Rating:  Summary: Stargate Conspiracy Review: ... 'The Stargate Conspiracy' is immaculately researched, and meticulously referenced. Not a single point is made within these pages that is not supported by a clearly specified and accessible reference. A well researched book does not need to make arguments and presumptions, Picknett and Prince merely draw the attention of the reader to a fascinating series of facts which allows any conclusions to be made independently and without emotive propaganda. Their approach as authors is down to earth and matter of fact, shedding scorn NOT on the great mysteries of life and the universe, but on the way in which they have been actively recruited, abusing the faith of well meaning people. A fascinating read, highly reccomended.
Rating:  Summary: Silly book Review: And I still can't find those little aliens :)
Really, there is no conspiracy. And there certainly ain't no extraterrestrial life. The only mysteries of Ancient Egypt is why current Egypt is still so backwards.
Rating:  Summary: Cassiopaea comments on Picknett and Prince Review: As many readers of our site know, we were recently made aware of certain remarks about the Cassiopaeans made by the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy to wit: "Like all such material, it is an insult to our individual and collective intelligence. Who needs it?"After reading this new book of theirs, the only thing I can think is that they really didn't read our material at all. The fact is, we agree almost 100% with their conclusions of because we have been saying exactly the same things for seven years. However, we do think that they certainly overlooked some serious clues. Let me suggest, first of all, that the reader may wish to obtain a copy as soon as possible and read it carefully. After you have read it, go back and read the various channeled materials it discusses with the idea in mind that such material may, indeed, be being presented with a hidden agenda. And, while reading, keep in mind that one of the main tactics of the Matrix Control System is to find a means of subtly allying their message with that of the truly Positive so as to generate confusion in untrained minds which would tend on surface evidence to accept these actually contrary messages as benevolent. Picknett and Prince failed to point out that The Control System does not inculcate belief by lying - at least not all the time. In fact, they lie very seldom. But when they do, it is always at a crucial point. And they do have a tendency to fall on their own egos, so we do have the ways and means of identifying them if we are open to the possibility - the probablity - that channeled sources are, for the most part, NOT benevolent! The lies, the subtle twists on the truth, are generally buried deeply in a soft cushion of warm and tender concern for their "chosen ones." The Control System proceeds by the method of imitation. It APES the expression of the positive, and all the more carefully when it wishes to be mistaken altogether for truly benevolent intentions. However, the problem is actually deeper than that. It could be said that the Shepherd cares tenderly for his flock, guarding and protecting them; moving them from green pasture to green pasture; bedding them down for the nights next to pools of cool, clear water. When they are sick, he tends them; when one of them is lost, he goes and finds them and returns them to the fold. The image of the Good Shepherd as a representation of God is brought to us from the dim primeval past; it is ingrained in us to think of our Loving Father as a Shepherd, holding the lost lamb, glowing with beneficence and kindly devotion to his flock. But, the fact is, nobody is really paying attention to this image because, if they were, they would realize that the shepherd only tends the flock so he can shear them and/or eat them. And in times past, that included regular and numerous sacrifices to the "Gods." The strategy of the Control System is to begin its work by adhering so closely to the letter of the positive as to be virtually indistinguishable to all but the most perspicacious individuals. It installs belief through a sort of rhythmic lull of entrainment which then permits acceptance of all that is said when it finally diverges slightly or greatly from the set pattern and pulls the mind of the believer along with it. There are so many variations of the strategy that it would be almost impossible to list them all, but it ranges from Christianity, Judaism, Islam and most of the worlds religions of the present time, to the new variations being promulgated in the present time via dozens, or even hundreds, of New Age channels and "purveyors of wisdom." It finds its fullest and most identifiable expression in the teachings of certain occultists, including those promoting ritual magick, whether they claim to be of the "black" or "white" variety, because usually, in those cases, it is not even necessary to lie. The bottom line is, knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. And ignorance is substrate of "belief." Picknett and Prince began to research ancient Egypt in order to discover the purported "roots" of the Templar legacy and what they perceived as our civilization's "Egyptian Roots." The more they researched, the more they realized that the ancient Egyptians possessed "astonishing knowledge, far beyond that generally accepted by modern academics." Well, what a surprise! What is of most compelling interest is the information on Andrija Puharich and the possibility that there was a program in effect for a long time designed to teach very psychic kids to learn to "project" thoughts into the minds of others so as to convince them that they were channeling extraterrestrials. This is also something which we have been talking about for over seven years, so it's nice to have a little support given the idea through "regular" research. Our own information suggests that there is an "army of psychic projectors" being used to influence individuals in positions of power and in the creative arts so as to have them produce books, movies, television shows and series - all with an agenda in mind: the same agenda identified by Picknett and Prince. P & P go on to describe their research findings - how various channels, popular researchers, writers, and other individuals of some influence in the