Rating:  Summary: HP and the Goblet of Fire Review Review: I have nothing against J.K. Rowling but Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire just isn't like any of the others. The characters (in some ways) are more immature. I really like the others and will read the next one but this one really is too different.
Rating:  Summary: With the Goblet a New Adventure Begins... Review: With each book that comes out in this marvelous series, a new adventure awaits. Each book cannot be called better than the other because of their diversity and great style of writing.However for those who have not read this 4th book of the series it opens up whole knew possibilities in the storyline, and creates and holds suspense. By using foreshadowing the author will entrap your mind to continue reading and reveal this great fantasy world which you would wish you were a part of. By revealing some parts of the story she will make you wonder about all the possibilities, and you may just stop and think about the different things that might happen. If however you were dissaspointed in reading the previous books I seriously suggest buying this book to improve your judgement of the series. My brother hates reading, the preivous books he read only a few important chapters for school, then about half the third but when the fourth came in, he wouldn't put it down. He went back and read the other books fully and can't wait till the fifth arrives. I guarantee you will love this book!
Rating:  Summary: Not Rowling's best effort (SPOILER REVIEW) Review: I could not wait to start Goblet of Fire after reading the first three HP books in less than two weeks. However, I am sad to say I am disappointed in this one. There are three problems with this book as far as I am concerned. The first problem is that this is a much darker book than the first three HP books. In the first three books, there is description of only one death altogether (prof. Quirrel in the first book). In this book there are graphic details of two deaths plus various scenes of violence (the Death Eaters march, the Flesh, Bone and Blood Ceremony, etc.). I can see Rowling deciding to make the book a little bit more grown up but I don't like it. The other two problems are more fundamental. First is the plot. The whole Triwizard Tournament is too convoluted. As a device to get us to the ending of this book, it is too drawn out and too encompassing to leave us any wiggle room for other niceties of the Hogwarts world. Add to that some of the secondary characters that are not necessary (Rita the reporter comes to mind) the book drags on. Finally, and this is the biggest problem with the book, the villain comes completely out of the left field. There is no explanation for his behavior until the very end and no clues as far as why he is the villain. Add to it the fact that Fudge doesn't believe Harry when he says Voldemort has come back, the ending of this book is utterly unsatisfactory. I like a book where the villians and the heros are smart. In this one Fudge borders on being idiotic (of course he could end up being one of Voldemort's minions after all). To me the first two HP books are still the best.
Rating:  Summary: Can you say-predictable??? Review: J.K. Rowlings should have made Harry Potter a trilogy. The first three books at least had a few decent twists. This book is so obvious that Rowling could have used a footnote and said MAJOR PLOT ELEMENT! and the book would have remained the same. Even if you like reading long books, don't come to Harry Potter. It took me only a day to read this book with its incredibly large font size. If your looking for a real monster of a book, try reading some Tom Clancy novels.
Rating:  Summary: best book i ever read Review: I recomend harry potter because it keeps you into the book the hole time your reading it.the author is j.k. rowling,in this book harry meets his rival lord voldmort.in the second book harry finds an echanted that links him to tom riddle known only as lord voldmort. This book is very exciting from beginning.I recomend this book because its very very interesting even at the most boring moments.
Rating:  Summary: THE GOBLET OF MYSTERY Review: This was a great harry potter book! you will come to laugh your head off in some parts! harry finds out more about his past. hermione gets a special someone. and ron is well... ron! but you will meet moaning myrtle again in her usual ways! before i knew or read the book i was wondering how great quitich will be! but then... a new sport comes 2 hogwarts which has even more exiting thrills and jumps! wa'll two rival schools come to participate harry a 14 year old boy has 2 go through three horrific tasks... he was ment to play in this tournament but someone or something put his name in the goblet of fire! is it someone trying 2 kill harry? or get him closer to the dark lord? find out in harry potter and the goblet of fire!
Rating:  Summary: GETTING PREDICTABLE Review: I have to admit I was impressed with the first harry Potter book...it was new and original. The second one was also quite good. However, by the third one, I realised that there was no suspense or excitement left because, no matter what happens in the books, the end is always going to be the same. Good will always win over evil. harry Potter will survive anything and everything with, at worst, a few broken bones...and why? Firstly because the whole world knows that JK has been contracted to write seven books in the series, so how can Harry ever die? Secondly, if Harry does die, where will the poker-faced JK get her next few hundred million pounds from. This book has given me horrible visions of the series continuing past the seventh book -Harry Potter...The Capuccino years. I think JK should have secured her place in literary history by fading out gracefully after a third book. Instead, she is in danger of becoming droll and predictable.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Honestly the best book I've read in quite some time. It will seem a little predictable at times, but that seems to be how it lulles you into not being able to see what's going to happen. JK Rowling is great at character build-up and detail. She paints the picture of a world that us "muggles" aren't intended to ever see. This is a long book, true enough, but being able to follow the story without having to "wait for the movie" is a great thing. Many read 100 - 200 pages of the book per day! You'll pass through this quickly! And enjoy the experience many times more than you would watching it on television! Read the whole series, and be prepared for Part 5!
Rating:  Summary: Amazed Review: Harry potter and the goblet of fire is an ingenious book! The adventers of this young boy and his companions is a very addicting story. I was greatly suprised at The way Ron and Hermonie treated each other and Harry in this book! I was afrid they would never be friends agian and that this was the end! I I see now how folish I was. I recomend the whole seires to any one who has a question in their mind about weather or not to read them! But u should read them in order.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and THe Goblet of Fire Review: Personally, i don't see how ANY schools could ban any of these books! They are deliting for the young and old alike. I couldn't put this book down when i got it last year. I read it from beginning to end in three hours! And i am not a very avid reader, so that is saying a heck of a lot about this story. I think that this book has a great plot, along with some witting humor. This book is truly magical in the literal and physical sense. To be able to captivate readers with the wisdom of a Witty young boy and his outragously funny comrades along with a sidesplitting beginning, middle, and end IS truly magical. How they do it, i'll never know. But i do know that this book will never get old in my mind. Keep 'em rollin J.K!