Rating:  Summary: Great Read! Review: "Antigravity" is too restrictive a subtitle. It implies the author is focusing on gravity. In fact, he focuses on a search for technology that allows flight based on principles other than chemistry and aerodynamics. He chronicles his hunt for clues to alternative technologies hinted at in the footnotes of recent history. These technologies are based upon unusual phenomena, observed and partly tamed but not understood. He believes that significant advances were made in WWII Germany and continue to be developed today in "black" government programs. There are many intriguing hints of the existence of this technology and its direction, but the description of theoretical possibilities such as "zero point energy" seem only uninformed speculation. The author is severely hampered by a lack of technical training or mindset. Yet, this is an interesting tale with lots of diverse threads woven into an intriguing picture.
Rating:  Summary: A great scientific detective story Review: Anti-gravity, Zero Point Energy, Torsion Fields and time warps are the stuff of science fiction - right?Well maybe not quite. Nick Cook delivers a book that deserves careful consideration. He follows the data and comes to incredible revelations. Perhaps, there is a way to either shield gravity or to produce an anti-gravity effect. Maybe there is more energy resting in a show box than all the oil fields and nuclear power plants dotting the globe. And what if the speed of light is not the boundary we have come to believe it is? Before you discard the notion, I dare you to read the book and then go to your browser and start looking up names or places or ideas. There is a wealth of knowledge out there that is way outside the box. Coupled with a tremendous scientific story are the efforts by the American government to keep much of this technology under wraps and behind closed doors. The black world (as Cook calls it) rarely meets the white world. For anyone remotely interested in cutting edge technology, this is a must must read.
Rating:  Summary: Truth is the first casualty of war Review: Cook's credentials are long standing and I see no reason why he should do anything other than report what he found during the course of his investigations. And he is not alone. The web is full of content on this subject. Of particular importance is the site "disclosureproject.org" and the work of Greer who has made detailed presentations to Clinton's staff, the Pentagon, the U.S. Congress, and the United Nations about the compartmental nature of black operations within the private defense industry and the halls of the Pentagon. That our leaders have lied to us should be no surprise to anyone unless you are totally myopic.
There is no doubt that disclosure of the technical capability that exists within these comparmentalized bodies would have dramatic reverberations throughout the world and would definitely challenge the status quo. Maybe we are not ready for that yet, unfortunately.
On a personal note I was part of a team that achieved a technological breakthrough that was deemed near impossible by the best people in Bell Labs and formed a successful company that produced and marketed this product within a very technical market. Much of our data came from published scientific papers out in the archives for many years, in much the same way that Nicolas Tesla's papers on zero point have been. His papers are still available and are fascinating reading. He of course was denied his time in the spotlight and highly ridiculed. It is not at all unusual for scientists to be in the forefront of the ostrich mentality.
We might remember that many scientific breakthroughs begin with skepticism, go through ridicule, on to final acceptance. This subject matter is no different, BUT this subject could have the potential to be the most important discovery of all time.
Truth and denial may be the six degrees of separation we read about.
Rating:  Summary: For whom The Bell tolls... Review: Having read a lot of hostile reactions to this book, both in the Press and all over the Net, it seems the main knee jerk reaction has been to trash anything that may paint the Nazis in any kind of 'good light'. While I can understand that, I feel it gets in the way of a 'normal' reaction to the contents of the book. I shall hereafter refer to German rather than Nazi entities for that reason.
Basically, to infer that all Germans are/were Nazis is as distasteful and unreasonable as describing all Israelis as Zionists. Some are, most are not. The Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin was a hardcore terrorist who even murdered British troops during WW II, while seeking an arms deal with Mussolini, so let's not get too high and mighty here.
No, there is no conclusive proof about the existence of a secret German UFO or anti-gravity research progam. That does not mean that it therefore did not exist, merely that anybody suggesting that it did, is on thin ice. The closest thing to a German UFO that we have actual evidence of was the Horten disc-shaped glider and later powered glider, and various related projects.
Even the UFO community are deeply divided about the German UFO concept as some feel that it suggests that all UFO activity derives from German UFO technology, which is simply ridiculous. Far too many of the confirmed UFO sightings involve characteristics that make a terrestrial explanation ludicrous.
