Rating:  Summary: Harry must have been jinxed Review: Still I believe that the idea of the Harry Potter story is good and the Rowling showed her very best when she wrote the volumes 1-4. But what has happened to the fifth volume? If you have a look through the other ' critical - customer reviews, many very good points were made: The story is not fascinating anymore, the characters behave in a very strange way and Harry himself is nobody anymore, who seems to be appropriate as an idol for kids. When I had read all the reviews I wondered whether the previous books contained also so many critical points but I just didn`t realised them. Thus, I began to read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire again (in my opinion the very best of series). And then, it stroke me ' it became THE question: Can we be sure that Mrs. Rowling wrote "The Order of Phoenix" herself? Or did she just sketch out the main ideas how the story might continue and let some one else do the work? If you think I have become crazy just do the same. Read again one of the previous books and think about it.
Rating:  Summary: Super Star Story Stikes again Review: The new super star story hitted shops all over britain and america on the 21st June 2003. The new order of phoneix had 5 million copys pre ordered and sold on the first day. The book is 1 in 5 and by far the biggest in the searious. I read it in 2 days as well as sleep eat and other things . Its an amazing book buy it now.
Rating:  Summary: Love it! Review: I think this is great book. I loved it even though at the beginning I felt it was slow. It all makes sense at the end of the book. Waiting for number 6!
Rating:  Summary: Another Hit Review: I was not dissapointed nor was i turned off from the almost 900 pages. I was so excited to read this book and was not let down. First off, the story is very different from the other books, its not a hurah harry book, things actually go wrong for him! this makes it realistic. Second, you really think, can this be happening? Where the heck is this story going to go. And that is why I read books!
Rating:  Summary: Worth a Read Review: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix released amidst a very enthusiastic atmosphere in which each and every HP fan was looking forward to a real good read. Keeping in mind the last 4 books nobody but nobody expected a disappointing 5th part. But unfortunately HP part 5 miserably fails to live upto the expectations of a reader. J.K. Rowling totally forgot that she is a child writer and she is not writing for an adult. Somewhere between pleasing everyone, children and adults she lost her balance and ended up writing a book which a child wouldn't enjoy neither would an adult because they are reading a book to enjoy themselves and not to see more brutality and get depressed. In the new characters Luna Lovegood was good, Dolores Umbridge was awful, Kreacher was boring and Bellatrix Lestrange was really sick. Harry potters behaviour was totally unexpected and irritating at times. But the people who stole the cake were the Weasley Twins. They were like the saving grace. Last but not the least the developing relationship between Ron and Hermione is totally adorable and cute. Inspite of the above points Harry Potter will be read by each and everyone because everyone is highly curious about the end. And irrespective of the drawbacks it is worth a read. i hope the sixth book is not as disapponting as the fifth one and the author manages to go back to her normal style of writing keeping in mind that she is writing for CHILDREN!!
Rating:  Summary: Not What I Expected Review: Countless of people, including myself, waiting impatiently for the new installment of Harry Potter. I was somewhat dissapointed. There was content which i found to be to "adultish" and there were times when the book lagged, and seemed not to go anywhere. It took a whole entire book, to get up to the part of Dumbledore telling Harry what he told harry (do not want to spoil it). It was like, i waited i read five books, and this is all she had to offer, most of which a person could guess, and got in the four books with his hints. But it was like the big hype, and a big let down. i expected alot more. But still it wasn't such a bad effort. I hope the next book is far far better. I mean writing this book for two years, she could have come up with somethign better. It should be more seamless next time.
Rating:  Summary: Hangin' with Harry Review: Whenever I finish a Harry Potter book, I feel a great knawing pit in my stomach, as though I have recently moved away from a close group of childhood friends. Quite simply, I miss Harry, Ron and Hermione and so will you when you eventually finish this enchanting tomb. In this 5th installment, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Rowling's simple, yet addictive narrative style once again whizzes the reader through another rough and tumble academic year of Harry's life. Though admittedly a grimmer experience than previous Hogwarts terms, the action will never-the-less leave you jubilantly breathless on the finish line, brain delirious with wizarding detail and anxious for more. J.K. continues to flesh out the expansive magical universe introduced and developed in her 4 previous works and tantalizes the reader with an array of creative concoctions every bit as sinister and complex as the potions brewed in Professor Snape's laboratory. The leading magi still manage to conjure believable turns of confused teenage reality while continuing to lead wholly fantastic lives. Meanwhile, the supporting cast of witches and warlocks (old and new) along with a ceaselessly imaginative variety of locales provide the ongoing saga with a host of wonderful subplots saturated in supernatural charisma. The story line moves right along, and if Hagrid seems a mite underdeveloped and Harry waxes a few pages too verbose with his mid-pubescent sulkiness I'm happy to forgive all with the hope that Book six will tie up those loose ends and present the faithful reader with a fresh Harry, a Harry greatly matured from another summer of lonesome cogitation, a Harry ready to meet the challenges that await him in his sixth year at Hogwarts and, eventually, a Harry well positioned to do you-know-what to you-know-who in Book 7.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: I know that Harry Potter is growing up and that the books cover an entire year, but it seems like he grew up an awful lot between the last book and this one. It was still a good book, but it's definately moved from older kid to young adult. There is less fantasy/adventure and more politics.
Rating:  Summary: JK Rowling does it again!!!! Review: JK Rowling's latest enstallment of the Harry Potter series is the best yet! I always read these books with my mom and we were both on the edge of our seats the whole time waiting to see what came next.This time Harry is not his sweet usual self, instead he is a moody,always angry teenager. This has upset many people because he is not as believeable as he is in the other books. Harry Potter is written for children but is enjoyable to all ages, many readers are pre-teens/teens (and a ton of adults) and to us (pre-teens/teens) this moody behavior is something we can relate to and understand better than adults who won't remember what it was like. I think that making Harry very moody is a good idea because,just as we are all doing, he is growing up. Harry has to face new enemies and as always the rumor mill gets other people against him. The ending will leave all readers crying, bitting their nails, and gasping in awe. I recommend it to anybody and everybody because you just can't go wrong with this book.
Rating:  Summary: Sirius Lives Review: I could go on about how this is without a doubt one of the best series of books I've ever read. Next to the Dark Tower, by Stephen King, it's the most fascinating set of books I've had the pleasure of reading. I just wanted to lay something on the table for people who find this review, and if you haven't read Order of the Phoenix, stop reading this now. Two words; Sirius lives. I saw him playing a pivotal role in the series halfway through The Prisoner of Azkaban. Then in the end of the fifth book, he dies. Or does he? Think about it... an Unforgivable curse was certainly used on him by Beatrix Lestrange, but not the Avera Kedavera curse; the one that kills wizards and witches in an instant. I recall a bolt of red light, or energy, or a spell, hit him and the chest. He fell behind that curtain or whatever it was, and from then on it's just confirmation from Dumbledore that leads us to believe Sirius Black is indeed dead. I cannot wait to see how it plays out, for if he is alive, he was left in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. How will he escape once more from everyone who thinks he is still a killer? Read carefully through the chapter when these events take place, because I think Sirius lives, and if he does, he will reap sweet vengeance on the Lestrange twins. Book 6 could be released tomorrow and it wouldn't be soon enough.