Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Review: _Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix_, by J.K. Rowling, is a fantasy, adventure book. I really enjoyed this story. It is full of laughs, suspense and sadness. The characters are well developed and very interesting. The author really makes readers feel like they are there with the characters. Harry Potter depicts how most teenagers feel when they are going through their adolescent years. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to get sucked into a great story about magic and adventure. This book is the fifth edition of the Harry Potter series. The others must be read to understand this one. The story starts out in Privet Drive. This is where Harry lives with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. Weird and crazy things happen before he leaves for school. Harry goes to the school of Hogwarts; where more weird and crazy things are happening and teachers are acting strangely. This is also the year that the fifth years have to take their NEWTS. And the Weasly twins leave the school with a big bang. There is also a twist to the end.
Rating:  Summary: _Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix_ Review: This book is a brilliant follow through on the Harry Potter series. It exceeds all of the previous books in mystery, danger, and length. Even being so long, the first thought through my mind at the end of the 800 plus pages was, "When's the next one coming out?" The theme in this book is almost too harsh and real for the young children stereotyped as typical Potter readers. With the brutality of death and torture present I would not recommend it for most children under the age of 10. I see 15-20 year olds particularly enjoying it, Harry's social and puberty dilemmas are understandable and many of us can relate, add in the fantasy element and this book is truly a fascinating read.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is not long... Review: I don't see why people think That this book is too long. Well, maybe it is long, but it has to be. I mean, the book is named after the first 200 pages, and after that it gets funnier and funnier. You can definately tell that the kids have grown up. This book also has more humor.
Rating:  Summary: A chore to engage but the payoff is worth the investment Review: I just finished reading it for the second time. My daughter and I have read all 4 previous books together and anxiously awaited book 5. We began reading it together the day it came out and I was dissapointed at first at how long it took the story to begin to devlop. Tom Clancy has become guilty of the same thing (ever increasing story lengths)but I still love to read him as well. Anyway, I took the book with me on a cross country business trip and found that once I got about 1/2 way through, I couldn't put it down. The action is the most intense and sustained of the 5 books, although the end of book 4 was extremely intense as well, and the pace moves along briskly. The real pay off is in the last third of the book where you learn much about the underlying plot of the entire saga as well as many new facts about some of the other characters. The additional information about characters other than Harry, Hermione, and Ron give them much richer texture and you find you will have stronger feelings about characters you previously knew only superficially. After I finished the book I couldn't wait to continue reading it with my daughter (it was hard not to spill the beans). It is a long read but, in the end, well worth the investment in time. I do hope that Ms. Rowling will crisp up the next book and not make us wait too long. One of the great things about this franchise is the faithfullness of the movies to the books. This will become harder to maintain with the length of Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix but I sincerly hope they try. I would sit through a 4 hour HP movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not Great Review: I liked the book a lot. I love the language, the characters and the plot, and is very good. But it doen'n have all the action of the other books. I dont see the point on killing the character that was killed, and I hate Cho Chang. She's not good enough for Harry. I thought JK rowling was going to develop more the Hermione-Ron relationship, and that there was going to be more action, but although the book didnt go that way, I liked it a lot. My favorite is still number 3, and I see this one like an interphase between number4 and number 6. Is a very good book. Of course, the 'its too long' stuff is true. But if youre a good reader, it doesnt matter: I mean, its a book. Books are supposed to have words. So read it and enjoy it!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Little Disappointing, but I Shall Never Waver as a Reader Review: In 1996-1997, the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was released and was immediately recognized for the outstanding creativity, wit and genuine ideas that had never been seen and used in context before. The books that followed created a sensation like no other recorded in the history of the world, capturing the minds of kids and adults alike. However, as time passed, it got old and many people were waiting for over three years for the fifth book to be released. There were high expectations of its development. When it was released, many were disappointed. They said it was too long, too boring, and not worth the next wait. Needless to say, they abandoned it. The book was originally good, just different from its predecessors. 'Different' is never liked by those who are not true fans, for these are people whom are caught up in the moment, and Harry Potter was just a fad for them. For others, who were alone, frightened and somewhat insecure it was a dream, a beacon in the dark. For myself, it saved my life, literally. And no matter what, it always will be dear to those like us. Harry brought out the best in us, and was a true companion, though some refuse to now admit it. I enjoyed the book thoroughly, though I do believe that the author had been influenced and wanted her book to rival her last in size. The final plot was quickly thrown together and not as well done as her previous novels. I still remain loyal and will always adore it, despite the feelings other express. I encourage other long time fans to rally to Harry's aide, as he did to ours and keep our faith and wait for the next installment. It truly is a remarkable story and is more than just a child's novel. I'm (...) and I still adore it. I'm still tring to figure out how I'm going to bear the burden of when the novel comes to an end.
Rating:  Summary: If you loved the first four, RUN!!! Review: I love the series: They have been a helpful outlet for many of my frustrations in the past, present, and hopefully will be in the future. The problem is, however, that this book is dark. Way darker than the first four books. This means that the series is taking a turn -- whether or not it is a good turn or not depends upon the next two books. In books three and four, the plot was so intricate, so full of turns, that you were completely baffled at the end of the story, and delightfully so. I remember my first response to book three was, "whoa...that is just so...cool!" At the end of book four, even though I was bawling my eyes out at the outcome, I remember saying "That was just so interesting." Aside from bawling my eyes out *again* at the end of Book five, I was marginally disappointed. There was no real intricate plot, and while JK Rowling did an excellent job at portraying the ignorance of government, it felt as though she did nothing to really advance the series -- it is as though the reader is stuck in time. Also, there were many inconsitencies within the story. For spoiler's sake, I won't write them here, but any hardcore-Pottermaniac like myself will notice them point blank. In all, this is a book that you should read if you're a fan, but let it eventually gather dust on your shelf. It doesn't even compare to books three or four.