subject of what is going on in Egypt - have had CIA connections, and all seem to circle around the same "circle." Circles within circles indeed! And quite a few of them have impinged on our lives as well - generally quite negatively. For a long time, we thought it was simply because we were "strange" and involved with such an "off the wall" thing as channeling. Now we realize that most of them were also involved with channeled messages - of a very different sort. And it is most definitely clear after reading the excerpts of some of this material as dug up by P & P, as well as learning about the backgrounds and connections of these individuals, why our work has been marginalized and discounted by these very same people with their own "channeled" secret government agenda. In fact, the reader may be rather surprised to discover just who's on first in this one! People you would never guess to have any connection to "channeling" apparently do - including high government officials. (We aren't going to tell - you have to read the book!) Over and over again we read passages that described factual information about this conspiracy that we had received as "channeled" information! And we were definitely on the "outside" of the new age community because of it! Does this mean that the Cassiopaeans are telling the truth? Well, again, except for the fact that they give answers relating to the Matrix Control System that has dominated humanity for millennia, what they are saying is exactly what Picknett and Prince are saying. Only thing is, the Cassiopaeans said it first. But, I do understand the position of P & P. It's one thing to pursue conspiracy theories and to find them and track them and think that there are some very naughty folks here on the Big Blue Marble. It's an altogether different thing, after one has tracked enough of these theories, to come to the realization that they are all just different parts of the same elephant, and that critter is thousands of years old. When that fact smacks you in the face, either you run screaming in denial, or you begin to step back from the truly BIG picture, the global-millennial picture, and you see that something is rotten in the whole thing. And, having arrived at that point, you realize that such a conspiracy could not be carried out by human beings - at least not humans alone. And then you have to face the most difficult task of all: asking yourself who or what could be behind it? Having asked that question, and having opened your mind to a whole constellation of possibilities that you would formerly never, ever, in your wildest dreams have considered - then, if you work very, very hard, you may discover the "truth" that THEY want you to believe. But, if you are very lucky, and you seek help based on the knowledge you have acquired that such help can and does exist - only we generally do not have access to it because we are too easily duped and manipulated - then you might begin to learn the rules of communicating with higher minds than our own. And then you might learn how NOT to toss the baby out with the bathwater. Will P & P be able to make that leap of consciousness? It's hard to tell. They keep dancing around it in their books, they do some truly interesting research, but it just seems that the awareness of what is truly going on is still blocked from them. They see the trees, but not the forest. P & P ask: "Are 'they' [the secret gov and its dupes] looking for a stargate,... a physical or hyper-dimensional portal through which they could more easily reach Mars, and perhaps even make contact with Martians? More importantly, do 'they' really believe that
Rating:  Summary: Misleading Title Review: One might think they will find the truth about extraterrestrials and anienct egypt upon reading the front cover. You won't. You'll read a looooong boring and confusing story of the conspiracy that well-schooled people believe that aliens are going to land soon and change the world. There are some interesting facts about the mysteries of ancient egypt which was the highlight of the book. I thought there'd be more of that. Most of the book is the conspiracy and many of the anecdotes of the conspiracy have a very loose connection to the point of the book. If these little stories were somewhat interesting this wouldn't be much of a problem but they are terribly drab. And after reading 200 pages of this with something interesting now and then, THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A CONCLUSION. They don't know what to draw from what they present. The cover of the book says The Truth About Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt. The back cover asks the questions like "what does this mean for mankind? Why are they keeping this information to themselves?" as if they are going to answer them. But they don't. They merely restate these questions. I'm glad I skimmed the last 100 pages. This book is misleading in its intent. What a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Suspension of Disbelief Review: The average 17 year old probably wouldn't be too interested in a book like The Stargate Conspiracy, let alone take the time to read it. I did and I am glad. I think that the authors were right in asking not for overwhelming acceptance of this doctorine, but for a "suspension of disbelief" so as to simply present there evidence for the reader to interpret. I think for this reason, anyone who is interested in Mars & the cydonia complex, Egyptian Monuments, or Extraterrestrial life, should pick up a copy of this book. It definately prompted me to read the works of many of the authors that have been reviewed and discredidted in these books, (most notably, Hancock and Bauval) to see for myself what is really going on. The book is well organized in connecting each chapter to the next, as if to make each new discovery more signifcant than the last. It definatley got me pondering the answer to many questions concerning all the above elements. Many of which have yet to be answered. Some of the books subject matter is pretty radical in its possibilities, but has just enough eveidence so that one can not dismiss it completely. All in all I am glad I read it, and it has inspired me to read some of the cited works within it to further my understand of the topic. This book would be great for a first time "new age" reader or a veteran.
