potter. If you're in to a great suspenseful, exciting fantasy book, you'll love Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The author to this series of books is no other than J.K Rowling, who makes this fantasy type genre great for children. The series of four books left of at Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This book starts out with Harry (who has just finished his third year in Hogwarts) living with the Dursleys. Like always, the Dursleys don't treat Harry very good so, Ron (one of Harry's friends) invites him to see a Quidditch world cup with his family: the Weasleys. This setting takes place in the forest. Trouble starts when Harry and Ron arrive at the cup when "Death Eaters" start invading the camp site where wizards/witches are before the match. Harry loses his wand and finds it again in a house-elf's hand. This house elf was named Winky. Why would a little house-elf steal a wand from Harry Potter? These are just the many questions that are created when reading Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire. There are many characters in this book, each having important roles. We'll start with Harry Potter. Harry is the main character who finds that Voldemort is tapping his energy in the school somehow and tries to take control of Harry. Harry is involved with a "Tri wizard tournament" but Harry wasn't able to enter because of his age. So, including Harry, there are four contestants that play in this tournament that test their magic ability. But, why did Harry enter the tournament when he wasn't supposed to? Next, is Ron Weasley. He helps Harry with many problems he encounters and is a big support. Third, is Hermione Granger. She uses her knowledge about magic and helps Harry in any way to solve a big puzzle. Next, we have Sirius Black who was an important character in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Sirius is Harry's god-father who sends letters to him through owls. He doesn't give off his location because he might get caught. He warns him about certain dangers and gives him helpful hints and tips about the Tri wizard tournament. Another important character is Barty Crouch. He is a member of the Ministry of Magic but has disappeared for no reason. Many events happen in this book that all revolve around Crouch. There are many other characters in the book, but these five are the main characters. Character Motivations; very important to know as you red this book. Harry Potter motivates him-self to the best of his ability and much more. He his very inquisitive and asks many questions. What motivate him most are probably his parents. Harry doesn't want to let his parents down in any way and he is natural leader. Ronald Weasley's motivations are his parents, too. They are very talented and expect a lot out of Ron. Hermione Granger's motivations are elders that are very knowledgeable; such as headmaster Dumboldore. She is (like Harry) asking many questions. She spends most of her time in the library gather more information. Sirius Black's motivation is to stay incognito and un-detected. He is inspired by Harry's and tries to support him in every way. Next is Crouch, his motivations are very simple: work. He's always true to his work and this status at the Ministry, but a big twist is towards the end of the book. Overall, I think this book is absolutely great for children and many people who love the Harry Potter series. This book offers many "cliff-hangers" which are at the end of a chapter and make you want to read more. That's why this book is great: because of suspense combined with a little action. There are following expectations of the Harry Potter series: they will make an additional three books, which make a seven book set. But, there are negatives about this book. The writing style in this book is very basic and lacks advanced vocabulary. This is why this series is meant towards a younger audience. In the end, I think this book deserves a good 9 out 10.
Rating:  Summary: The longest book I have ever read... Review: The Goblet of Fire is the longest book I have ever read and to sum up my judgment in one word: Great! I enjoyed this book immensely, I think that it would have to be my favorite in the entire series. However, there are a few things that I would like to see more off: 1. Ron getting more attention. Poor guy, I think he's more of a side-kick than anything else. He's just as brave, maybe not as strong, as Harry and I get a little confused sometimes because I never see Mrs. Weasley treat Ron as she does Harry. I would hate for Ron's jealousy to cause him to hate Harry, because that just wouldn't be right. 2. What happened to Ginny? After the Yule Ball she practically wasn't mentioned. However, Rowling has promised us that she will play a more central role in later books. As what, we shall see. That's pretty much what I have to say for now. Above all, this was a great book! I don't know why until I watched the second HP movie that I finally became interested in the series. I've already pre-ordered the 5th and will be waiting eagerly until the 21st of June to get it into my little hands.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the attention its getting Review: I have read all the Harry potter books, and while i do find them mildly interesting, i cant see why they are making such a big deal about it. It is definetly NOT the best book in the world, or even close. The writing is nicly done, but the naive characters and silly elements of the plot are boring, and take away from what suspense there could have been. The entier impracticality of the world Rowling has created cannot be compared to great stories like Tolkin or Jane Yolen. I suggest you go read His Dark Materials by Pullman, or if you like fun stories, Loyd Alexander's Prydain chronicals.
Rating:  Summary: Best one out of the series!! Very Good! Read my review! Review: This thrilling 4th book of the Harry Potter series makes me want to stay up all night to read it. This is the book, you must read! Fly on your broomstick, drape the invisibility cloak above your head, do whatever to get this book in your hands! This book is the Harry Potter book where all the deaths begin, and where Harry finds his strength. Read it and it will make any rainy day look bad.