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Rating:  Summary: Lose 30 lbs. in 3 weeks? He's got to be kidding! Review: I picked this up one day in a bookstore, saw the remainder price and the blurb, "From the author of the Hawaii Diet", and thought, 'hey, I used to live in Hawaii, maybe there's local recipes inside'. On opening it I did find some (including one for falafel), so I decided to take it home. On further reading I was disappointed to find that this was yet another rehash of the low-fat, high-carb diet, along the lines of Weight Watchers, Dr. Ornish, etc. The menu plans presented in Dr. Shintani's latest diet book seemed bland and boring to me (typical menu on the 21-day plan: oatmeal for breakfast and brown rice with stir-fried vegetables for lunch and dinner). With such lack of variation I don't think anybody could stay on this diet for very long. There is also a vegetarian agenda that rears its ugly head throughout the text. I don't mind vegetarianism, just don't tell me on the cover that I can "Lose weight without sacrificing taste, portions" and then impose limits like 1oz. of animal protein per day! The jacket copy is riddled with similar inflated claims that to me border on the outlandish. Inside it's a different story as Dr. Shintani lectures on the evils of meat and saturated fat. Even poly-and-monosaturated fats are limited to no more than 20% of daily calories on this plan. And those carbs? Okay, this is the one area where the good Doctor gets it right. He stresses eating "Good" carbohydrates, like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, as close as possible to their natural state. "Bad" overprocessed carbs (Like white bread, sugars) are to be avoided. To his credit he also refers to the Glycemic Index (a measure of how fast food raises blood sugar) - but then mucks it up with his own invented "Carbohydrate Quotient". Hello, how about using the Glycemic Load to measure the body's response to a food? Oh, and those Island recipes? Not too many of those, unless you like taro...
Rating:  Summary: Lose 30 lbs. in 3 weeks? He's got to be kidding! Review: montignac diet(eat yourself slim) and this books r the best for healthy losing weight, hi p[rotein diets are very bad, if u do atkins u will darker and bad, humans are meant to eat carbs
Rating:  Summary: Helpful Advice for Many People! Review: Think of this book as a combination of Dr. Dean Ornish's book, "Eat More, Weigh Less, " "Sugar Busters!," and "Turn Off the Fat Genes" based on the latest research for controlling insulin levels, cholesterol, fat, and weight. One of the strengths of the book is that the eating plan is quite flexible in terms of what you eat, when and how much. You are also given instructions for how to adjust your eating depending on how much animal protein and dairy products you choose to consume. Another strength is that the recipes take some pretty mundane sounding dishes and turn them into much tastier (and healthy) versions. As someone who is very interested in Dr. Peter D'Adamo's work on blood types, I noticed that the advice here will fit those with type A blood very well, type B blood reasonably well, and type O blood less well. If you combine the perspectives of this book and Live Right 4 Your Type, I think you will have greatly improved your health, weight, and sense of well-being. What's the down side? Well, you will have to buy and eat a lot of different foods than you do now. The book does a good job of describing different ways to make the transition. Within a few weeks, your food tastes will change and you will enjoy this diet. I thought the biggest down side was that you'll pretty much have to give up on eating food from most restaurants. So, if you are like me and are often away from home, you'll have to carry food with you that you have prepared in advance. That's a pretty good idea anyway, and something that I have been doing more and more of. But it will be time-consuming, so something else will have to give in your life. Television, perhaps? Or remastered videos of 1950s comedies? I am often asked my estimate of how costly a way of eating will be. I don't think this one will be extremely expensive, unless you decide to gorge only on the most expensive fruits and vegetables. You will save some money because you be eating out less, eating less processed food, and reducing your consumption of meat, poultry and dairy products. If you really like brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and nonfat refried beans, your budget will be safe. I happen to like those foods, so I was encouraged. How do we know this works? Well, the advice here has been put in practice by the author for the last 15 years for his patients in Hawaii. The book also draws on important scientific studies of the average results of making changes in diet and exercise. Get the right balance to improve your strength, mood, mind, and body!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent presentation on carbohydrate nutrition Review: This book is very good. It does an excellent job of presenting a range of nutritional information on carbohydrate metabolism, the role of insulin in health, and misconceptions about the relative contributions of fat, protein and carbohydrates to health and disease. The author's critique of the glycemic index is also paramount. Many contemporary authors simply accept the index uncritically without describing its limits and usefulness. Terry Shintani brings critical awareness to interpreting the glycemic index and help in making basic food choices. The text could be improved by adding more a discussion on the role of essential fatty acids and how we are to obtain them on a high carbohydrate diet.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: This is a great book. Great review about nutrition. You don't have to take it as a diet, but as a nutritional approach. After reading it, you will know what kind of foods are better for your body and for preventing and, helping treat some diseases that come from High-fat high-protein diet, the american diet.
I used to have a really bad relationship with food, always hungry, gaining weight, feeling tired. Now, I have much more energy, wake up earlier, and i feel great, I don't feel bloated at all, like I did before, and believe it or not, diet has to do with much more than weight, like the overal health of your body, and mind, mood, etc.
A good recommendation.
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