Nick Cook has written a brave book, and in his overall belief that the US has been intensively and secretly researching anti-grav technology, he joins other very credible researchers including former NASA consultant Richard Hoagland, who have offered examples of suppressed experimental results.
As for suppression... When two scientists claimed to have produced cold fusion in the lab, the Government's vested interest groups basically lined up a large body of detractors to 'prove' that they were wrong. In recent years, other groups of scientists have actually reproduced the original claimed results, and after almost 15 years of lost time i.e. deliberately wasted time - the idea is now being re-examined.
While Cook does not succeed in making a truly convincing case for German UFO research, he is still right to question the suppression of over unity energy research; and anti-gravity tech is only part of what might broadly be termed Unified Field Theory.
The trouble is, given the power of the vested interest groups who are basically running a planet whereby predicted profits are based on the continuation of archaic engines and propulsion systems that are designed to keep guzzling fossil fuels in whatever form for another century or two, we ain't likely to see free energy any time soon. Even if the possibility exists... of course. This isn't a planet... it's a business enterprise.
Like various conspiracy theorists have said, if you were making 100 billion dollars a year by pretending you can't cure cancer, would you give that up overnight?
Worth a read, but it is unlikely to convince people who are aleady polarized by various factors - like the rest of the human race
Rating:  Summary: HOW TO LEARN TO LOVE THE BOMB, PART II Review: How does one develop and exploit technology that can provide tunable "death rays," great anti-missile, anti-arty, anti-meteor defense, unlimited cheap energy, "flying saucer" spacetime travel, unlimited supplies of potable water, remediate nuclear pollution, enrich nuclear material, alter atomic structure, manipulate massenergy (i.e. increase or reduce gravitational/inertial mass, alter the weather, create seismic disturbances, "tractor beams," etc.), see through walls, and offer instantaneous, secure communications, among other things, but also provide a weapon that can sufficiently disrupt spacetime to destroy an entire planet? One needs a secret international, if not intra-galactic, extra-governmental military-industrial complex control group of some really stand-up guys. Or, let's at least hope they're "stand-up" since we don't exactly elect them. Let's also hope that all that power does not go to their heads! This book will help you understand a very small part of this story, namely what some of the sons of Adam figured out and built in massive underground complexes in Nazi-occupied Central Europe some six decades ago and how, with the help of the OSS at the fall of the Third Reich, a certain thoroughly evil genius for organization and intrigue named Hans Kammler, came west with the fruits of this technology after killing as many people who worked on it as possible. Think he might have taught us anything? If I have any fault with this book, it is that I could not help but suspect that the author, Nick Cook, editor of Janes Defence - Aviation, is not entirely the uninformed, naive, outside investigator that he protrays himself.
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining Review: If you enjoy "X Files", "Roswell", even "Star Trek" for the entertainment value (as I do) you will probably like this book. If you are a passionate believer, or disbeliever, you won't. In "The Hunt for Zero Point" Nick Cook has crafted a very readable, entertaining novel around a subject for which there is little hard evidence, historical or current. And in a field which is rife with conspiracy theories and theorists he manages to underplay this aspect - as a respectable journalist should. My father-in-law turned me on to this book. He is a taciturn fellow; his comment to me was "there is not a lot here, but you might enjoy it." He was right on both counts, and my guess is he should know. He was an electrical engineer, drafted into the Army during WWII, worked for ARPA, was posted to Germany towards the end of hostilities to help "clean up" after the Wehrmacht, and then went back to DARPA until he retired as a full colonel. Perhaps unsurprisingly, both of his sons work for large defense contractors managing "confidential" engineering projects. So, regarding that conspiracy theory stuff? Hey, humans hide things from each other - you aren't telling your friends that you dress up in a tutu, suck your thumb and cry while your spouse spanks you, are you? We have our reasons. Our governments have their reasons (security) and our industries do too (to protect revenue). Imagine trillions of dollars invested in a world-wide infrastructure, millions of people directly employed and many millions more indirectly, large profits and tax revenue generated, and maybe even a belief in the manifest destiny of humankind to fully utilize the resources that God has provided. Along comes a technology that will render the infrastructure obsolete, put all those people out of work, and destroy the profits and tax revenue - overnight. What do you do? You sit on the new technology until the resources are depleted (or until the asteroid strike). That's not a conspiracy, that's just common sense. Recommended. Buy this book, and enjoy it. Then get on the web and find out that maybe it is not all smoke after all.
