Rating:  Summary: Excellent Writing but not her Best Story Review: My kids still gobbled this book up, but they preferred the first 5 Lemony Snicket series books, and Drum, Chavi, Drum! (a bilingual picturebook set in Cuban Miami's largest hispanic street festival). The writing is still brilliant (I read it) and I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I have read in a very long time! Review: I love books, but had been downhearted since I had read most of the great epics like LotR and the first four Harry Potter books. I saw an add for The Order of the Phoenix and decided to read it. It was so good!The plot was amazing! It twisted and turned and you never knew what was going to happen next! JKR went into great detail and I got so drawn into the book that I felt like the characters were standing right next to me, talking and fighting. I know a lot of people say this, but this is such a wonderful book! It is definately a book worth reading once, if not 50 times. I would highly suggest you read this book. It will hopefully intrigue you and definately surprise you. Also, adults should not be afraid to read this book. It is far from a little child's book. It is very, very deep.
Rating:  Summary: Not Just a Children Book Review: As a reader of authors such as Douglass Coupland and James Joyce, I wish to point this series to more educated readers as a superb novel. While the first and second books tend towards works of childhood fiction, the last three have not followed suit. True, the stories are entertaining, but there is a lot more that these books offer. We see Rowling beginning in the third book to develop as an author. Character's motivations have become complex. Characters begin to express their feelings about the events that are around them. They do not just react. This is not limited to the main characters either (i.e. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, etc.). Rowling, especially starting in the third book, creates characters that are three-dimensional and complex. For example, in the fifth book, Hagrid has changed from the mere slow-witted half-giant we met in book 1 to a character the product of abandonment and the stigma attached with what he is. We begin to see what motivates him. In the fourth book, we begin to see Hagrid's care of "dangerous" creatures as something other than merely a fascination, but something that stems out of the fact that these creatures mirror himself. Hagrid draws parallels between the stigmas attached to giants to that of such creatures as the Thestrals. Both creates can "look after themselves." However, both creatures are not simple animals of base intellect. Thestrals, though quite brutal at times also have uncanny sense of direction and knowledge of locations. Similarly, Giants were at one point a highly structured society. Also, due to Hagrid abandonment (his mother left at an early age, his father died in his second year, and his outcast from the general wizarding world), Hagrid has an almost blinding sense of loyalty. He rushes to Dumbledore's protection in the forth book - showing uncharacteristic signs of violence that stems possibly from a fear of losing another father figure. We also see ideas of Shakespearian tragic faults in character's such as Severus Snape and Sirius Black. Snape's clings to the old feud between him and James Potter (Harry's father) with such fevor that it colors all of Snape's actions. These feelings, of course, are the impetuous for Snape's blinding favoritism towards Slytherins and effects Harry's success in his lessons with Snape. Also, Harry's own "weakness to play the hero," is partially the cause for the tragedy near the end of the book (Amazon released this small spoiler before book 5's arrival). In addition to character development, Rowling intertwines the individual books with great complexity - something missing from many books of the children's genre. Many have commented on how small almost unnoticeable events in previous books have dramatic reproductions in this books. For example, the cause of Dumbledore hiring Sibyll Trelawney, though she seems to show very little skill in her subject returns as a major plot point. Until this book, Harry's stay at Privet Drive (which is glossed over in the first book as merely logical because of the Dursleys relation to Harry) comes back with such power that it will probably color how Harry deals with and relates to returning there every year. Even, the way Rowling tells the story in such a plausible way is something ever the most adult reader can enjoy. In many ways Rowling works are simliar to Gabriel Garcia Marquez's works of Magical Realism. One reads magical events as if they were almost commonplace because the characters seem so real and the actions themselves seem so logical. Lastly, many books have been published on the subject Rowling's use of semi-obscure references. Some of which are as complex as that which appears in so-called "process" books by authors of the postmodern era. While, unlike the process books, they are not needed to understand the books, they do add a feel of authenticity. In truth, I have had to read the series many times to explicitly notice many of the layers of these books. However, even someone who reads the books once will enjoy them more because of their underlying layers. The layers provide the plausibility, the connection to individual characters, and seamlessness with which the stories flow. Simply put, they make the books a better read.
