Rating:  Summary: George S. Wardlow Review: Dear Mr. Sitchin; I have read all of you're books and "THE LOST BOOK OF ENKI" is by far the best yet, it should have been you're first book, this is the book that I have been waiting for a book dictated by ENKI himself and of course it is the tablets that the original Old Bible itself was written in by ENKI's scribe himself and the other Sitchin books tell the detailed stories of the Old Bible. All the Sitchin books togather give us a history of the Earth, Man and Civalization most complete. For more spiritiality and conformation on the New Testament and Sitchin's research please visit zetatalk.com "Great research by Mr. Sitchin", I knew there must have been tablets like these somewhere, where were they found? perhaps in Ballbek! I have did research such as Sitchin's all my life, I am now 63 and now with this book my research is complete. Amen.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing but beautiful poetry Review: Having read 4 previous of Mr Sitchin's works, another fine read this one, flowing like the waters of the Nile in beautiful poetic language, but, YES, there is a but...Mr. Sitchin ruined his integrity with this one. Every word in the before (his previous works) I consumed as if the unknown be made known, in the end (with this one) bothering was the ME, my conscience, how many words each of the tablets were able to contain. The tablets in length themselves must have measured 1 league or more each! Where are these tablets their translation to back up? No references are given of their location thereof. This much reminding of the socalled lost tablets of the Mormon Bible. The story too complete, too perfect, mine eye seeing beautiful poetry and myth only. Faith I have in God put blindly and willingly, yet to blindly this story as truth to accept would be a mistake. I believe that Mr. Sitchin is trying too hard to please his readers.
Rating:  Summary: Sitchin is BRILLIANT! Review: Having read the TOP Four books in the UFO/Alien/ Government Coverup Genre; My FAVORITE is 'Alien Rapture' by Brad Steiger (Great fiction-soon to be a movie); and Alien Agenda by the best selling author of 'Crossfire' Jim Marrs (Best reference on UFOlogy); and Unconventional Flying Objects (NASA UFO Investigator for 30 years) by the scientist Dr. Paul Hill, and the 12th Planet by Sitchin. Sitchin's research is second to none. Read up on his credentials. I've read all of his books and this is the best! So much impressed me that I can only mention a few major points. I found it fascinating how Enlil and Enki probably debated and reflected upon major ethical/moral/religious decisions such as the "genetic engineered creation" of homo sapiens when Enlil felt that Enki was "replacing the Father of All Beginning" (page l3l), and the issue of whether Weapons of Terror (nuclear bombs) should or should not have been used (page 316), causing the total destruction of the Sumarian civilization in 2023 B.C. (See Wars of Gods and Men, by Sitchin) For people interested in the so-called "Face of Mars" or the human image on the sphinx, Sitchin , through the process of elimination, relates how the "reconstructed" tablets most likely yield the names of those images and how they came to be there! For Bible-oriented readers the "history" of Adapa and his sons Ka-in and Abael stands out as well as the "history" of Ziusudra and the Deluge, not to mention for students of Egypt how Marduk of Sumeria becomes Ra of Egypt and later on Amun, the Unseen One. And who built the pyramids and the sphinx and why? Well, I suggest you read Enki's probable account on pages 235-40. What fun! If you read this excellent book and the others, you will know that they are indeed true. Two well respected American Astronauts have come forward to proclaim they had seen evidence of the Roswell UFO crash and stated they know the cover-up is real. Many books have been written about the Catholic church's cover-up of ancient manuscripts. You be the judge.
Rating:  Summary: Was an important point missed? Review: I am a huge fan of the "Earth Chronicles" and own Sitchin's other works as well. Possessing a deep love for mythology, religious symbolism and ancient texts, this is only natural for me. Still I am left to wonder if an important connection was missed. Someone mentioned the development of other advanced societies, such as China, as being contemporaneous and ignored. Last year I stood in the Forbidden City and noticed first hand how the temple there so perfectly reflected exactly the construction, layout and religion of Sumer and Babylon. I found how many kanji "Chinese character" can be seen in image, meaning and pronunciation to have come from cuneiform. I noticed amazing artifacts connecting their history to Assyria and that of the Hebrews. I have no doubt of the validity of much of what is presented in these books. Still, was something missed? That point is that Enki, when related to the Hebrew texts corresponds to Lucifer, also known as The Devil. The Annunaki, called "those who from Heaven to Earth came" or also translated as "those who fell from Heaven" represent Lucifer and his fallen angels. The bible speaks at length about this and even refers to them as "the gods of this world". When the Akkadian flood legend and the Gilgamesh epic are looked at in this light and in light of the fact that this one system of belief spread throughout all the world, even crossing the oceans to the Americas, I am hard pressed to wonder how Sitchin, being such an in depth biblical scholar, could have missed such an important correlation of ancient texts and scripture.