Rating:  Summary: In and Out of the Shadows Review: In this shadowy world of antigravity, there is deliberate deception and false stories pointing to UFO's, and then ridiculing that possibility by others. People are whipped around by propaganda worthy of "1984". Nick Cook writes an excellent undercover book in The Hunt for Zero Point, but I am left wondering if he is participating in truth-telling, or deception, or both? It's well written, intriguing, and I cannot see any reason why anyone wouldn't like this book. But....at the end, is it true? My opinion is that antigravity is a deep black program and a lot of UFO sightings are sightings of already flying disc craft of human origin.
Rating:  Summary: It's All In The Name Review: Let us remember, the book is named "The HUNT for Zero Point". It's not "The Case for..." or "The Physics of..." I think the author cleverly hides a double-entendre in plain sight within the title. Has anti-gravity has been sought after? Does the author track down a possible history of this search? The book presents exactly what its title implies. It's a sufficiently presented trail of evidence, considering how elusive the subject is to begin with. There IS a Sam Spade tone, but it doesn't get in the way; your brain can filter it. The author doesn't plead a case for anti-gravity; he merely studies the possibility that development has taken place and ultimately, where that development might be today. By the end, you can easily follow his reasoning. Good fun.
Rating:  Summary: A fascinating topic couched in a highly readable text Review: The atomic bomb wasn't the only 1940s secret project to interest scientists: antigravity technology was another high priority, and one which may still be under study today. In The Hunt For Zero Point, professional journalist Nick Cook, with his access to key sources in intelligence and military communities, reveals evidence of a search for limitless energy and gravity control. This is a fascinating topic couched in a highly readable text.
Rating:  Summary: Seeing Past The Edge Review: The Hunt For Zero Point demonstrates that the science we practice today is not representative of the way Nature works. While attempting to unravel the troubling clues associated with anti-gravity research, as part of his official work as Aerospace Consultant for Jane's Defence Weekly, Cook discovers a much more important, immensely disturbing secret. Science fiction writers have long incorporated casual references to technologies which harness the power of gravitational and electro-magnetic forces, send messages across the vast expanses of space without time lag, produce energy without consuming combustibles, drive vehicles at velocities in excess of the speed of light, move backwards and forwards in time, as if such things are possible simply because they are within the conceptual grasp of human consciousness. What Cook discovered, and what his book describes, is that much of the revolutionary technology attributed to science fiction already exists. By itself, this discovery is worthy of his efforts. What is most disturbing about his book is the realization, after ten years of tracking the clues around the globe and verifying that many of the technologies already exist, that the people who made the first critical breakthroughs were the same people who perpetrated the Holocaust. Worse yet is his discovery that many of the people who engineered the machinations of the Third Reich were subsequently hired by the United States Government, given blanket immunity and protected from prosecution in exchange for their support of the development of these revolutionary technologies. Even more disturbing is the discovery that the technologies themselves are being successfully developed in secret and deliberately withheld from public access to protect powerful private sector interests. The technological breakthroughs described in Cook's wonderful book are all the technologies which are needed to heal the planet, feed the hungry, preserve the environment, and enable sustainable economic and commercial development. Who would resist the introduction of technologies which rise to these challenges? What if we could tap the zero point energy field and deliver electrical power so cheaply and globally as to make it unnecessary to meter it? What if we could drive all our transportation needs without reliance on combustible fuels? What if we could journey to the stars without worrying about the exigencies of time? What if we could purify water, remediate radioactive emissions from nuclear waste and restore ecological balance to the planet in a way that works for everyone? Who would stand in the way of such progress? In our work as scientists and researchers, we have accumulated a body of knowledge which explains the workings of Nature in a way that accommodates the phenomena Cook describes. By amending the Standard Model of modern physics to comply with current knowledge, we are able to validate the conclusions presented in his impeccably documented work and explain how such things operate in a way that is understandable by any reasonably educated person. The most significant contribution made by Cook's work is the presentation of the concepts related to Zero Point research in such a way as to make them both understandable and palatable. That his explanations are validated by hard evidence is the essential point. His work is well conceived, compellingly written and fundamentally correct in both its science and its conclusions. It's a genuinely enlightening read. I highly recommend it.