Rating:  Summary: Even as an Adult it's still nice to be read to Review: Beyond the positive qualities of this book for Adult reader (see my review of the book for more detailed comments on the subject), Jim Dale does an excellent job of bringing to story to life. Although, I am an Adult, I find it quite enjoyable to listen to Jim Dale's reading with a nice cup of tea before bed. Mr. Dale not only reads the books, but interprets them -- inflecting his voice not only to differentate characters but also the emulate how the characters would actually say the dialogue. He varies pacing, pronouniation, volume, and placement all to protray the characters with an almost uncanny realism. Something lacking in many books on tape which tend to sound forced and unrealistic. In addition, even for advanced readers, the spells and jargon of the magical world can slow a reader down. While, Mr. Dale reads the words as if they were natural to him. This allows one to enjoy the books without boundries. In addition, because Mr. Dale has read all the books for recording, one can hear a familiarity that he has with the characters and story. When he narrates, he sounds like he understands what he is reading -- he does not simply sound like a automaton reading off a page. Try putting this on and curling up by a fire with a glass of wine or tea. I'm sure you'll enjoy it more than TV.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: This is by far the best of the Harry Potter books, and one of the best books I have read in a long time. The depth of the characters, the intelligence of the writing and the emotional truth and complexity is extremely engaging. This may not be as enjoyable for younger children, but as a book for adults it is stunningly good.
Rating:  Summary: J.K.'s Done It Again! Review: I L-O-V-E-D this book! It's great! I got it at midnight June 21, like most Harry Potter fans. The first time I read it, I felt really weird. I didn't like it much. It just didn't feel like Harry Potter. I think most of it was the shock that the book was actully out, after I'd been waiting for three years. I went back and read it, and you know what? I totally fell head over heels in love with it! If you didn't like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, READ IT AGAIN! You'll look at it totally differently. J.K. Rowling brought in a whole new cast of cool characters. Nymphadora Tonks, who can change her apperance at will, the real Mad-Eye Moody, Mundungus Fletcher, Arabella Figg, a Squib, and, my personal favorite, Luna Lovegood! You also hear more about old characters, such as Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, whom change quite a bit in this novel. New magical animals appear too. Such as giants, although they aren't really animals, but you do hear quite a bit about them, I won't go anymore there, and thestrals, reptilian-like black winged horses, of which only people who have seen death can see. I loved the thestrals particularly! A fresh, sparkling tale, darker and deeper than the others. Many people were disturbed by Harry's anger outbursts. But think about it. What would you do if you were cooped up with the three relatives you have and hate, had to stay with them for most of the summer holidays, not hearing a word about the wherabouts of Lord Voldemort and his supporters? You'd get angry! You'd release that fury which has built up inside you over long, miserable months! Girls cry about stuff like that, guys get angry. It's really not unnatural. It wasn't about making the book dramatic, it was about keeping the emotions realistic. This book was wonderful. One of the best things about it is that is sparks your mind for new theories and ideas. Highly reccomended! Great book!
Rating:  Summary: Evan Vaughan richview Middle School Review: I chose this book, because all of my friends said it was a good book and I had read all of the other four books. It was kind of a mystery, because all through the book you were wondering what the weapon was. It 's more of an adventure though , because every thing they do has to with something thats's alittle exciting. In the begining Harry and his cousin Dudly are attacked by Dementors which are kind of like people except if they kiss you you die. Harry almost lost his wand at the hearin gthat he had because he did magic ad is under age. When he gets to his god-fathers house he finds out why he was ket there and he finds the Order of the Pheonix is an organizatiion thats agianst Voldmort and Death eaters. His knew defense agianst the Dark Arts teacher is one of the people that voted to take Harry's wand. Harry's god-father dies in a duel. I like this book, because it's an adventure book and It had alot of climax'sin it.I would advise this book to anyone who likes wizards / adventurous type of person.