Rating:  Summary: flawed Review: I believe Mr.Sitchin is unmatched in his Sumerian researches. But I do not share completely his ideas and comments about ancient civilizations. Maybe I perceive some Jewish eagerness to attribute the God's bliss and benevolence only to Jews.First of all we must solve the mystery of similarity of Orkhon (Göktürk) Runic Inscriptions with the Nordic Runic Inscriptions.Maybe Thuleans are right in their ideas about Hyperboreans.
Rating:  Summary: Sitchin is BRILLIANT! Review: I have read all of Dr Sitchens books thus far. This insallment is from tablets from Enkis first hand account and it is written in the first person. The tablets are Enkis explantion in detail of why they came here and everything that happened after they got here. For anyone familiar with Sitchens work, this book is something we have all been waiting for. Finally, tablets that have a first hand account from the gods themselves have been discovered and translated. I was always curious about how the gods themselves looked at (and felt about) everything that had happened here, so this book is definitely a treasure. Enki himself, our supposed creator, is to me the most fascinating of all the sumerian gods. Enkis direct explantion of everything is very interesting to say the least, he goes into detail about his struggle to save his people from extinction, all the while trying to keep his fellow brethren from destroying themselves and us along with them. His compassion for his own people and for us becomes apparent. The brilliant scientist and engineer of the annunaki gives us great insight to their lives as well as ours, so give this book a try if you enjoy Dr Sitchens work. This is definitely one of the more interesting books written thus far, but I would highly recommend reading The 12th Planet and Genesis Revisited before reading this book if you have not read any of the other Earth Chronicle books.
Rating:  Summary: A novel approach to Sitchin Review: If you believe the moon shines only at night, you will love this book. If you are a fan of Zecharia Sitchin, as I have been for the last decade or so, you may be in for a shock, for in this book the author dramatically changes everything about his writing in comparison with his previous books, to the point that one may question if it is the work of a ghost writer. In the first place, the entire book, with the exception of the Introduction (wherein it is stated, 'For the first time ever, this dispersed and fragmented material has been assembled and used by Zecharia Sitchin to re-create the eyewitness account of Enki.....'), the entire work is written in verse format, double-spaced. Secondly, the architecture of the sentences is inverted with respect to normal English, with the verb usually appearing at or near the end. No doubt the reason for this type of structure was to create the atmosphere in which the author worked as he deciphered the ancient tablets, but this feature made the reading for me very slow and tedious, as I sought to reread each verse to untangle the various nouns and adjectives and adverbs and logically attach them to other parts of the sentence which were not in their accustomed places. Equally as surprising is the fact that there are absolutely no endnotes, references, citations, or illustrations which would tend to link the material to any deciphered existing tablets or other archaeological artifacts, or even Biblical references - the very things which gave his previous writings the illusion of a serious scientific hypothesis. In this regard, a library buff might be interested in noting the card catalogue classification of this and his previous writings. Having gotten beyond all these initial shocks, one then might expect to sit back and enjoy what initially appears to be a recap of the various fragments of the story line dispersed throughout and revealed, many times out of sequence, in his earlier books. A careful reading and comparison, however, reveals that in the current version, many of the earlier details have been changed. Consider, for example, the fact that, until this book, the emasculation of Anu was accomplished by Kumarbi, the grandson of Alalu, whom Anu deposed; in the current book, the vile act was performed by Alalu himself. In the earlier versions, Kumarbi suffered and recovered from an illness as a result of ingesting the testicles, but in the current book Alalu died from swallowing them. These are but a few examples of materials which contradict the author's earlier interpretations; there are also many places where totally new material is inserted, such as the attempted validation of the act of circumcision by the unsupported assertion that the Anunnaki were born without foreskins. Be prepared, therefore, for a work of total fiction, one difficult to navigate, and one not only out of character but also not too faithful to its author's earlier works. As a work of fiction, however, the failings