Rating:  Summary: excellent Review: an excellent page turner, it is an extremely hard book to put down, a must read for any Harry Potter fan
Rating:  Summary: J.K. Rowlings strikes again Review: Okay, let's admit it- the rush to get this book was far more exciting than the first hundred pages. But the once you left that part, things started picking up the pace. everything is a bit more darker than the previous books. but, the ending leaves you wanting more.....
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter in his best book!! Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix is such a great book!!! It can be scary at times, but the plot is great, and you can never put it down. I read 600 pages in 6 hours, and I loved it!!! It is 870 pages long, about a hundred pages longer than the fourth book. That makes a lot of Harry Potter in one book!!! There are some parts that are upsetting, such as when Percy turns against his family. Oh, yeah, and the ministry of magic nearly wrecks Hogwarts. Not to mention the return of Lord Voldemort. I can tell you right now that these 870 pages will keep you busy until J.K. Rowling decides to cough up another Harry Potter book. Last time, Goblet was followed by a two year gap. For a while, I thought that this book would not be a hit because of the lack of new Harry news. The movie we had heard the story before, but now this is all new. I think that Rowling portrays her unforgettable characters in a whole new way, putting depth to them. Harry Potter Rocks!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Sets up for a nail-biting end of series! Review: OEP picks up where GOF left off, and if you felt too inundated by the details of GOF, well, my friends, there is a Bachman TUrner Overdrive song for you. To say that book five unravels the mystery of the Order of the Phoenix is an understatement. It also cleverly unravels the mysteries of adolescence for Harry. Romance is lightly but deftly dealt with; Insubbordination and fear of authority is the order of the day. While not strictly keeping with the precedents of style played out in the original books in the series, (it takes 200 pages to get Harry on the Hogwarts Express.) The book is well structured in delivering Harry's Odyssey; The Order have a mandate set up in Book Four that they must now see through. Like the Goblet of Fire, This book leaves you hanging right until the end, where it leaves you hanging for the next!
Rating:  Summary: Not Impressed Review: When I read the new Harry Potter book, I was very exited to be one of the first people to read the new book. Sadly, the new book did not live up to its predicessors high standards. With the whopping 900, it just kept me bored until the eventual end. I was hardly impressed by the lack of depth that the book had, and the ending made me want to tear it to shreds, because I have just read all 900 pages with nothing good to yeald for my efforts, other than the ability to truthfully say that this book [stin]ks. I'm not going to tell you anything about the ending for those of you that don't read this review or don't heed it's advice. All that I tell you is that the ending is completely generic and unorigional and in no way leaves you satisfied after enduring the 900 pages of this boring book.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing ! Absolutely amazing! Review: J.K Rowling wrote a great book mixing humor, sorrow and darkness. I think that she went beyond the expectations that we had for the book and it was definitely worth the wait.It was completely amazing and I can't wait to read the 6th one.
Rating:  Summary: she's done it once again Review: It was a hard job to follow the Goblet of Fire, and its been a tantalising wait. I queued up for the book last night and found the crowds unbelievable.The book itself has deserved the wait.It continues the gradual maturing of Harry and his friends,along with the isolation Harry faces this year, given that the Daily Prophet , taking it cue from the Ministry of Magic are constantly ridiculing him. The plot is JK Rowling classic, new characters, both likeable or otherwise are otherwise are introduced with the same skill as the previous books. Its a thick book but easy to get through - I read it in 10 hours. The books themselves are definitely taking on a darker theme, but JK Rowling continually weaves her own spell of magic so that you are absolutely hooked. I hope we don't have to wait as long for Book 6 as we did for this one
Rating:  Summary: A descent into genius and horror Review: Fans beware--this is NOT the book you waited in line for. On a Saturday June eve, Potter fans around the world dressed in brilliant, sunny colors of gold and red, donning plastic black frames, and smiling at the sight of scars on clean, shiny foreheads. But at Hogwarts in year 5, it is not customary to experience life in shades of gold. Rather, the aptly covered dark blue hardback suggests a descent into a genre which Rowling has not previously committed: the genre of suspense and horror. All of the themes found in Stephen King, Poe, and yes, even Wes Craven films are present in this fifth yarn by Rowling. Parents beware: the themes of bloodletting, possession, and evil carnival are present, and the traces of humor are the draughts a parched man might crave in the