Rating:  Summary: HarryPotter and the order of the phoenix Review: In the book Lord Voldermort has come book and its up to stop him. In the book Harry gets attacked by dementors and his aunt gets a howler from Dumbledore then The Order Of The Phoenix takes Harry to their secret headquarters his godfathers home and after that Harry has to go to his hearing for using magic under age. He gets cleared then he goes to school then he gets into the dark arts club. Then his new professor becomes the new headmaster. Then Harry's godfather gets killed by his sister who is in the deatheaters clan. After all that Harry,Hermione,Ginny, Ron,Nibel gets attacked by deatheaters and then Harry finds Lord Voldermort but he gets away and then the story's over.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix Review: Back at number four, Privet Drive, Harry Potter is isolated from the wizarding world, hiding in flowbeds so he can listen to the evening news and stealing newspaper from garbage cans to see if anyone has seen or heard anything about Volemort. He has not even had any contact at all with his best friends, Ron Weasley or Hermione Granger. Something terrible happening on his street, a Howler sent to his house, and a rescue brings Harry back to the wizarding world. Next thing he knows, he is havng dreams about someone getting attacked ad long hallways with dors at the end of them. Some of them are not just dreams but visions. He is the butt of jokes for the Daily Prophet, and the only people who believe him ae the ones The Ministry of Magic has discredited. According to the Ministry, Albus Dumbledore is a foll, and anyone who follows him not to be trusted. Fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy is time for Ordinary Wizarding Levels, or O.W.L.s, and Harry and the fifth years find themselves working harder than ever to achieve top test results. The only class that differs from this pattern is Defense Aganist The Dark Arts, taught by deceptivly sweet Dolres Umbridge, who used to work for The Ministry of Magic. Umbridge's lessons leave Harry and everyone else wanting more from their education. I liked this book because it was a adventure and a mystery and I like like those kind of books. Maybe you do, too. Maybe you will lik this book.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ!!! Review: In the beginning Harry is faced with the challenges of putting up with is so called family the Dursleys. For the 5th time Harry is isolated from any communication with Hogwarts, his friends, and anyone else for that matter. Weeks pass by and Harry and his cousin face a dementor attack, and magical thing begin happening, Harry begins to imagine and dream of the horrors and tribulations he is about to face. However, that was just the beginning. Not long after he is taken to Number 12 Grimmauld Place, many strange things happen there, it is the meeting place of the Guard, and Order. It is a private place, not located on any map or atlas. There Harry learns only a small fraction of what he needs to be prepared for. Harry faces a hearing due to the many uses of magic during his summer. He finally makes it to Hogwart only to find everyone turning their back to him due to his information about 'he who must not be names'. Everyone is whispering and he has a rather hard time with the best of his friends. Ron and Hermione are prefects, along with Malfoy, and Harry is prett much alone. He starts having dreams and visions of Lord Voldemorts return, having already happened. He dreams of long dark hall ways with many doors and having a glowing door at the end be he can never reach it. Eventually he begins to figure out there's another 'mystery' or problem he must solve. Facing problems at school or problem he must solve. Facing problems at school with O.W.L.'S and teacher as well as fellow class mates, doesn't make things any easier for him. Things begin happening like sick jokes and harmful pranks, people go missing and Harry realizes Voldemort is at it again, but in a different from. Of course, the 'battle' bettween he and Harry is most exciting, tremendous, and heart cringing! The unseen 'case' is seen and Harry again stops Voldemort. His year ends, on a rather happy not, he won't be wth the Dursleys much longer and he'll be living with, in his opinion, his real family, the Weasleys! The main characters in this story, just to name a few, were Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and the members of "The Advance Guard." Of course, Harry, the most important character, is always the one who 'saves' the day, in term he's the hero. Hermione and Ron, Harry's two best friends, are like his 'sidekicks', they usually assist him but don't always make it to the actual 'battle'. The members of the Guard are like protectors, espically to Harry. I liked this book because it always kept you on the edge if your seat, never wanting to put the book down. I always wanted to see what was going to happen next! If I was going to persuade a friend to read this book, i would be very easy to because I would tell them about the sunject or the matter of the book and that it was one of those books thats almost impossible to put down! It's thrilling, adventrous, and exciting! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is an awesome book, you should read it!