are equally noticeable. Most novels, particularly those which might be classified as science fiction, are realistic to the point that the events at least seem plausible. But when we are told that Nibiru was covered by a cloud of volcanic dust (which certainly would be highly toxic to all forms of life), through which no light could penetrate, and that, for most of its orbit, the sun was so far away that there was no significant source of light, we are left wondering (1) how the planet was covered with abundant vegetation, and (2) why the Anunnaki and other creatures from that planet ever developed eyes, when there was nothing to see. Alas, fan that I am, I can only implore Mr. Sitchin to do what he does best: namely to obfuscate his story line in convoluted reasoning and artifact citations, and leave the writing of raw fiction to others. Some books that excited my interest were, 'Unconventional Flying Objects' by Paul Hill, 'Alien Rapture' by Brad Steiger, and 'Alien Agenda' by Jim Marrs. I highly recommend all these books.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC EXTRATERRESTRIAL FICTION BASED ON HISTORICAL FACTS Review: The reader will be aware that "The Book of Enki" is a fictional ancient Sumerian text and no such artefact has been unearthed by any archaeological exploration. In this work the author has skilfully crafted an imaginary ancient record based on available evidence, and the result is as realistic as we could hope in view of his distinguished experience in the study and interpretation of ancient writings. The theme of this ancient fantasy is an autobiographical account by the Sumerian deity, Enki, in which the enthralling role of the gods in early human history is dramatically portrayed. The sequence of events is generally in accordance with the authentic historical record, and entirely consistent with the author's beliefs. The story is easy to follow, accessible and captivating. The scholarly reader will be disappointed by the absolute absence of any references to support the facts. It is impossible to discriminate between the historical facts in this book and the author's own interpretation, dramatisation or embellishment. I recommend referring to previous books by this author, where the established facts presented and referenced to support the discussion are conclusive in demonstrating the interventionist viewpoint. In addition, even the less certain interpretations proposed by the author, together with his own ideas and theories, are both fascinating and entertaining to read alongside the more serious arguments. If you are interested in extraterrestrial intervention theory or alien research, ancient history or the history of human civilisation, and if you like to read fiction - especially science fiction - then you will definitely enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: I wish I could give this book ten stars, it's that important Review: There are few true geniuses writing books we can understand and only one writing about a subject so vitally important to every human being, i.e., we cannot know where we are going if we do not know where we have come from. Now, thanks to a lifetime of dedication worthy of the greatest researchers and detectives of all time, all of Zecharia Sitchin's books and especially "The Lost Book of Enki," are available to provide plausable answers to the hundreds of questions traditional "science" and "archaeology" and biblical "scholars" cannot or refuse to answer at all, let alone satisfactorily. I think I understand why some of his fans are having trouble with "The Lost Book of Enki." They think they understand his work to the point where having it all presented in one book, and in a mytho-poetic style, no less, seems to be a rehash of what they've read. Well, they may be geniuses, themselves, because I've read all of the books twice and am one of about two dozen alumni of all of Zecharia's far flung teaching intensives, and yet I feel that I needed to read "The Lost Book of Enki" to really have a good grasp of the material and to feel it "breathe," to be mytho-poetic, myself. What a thrill to finally understand the actual basis for the seemingly ungrounded words, themes, and stories of the bible. There are also a few facts mentioned in passing that should have blown the mind of anyone who has read all the books. It should be realized that NO ONE knows Zecharia's work the way he knows it and anyone who knows him realizes what a gift this book is to the many people who have literally begged him to put it all together in one book. So, as they say to anyone considering the study of the Kabalah, make sure that you are ready to have all of your preconceived notions, especially those about the bible and our creation, seriously dislodged. If you want the ride of your life, then read on. I know my life would have been quite the poorer had I not read all of Zecharia's works, especially "The Lost Book of Enki."