midst of the Sahara desert. Reading Goblet of Fire is like being on a roller coaster ride at Disney World: a slow, crawl of a descent up a plot pyramid, waiting for the ultimate thrill ride at the end. To read Order of the Phoenix is to board a free fall machine at Six Flags or Universal Studios and feel your stomach leave your body within the first thirty pages. (The recent advertisement for Universal runs something like this: "a park for those who DON'T do fairy tales"). When I read The Shining a year ago, I gained new respect for an author's penchant for the macabre. And yes, from the moment Harry emerges from the shadows of Little Whinging and softly catcalls "Hi, Big D" to his unsuspecting cousin up to the heartbreaking finale where he virtually reduces Dumbledore to tears, we suspect, at times, that Rowling's Harry is more similar to King's Jack Torrance than his Danny Torrance. After all, images of terror in literature are often there to remind us that the greatest terror we face is that which lurks in the base of our own souls, not at the core of the imaginary monster who hides in closets. However, Rowling carefully reminds her hesitant readers that for every capricious adolescent struggling with demons within the confines of a nightmarish landscape, there is an Albus Dumbledore, a mentor struggling to make the right choices for us. And the lesson of Phoenix is that mentors are people, too. They make mistakes. Indeed, the difference between an academic instructor and a mentor may be that the mentor admits the error and begs the pupil to learn from it, whereas the instructor may casually confess or hide from the mistake under pressure. In a world where all of the Hogwarts faculty are under intense scrutiny from the Ministry of Magic, one might remember that the relationships among students and teachers are the compass guiding the plot's direction. Rowling is not focusing on magic but on that mysterious world of high school, where teenagers confront their own horrors each day as they struggle with issues like drug dependency, personal obsessions, and overall danger to self. Where merciless bullies (yes, even James Potter) taunt the outcast because he simply "exists" and perhaps because his hair holds more grease than shine. As everyone's favorite goddog Sirius exclaims, "Of course, we were all idiots. We were fifteen. We grew out of it." As a horror fan, I praise J.K. Rowling's sharp turn from safety into darkness. As a fan of the series, I worry about the preteens in their plastic glasses. I worry about what will happen when they turn off the lights and dream about detention with Dolores. And that's when I hope Rowling, too, will grow out of it.
Rating:  Summary: He's back! Review: After 8 hours solid reading, and finally able to put the book down read, I can honestly say, WOW! Harry Potter is back, much more moody, sullen and full of teen angst and hormones. The main focus of his mood swings is directed to his friends, his headmaster and all that disagree with him or unappreciate him. The title of the book refers to a group of wizards that are determined to stop the return of you know who. Its an old group, with some formidable members, all secretly working to protect Harry from Lord V! There are suprises in store with the choice of prefects and the Quidditch Team, and we see the introduction of a vile and nasty woman as the new defence of the dark arts teacher. Some things luckily don't change, Hermoine is as dedicated to her school work as ever, Ron is still blushing madly and lacking in self confidence, Hagrid returns with a few new magical creatures to scare and enlighten the pupils, Snape is as foul and hating as ever of Harry, but we do get to glimpse the reason why Snape is so horrid to Harry. The BIG secret is slightly disappointing after many months of speculation, and the death is not who you would actually expect it to be, but quite sad nonetheless and leaving Harry with a huge whole in his life. Harrys love life peaks and fades over the course of the book, and its no secret that Cho causes all of it! Unfortunately Ron and Hermoine don't get to see any romance, but I'm sure in the next books that will be rectified! And of course he-who-shall-not-be-named returns and plays just as big a part in Harrys life as ever! I loved the book, really I did, and I'm trying to not spoil it for those who haven't read it yet, because if you are to read one book this summer, you MUST read this book, it lives up to the hype and goes beyond it all too........ Now when is the next book out?! I cannot wait!
Rating:  Summary: Even richer story than the other books! Review: I'm lucky enough to be a speedreader, so I made it through the book in four hours. Four amazing, engrossing, incredible hours. I found the storylines of the other books to be entertaining and incredibly realistic - this one, though, blows the others away. The whole world feels even more real than it has in the past, and the characterization of the various people is even more detailed. Not everyone is the way you might expect, but you can always see WHY they are the way they are. When I finished, my husband asked if I was ready to see the movie... I honestly feel as though I have, because the writing is so vivid and detailed that the story seemed to be visual. Awesome. Bring on book 6!