Rating:  Summary: Full marks for Rowling!! Review: I can see why a few of the readers are underwhelmed by this 5th book. Times are dark for Harry. Not only the evil rising around him, but also the confusion involved with growing up. Growing up (as we all know) is not an easy thing to understand. I think Rowling has done a great job in portraying our young wizards coming of age. This book is full of action and suspense so thick, it can be cut with a knife. I found this book to be intensely moving, an emotional rollercoaster that will affect readers in a variety of ways. Rowling has still found room to continue introducing fun and thought provoking new items and spells that bring trouble down on the group, or bail them out of it. Some just make you chuckle and think what it would be like if Hogwart's did exist. I say again, Full marks for Rowling.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Review: This book is about a 15-year-old wizard named Harry Potter who lives with the Dursleys with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley who enjoy making Harry's life miserable. When Harry was only a year old, Harry's parent's were murdered by a dark wizard named Lord Voldemort who even tried to kill Harry, but Harry Miraculously escaped alive with a lightningbolt shaped scar. Harry was ready to spend his fifth year at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. The non-magical side of the world was called tha muggle world, and the non-magical people were called muggles. Young wizards were forbidden to use magic in the muggle world because muggles may become suspicious. In one unfortunate day, two dementors came at night who were dark, feared guards of the wizard prison at Azkaban. The dementors were trying to remove the soul from Dudley, but Harry made them flee by casting patronus charms with his wand. Uncle Vernon grew furious when Dudley grew sick. Harry was also horrified because he received a letter of expulsion for using magic in the muggle world. Later, the Dursleys were tricked to leave for a lawn contest at night. After this trick, the advance guard came to rescue Harry to send him to Sirius's home on broomsticks. The advance guard consisted of friends and former teachers with Tonks, Sirius, Lupin, Mad-eye Moody, and Kingsley Shacklebot. When Harry arrived At Sirius's home, he was furious to discover that his best friends Ron and Hermoine had been at Sirius's home for the whole time. 13 people also ate together which meant that the first person to stand is the first person to die. Harry then discovers the ministry of magic, which is a large, underground workplace. Harry also had to go to the wizard court to decide about his expulsion, and Harry becomes free of all charges. Harry also becomes jealous because Ron and Hermoine become chosen as prefects that are special school leaders. Harry arrives at Hogwarts by train with the other students. Harry becomes upset to find that a great, large gamekeeper named Hagrid did not arrive. Harry also meets his new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Umbridge, who made Harry write with a quill that caused his hand to bleed as he wrote when he served detention. Sirius also had to hide in the mountains because dementors were after him because he was known as a criminal. Then Umbridge gains authority as the Hogwarts high Inquisitor. Ron and Hermoine also set up an illegal club where students learn how to fight with spells, which was designed to fight Voldemort and his workers. Harry's trusty owl, Hedwig and Sirius, were attacked by Umbridge. Later in a sport played on broomsticks called Qidditch, Ron replaced the new goalkeeper and Harry was banned from the sport for fighting his rival, Draco Malfoy. Hagrid had also returned injured by giants because he was on a mission sent by dumbledore. Harry and his Illegal club then are caught by Umbridge. Then Fred and George, Ron's brothers escape from Hogwarts by taking the brooms that Umbridge had confiscated. Harry also begins to see lord Voldemort's perspective of how he is feeling. Harry also faces the O.W.L.s that were ordinary wizardring levels that were a set of tests Harry had to take in his fifth year. Harry then uses the fire in professor Umbridge's fire to try to communicate with Sirius, but Harry is caught. Hermoine then leads Umbridge to a group of centaurs in the forbidden forest who trample her and fire arrows at Hagrid's half brother, Grawp. After this, Harry decided to go to the department because he knew that Voldemort was torturing Sirius. Harry flew on special horses with some more other students that were invisible to the people who have not seen death. As Harry goes through a set of doors, there is a fight with death eaters that were people who work for Voldemort. Then the advance guards come and duel with death eaters. Then Sirius falls into a deep Veil tank and dies. Harry then breaks the prophecy, which was a prediction as a crystal ball. Dumbledore then duels Voldemort face to face and Voldemort flee. Later, Dumbledore reveals to Harry that Voldemort is after him because professor Trewalney, a divination teacher predicted that either Voldemorrt will kill Harry or Harry will kill Voldemort. In the end, the remaining of the advance guard said that if Harry does not write to them in every three days, then they would go to the Dursleys.
Rating:  Summary: HIP-HOP-HAPPENING Review: Its GREAT!! Trust me, the book is really good. No doubt that its a bit long, but C'MON GUYS! Its not a comic which you expect to finish in a span of 3-4 days. Rowling has really POURED her heart into it. It is filled with surprising new characters and twists'n'turns. You just cant put it down. I think that you should go for it. AND YOU NEED NOT BE A HARD CORE POTTER FAN FOR READING IT!! ENJOY N ENCORE!!!