Rating:  Summary: Paranoid Accusations and Politically Correct Hypocricy Review: The Stargate Conspiracy by Picknett and Prince could have been an excellent book based on their investigations and connections of people and events of esoteric/metaphysical matters (it is still worth reading just for the history and connections of the people involved). But, their incorrect and even slanderous accusations of reputable people and organisations due to their ignorance and bias of them is inexcusable. They further compound their errors by insisting on their ludicrous theory and ridiculing all others as the ultimate hypocricy. Picknett and Prince see conspiracies everywhere, and that the individuals, organisations and ideologies ridiculed in the book are because- "..faceless behind-the-scenes manipulators have no compunction in seizing their ideas and twisting them for their own ends" (pg374). Are they serious? All of history depicts machiavellian and unscrupulous characters twisting ideologies for their own ends. The Catholic religion being one example of ruthless men (and popes) distorting Christianity for the sake of crusades, witch-hunts. inquisitions, tyranny etc. So using Picknett and Prince's logic should we ridicule, defame or ban Christianity ? - I don't think so ! Another illogical and ludicrous theory they propose is that the pyramids and sacred knowledge has been garnered by shamans taking hallucanegic drugs, and not from any lost civilizations or higher beings (which they continually disparage). Isn't their theory even more absurd and unfounded, not to mention dagerous- glorifying drugs to find esoteric answers ? Should we use their own convoluded logic, and accuse them of being drug-pushers ? This is very poor research and theory (not to mention book writing), as well as being compounded by their own paranoia and delusions. I hope people reading this book do not take Picknett and Prince ill-founded conclusions & disparaging of benvolent people and organisations conclusions seriously, and only make use of the names of the people and organisations to find out the truth for themselves and in other more objective and fair books.
Rating:  Summary: Stargate conspiracy Review: The Stargate conspiracy contained some interesting information for those interested in the subejcts it covered (eg channellings from the Nine). However, although the books listed in reference were numerous, the research was seriosuly lacking in intelligence. As far as I could make out, the majority of their controversial opinions were based on blatant misreadings of the books they referenced, complemented only by false asssociations. However, an intelligent reader should be able to see that this is so, so little harm is done.
Rating:  Summary: Jew World Order? Review: This book contains a wealth of fascinating information, but it's about 200 pages too long. Honestly, there was so much fluff in this book that you'd think the authors had to meet a minimum word quota to get paid. If I had a penny for every time the authors used the words "significantly", "disturbingly", "disquieting", "sinister", "unsettling"...
The lack of an index and the puny photo section are dissapointing for a book of this size.
It's a mystery why the authors chose to put some individuals under the microscope, while accepting at face value the claims of such notorious hucksters as Aleister Crowley and Uri Geller. I wish the authors had done more to substantiate their belief that Schwaller de Lubicz was involved in the ascendency of the Franco regime in Spain; they make some extraordinary claims about this individual's political activities but remain strangely silent on the details. I got a good laugh from their attempts to link the 'Stargate Conspiracy' to the "anti-semitic" right; if anything, their research shows that several of the key conspirators are either Jews or people whose activities happen to coincide with Israeli/Zionist agendas.
"Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare" by Michael A. Hoffman II and "Saucers of the Illuminati" by the late Jim Keith cover much the same ground and make good complimentary reading.
Rating:  Summary: Misleading Title Review: This book is quite thought-provoking, even though it seems the authors are not quite sure what conclusions can be drawn from the web of connections they have uncovered. It would seem that there are a number of converging, overlapping agendas that involve promoting or facilitating theories about ancient gods, aliens, and a "New Age" era in which these alien or extradimensional entities reappear. Unfortunately, the authors have not been able to pin down the motives of the various writers, occultists, researchers, and government agents involved in this web. This is a fascinating story that helps readers recognize that things are generally not what they appear to be on the surface. This helps explore the dangers of belief-system manipulation and credulity. I personally suspect that some of the people discussed in the book are not intentionally participating in any "conspiracy," even though their research and theories may be promoted or facilitated by others with a manipulative agenda. Similarly, there are lots of channelers around who are too easily impressed by the phenomenon and by any entity that wishes to lead them on some deceptive path. Thus, the Stargate Conspiracy is at its core a story of gullibility and manipulation that can catch many in a web of intrigue.
Rating:  Summary: Provocative examination of occult & New Age belief systems Review: This book is quite thought-provoking, even though it seems the authors are not quite sure what conclusions can be drawn from the web of connections they have uncovered. It would seem that there are a number of converging, overlapping agendas that involve promoting or facilitating theories about ancient gods, aliens, and a "New Age" era in which these alien or extradimensional entities reappear. Unfortunately, the authors have not been able to pin down the motives of the various writers, occultists, researchers, and government agents involved in this web. This is a fascinating story that helps readers recognize that things are generally not what they appear to be on the surface. This helps explore the dangers of belief-system manipulation and credulity. I personally suspect that some of the people discussed in the book are not intentionally participating in any "conspiracy," even though their research and theories may be promoted or facilitated by others with a manipulative agenda. Similarly, there are lots of channelers around who are too easily impressed by the phenomenon and by any entity that wishes to lead them on some deceptive path. Thus, the Stargate Conspiracy is at its core a story of gullibility and manipulation that can catch many in a web of intrigue.