Rating:  Summary: Not For Someone Unfamiliar With Sitchin's Books/Theories Review: Though I often disagree with his interpretations, I have long been a stalwart fan of Sitchin, and reference his works often. However, this book, presented as if there were archaeological texts to back it up, is an out an out farce. Throughout his previous works, Sitchin has always taken the position that the Anunnaki represented the "only" god system ever known on Earth, a concept that is plainly in error from a Christian point of view. I have steadfastly referenced the archeological texts concerning Alalu, Kumarbi/Zu, and Ullikummi and have found that there is absolutely no archeological evidence what so ever to indicate these beings were ever involved in the Anunnaki gold mining operation. There is, however, very sound archeological evidence in the Sumerian king's list, known to scholars as W-B/144, indicating Alalu and his descendents established Earth's first city, Eridu, prior to the Anunnaki rebellion led by Anu. In Christian terms, it is Anu, Enki and Enlil who represent the leaders of the "fallen angels". The evidence also indicates that Alalu had human children on Earth. It was Alalu's descendants, called "lulu's," who were the subject of Enki's rather insidious attempt to genetically manipulate mankind into slavery. Furthermore, any attempt by Sitchin to connect Alalu's home world with Mars, shows a very clear lack of scholarship on his part. In Sitchin's third book, "The Wars of Gods and Men", (p.92) we find that Enki/Ea offers to take Kumarbi to the planet, "MAR.GID.DA," in order to consult with "Lama", who is the matriarchal ancestor of both Kumarbi and Anu. Anyone with access to a search engine can type in the word, MAR.GID.DA, and learn that it is a direct reference to the Big Dipper, not Mars. In antiquity, the Big Dipper was known as both the "Chariot of Heaven" and the "Plough of Heaven". One might conclude, therefore, that the Old Testament statements that, "They shall beat their swords into ploughshares," suggests that the Big Dipper and Alalu's descendants may ultimately play a very important role in the history of Earth. This conclusion is again backed up in the New Testament with the parable, "No man, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is worthy of the kingdom of God." Once again, Alalu's probable association with Christianity is clearly referenced in The Book of Revelations, chapter 19, where the word "Allelula", (pronounced A.LA.LU.YA) appears four times. I dare say, these easily verifiable facts are certainly enough to make anyone question Sitchin's interpretations, and most certainly should give any Christian considerable meat to ponder. The Egyptian myth concerning the beginning, Genesis one, is called "Sep Tepi." (See "Gods of Eden" by Andrew Collins or reference "Edfu Texts" online.) Collins makes a very good case for connecting Kumarbi and Alalu to "the first time", where they fight a tremendous battle with "serpent" deities called Aa and Wa, who undoubtedly were Ea and Ra. Kumarbi and Alalu lose the battle, and paradise sinks beneath the sea, and is called "the Island of the Trampling." The landmass rises again, only now there are new "gods" running the show, one of whom is called "The Lord, mighty-chested, who made slaughter, the Soul who lives on blood." These being then give birth to eight other gods, called "Shebtiu", which are called "the Ogdoad" in the Theban myths. The Ogdoad/Shebtiu then give birth to nine other gods, which correspond to the Egyptian Ennead, and eventually this race of Anunnaki gods, gives rise to the Horace Kings, the "Re-heraky" (Ra hierarchy) associated with the Egyptian sphinx, and the "royal blood" of the lion kings of both the Egyptian and Hebrew races. It might also be wise of Sitchin fans to realize that his earlier ascertains that the Biblical numeral "666" is a reference to Ba'al, is clearly disputed by a great number very renown archeologists, Sir Wallace Budge being perhaps the most famous among them. (See "Amulets and Talismans", Budge) Throughout antiquity, the superstitious and war-torn people of the Middle East regularly wore amulets and charms to ward off evil spirits or bring them luck. They regularly inscribed their charms with "magic squares", a numerical system that Thoth, the serpent's other son, presumably taught the Levite priesthood. Even the common-folk knew what magic squares were, because they used them in their appeals to various Anunnaki deities. In essence, magic squares are blocks of numbers that produce the same sum whether they are added in horizontal rows, columns or diagonals. There were seven very well known magic squares, each corresponding to the following heavenly bodies, or "gods in our solar system; Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the moon, and the sun. The numerals for the magic square of the sun added up to 666, and it is evident that the number is a reference to Ra/Marduk's "Solar Deity Complex." In Egypt's oldest Theban creation myths, the Egyptian's credited the "god of the beginning" with the name "Amen", which is verified again by the apostle John, in Revelations 3:14. This deity, though recognized and honored by Thebes's earliest priesthood, was considered an unknown and "hidden" god; a god whose existence went so far back in time, the Theban priests knew very little about him. Up until the Tower of Babylon incident, which more than likely happened in centuries immediately preceding the year 2000 BC, "the Amen" was practically an unknown god in Egypt. The "confusion of tongues" very likely corresponds to the confusion in Egypt's history during this same time frame. John the Divine seems to suggest that Ra/Marduk committed the first known act of "identity theft" by adding the name "Amen" as a prefix to the name "Ra." The Christian records indicate Ra is a liar. Though Sitchin's scholarship has certainly opened our eyes, the conclusions he presents are very questionable, particularly to anyone who actually makes the effort to reference his work. Let's put it this way... The words, "A.LA.LU.YA A.MEN! LAMB.MA MAR.GID.DA!" would clearly tell a different story than Sitchin does.