Rating:  Summary: Not For Someone Unfamiliar With Sitchin's Books/Theories Review: Unless you are already familier with Sitchin's other books and theories, I would not recommend this book. I admit to being totally unfamilier with Sitchin and pretty much unknowledgeable about this topic. It does give me some small level of interest in perhaps doing some further research on this subject though. I would certainly not suggest reading this book unless you already have some knowledge of ancient texts and their resulting theories of "pre-history." I also found it difficult to read because of the syntax. It's a struggle to rearrange the verbs, nouns, prepositions, etc. in your mind into contemporary English grammar as you read this book. It's like reading an ancient text itself. If you don't mind doing that, then it would be okay I guess. I found it difficult to do. It made it hard to follow the story lines as well. If you are already a Sitchin fan, then you might enjoy this book. But, for someone totally unfamilier with his works and theories, I would definitely NOT start with this book. Don't expect to just pick it up and read it like you would any other novel. For anyone at all who reads this book, I think it's important to remember that it is fictionalized. Maybe some of it is true and accurate but some of it is just hypothesis (not necessarily true at all). I found this book difficult to read and, frankly, pretty boring. It was a real struggle to get through it. Remember, I am writing this review from the standpoint of someone who knows pretty much nothing about Sitchin's theories or his other books. It you are already knowledgeable of his works and like them, you might enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: The cost of answers is more questions, an LDS perspective Review: While I find much of the material plausible I do have many questions that would be great to have addressed. I do consider this work suspect in many ways, but it does give the mind a great exercize while raising eyebrows and dropping the jaw. Coming from a LDS (Mormon) backgroud it's not a giant stretch to accept the notion that such beings could in fact be unwitting instruments in the hands of the "Father of All" to place upon yet another world souls of a new race of Man-kind, humans. Though they themselves near the end of the book conclude in retrospect this to be the case themselves even though they for selfish reasons fashioned us. God is obviously higher than these beings, but none-the-less, they served the role as "gods of men" as with mythological lore but likely they are not the God of mankind. I'm left wondering if Enlil could have been Jehova and Enki Lord or visa-versa. Wish it weren't so fuzzy in these distinctions. Perhaps if I could examine old testament texts in a more native dialect it may be possible to distinguish two personalities working with the children of Abraham in the name of the One God. It's very interesting to see how what the LDS refer to as the pre-existance and the "war in heaven" could in fact be accounted for in the behind the scenes actions among these celestial beings at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah when the "weapons of terror" were unleashed against the rebell Marduke. It's sobering to see the kinds of mistakes made by these "gods" if indeed they do represent the direct benevolent representation of the One God to humans. I'm inclined to concur with those who suspect ALL of these are fallen hosts from Heaven and in essence represent a fallable group of non-divine beings. It is also not too far of a stretch to presume the LDS concept of humans becoming gods is very likely a process much as these beings to the earth were and the manner in which they lived on their home planet with VERY high technology, historical understanding, etc. Perhaps the "lost sheep" are souls which need to be found and brought home as "prodigal sons". There is a striking parallel between what Marduke is up to and what the LDS refer to as Lucifer's agenda to usurp all power and dominion to himself, as well as promote himself as even greater and more ascended than the father Anu, king of their homeworld. Marduke made himself to be worshiped as Ra in Egypt and Ra means bright one, the sun. Lucifer is from the same root meaning as Luminous. It is also understood that Marduke received his period of time to rule the earth and mankind has been subjected to His dominance according to a pre-set time. Thus, we have a world leadership of evil where force has the mode of rule for millenia. We are now living in the days of the perfection of imperfection that when finally completed will last a mere brief moment until it's broken to pieces and Marduke's reign will be ended and the Christ return to earth to rule as it's rightful and benevolent king. Praise be to God for our deliverance! May we be prepared.