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Rating:  Summary: See of St. Mark: Chrisological Journey in time and space Review: Christ in Christian Tradition: Since Adolph von Harnack's great work on History of the Dogma, there is no parallel for this ever-growing and most established reference in Chrisological history and development of Doctrine of the Person of Christ. This review covers only volume 2, part 4: The Church of Alexandria With Nubia and Ethiopia Fr. Grillmeier reevaluates the alternative Orthodox, albeit mystical, Christology of the great Alexandrines: Alexander, Athanasius, and Cyril. With the help of the able academic Dr. Hainthaler expouds, not only the defense of Severus of Antioch, and Theodosius of Alexandria (in house arrest at Constantinopole) but also the arbitration of his colleague the colorful grammarian , scientific theologian , the genius Johannes Philoponus. Whast is new in theology? Aloys Grillmeier is revealing in this volume new sources made available by two great Coptologists; Prof. Tito Orlandi and Dr. Hans Quecke, who supported this great work in service of a better understanding of the schism that divided the One Holy Universal Apostolic Church. For the very first time a Christology of Shenute of Atripe, and his Disciple Besa the Archimandrite of the White Monastery are briefly reviewed for the first time. The legendary story of faithful Nubia (in Coptic : Land of Gold) and holy Axum (Ethiopia) are treated at some elaboration, that was only attempted by the great Utah U. historian A. S. Atiya. Thus this work consecrated not only time but also space, as the Orientals are used to say. Book Contents: Part One: Alexandrian Christology in Greek: Section I: Christology of the patriarchs; 1. Timothy Aerulus in rejection of Chalcedon 2. The struggle between Pro and Anti Chaledonians 3. Theodosius, Spiritual heir of Severus of Antioch 4. Two hierarchies: the Copts and Melkites Section II: Christology of the Scholars: 1. The poet Nonnos of Panopolis 2. Two Alexegites: Ammonius and Olimpiodore 3. John Philoponus, Alexandrian Philosopher and Theologian 4. Cosmas Indicopleustes Part Two: The Province of Coptic Christology: 1. A new source for Shenute: Founder of Coptic Christology 2. Besa: Archimandrite of the White Monastery 3. Christology in Coptic liturgical prayers Part Three: The Cross of Christ over Nubia Part Four: Christ in a new Messianic Kingdom of Ethiopia Concluding Epilogue: This great book, 430 pages of ecclesiastical agony and Christological ecstasy, work of great Christian Scholars who in search of truth discovered the treasures of Alexandrian and Coptic faith. John Meyendroff says in his Epilogue of Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions "Actually, it becomes increasingly embarrassing to use the term 'Monophysite' to designate these ancient Churches.' After less than a decade this work was translated into English to dogmatically support Fr. Meyendroff and all the blessed Dyophisite Chaledonians. Further Readings? 1.A History of Eastern Christianity by Aziz Suryal, Atiya 2.Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions: The Church, 450-680 Ad (Church History ; 2), by John Meyendorff 3.The First Seven Ecumenical Councils, their history & theology by Leo D. Davis,SJ
Rating:  Summary: The Church of Alexandria & its Christology Review: Orthodox Christology Rediscovered:
Alexandria, the loving city of Christ, and the theological megalopolis has got at last some recognition for its toil in shaping the doctrinal faith for Eastern orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. Athanasius and Cyril were, and still are the most prominent doctors of the Church and champions of orthodoxy. Liberated scholarship after Vatican II, with renewed contacts in ecumenical dialogues, and newly available sources, evaluated christologically renewed the case. Two great Roman Catholic Coptologist; Professors Tito Orlandi and Hans Quecke, SJ who advised the creation of this work, supported with the scholarship and devotion of Dr. T. Hainthaler, an established researcher and outstanding contributor.
Alexandrian Christology:
In part I, the post Chalcedonian christology of the Alexandrian patriarchs who defended the 'real' incarnation, since Athanasius' Treatise "De Incarnatione Verbi Dei" , and Cyril's hypostatic union, with polemic against Leo's suspected pseudo Nestorianism. Hainthaler exposes the christological struggle after Chalcedon and prescribed ways to unity in the Henoticon. Papa Theodosius confession of faith and Mar Severus of Antioch's christological defence and theological terminology are explained.
Coptic Lay Christology:
Unique in this book, is how influential was the role, as still is, and the devotion of lay Coptic scholars to the cause of faith, and how outspoken they were from Nonnus and christology of his countrymen, Cyrus, Pamprepius and the discourses of Aphrodito. Alexandrian exegetes, presbyter Ammonius and deacon Olympiodore stood on solid ground, their writings thus show.
Dr. Hainthaler chapter on John Philoponus, the innovative anti Aristotelian philosopher and genuine orthodox arbiter is the most elaborate so far on this outstanding dean of the academy, on creation ex nihilo, and defence of miaphysite orthodoxy of the hypostatic union. She refers to most of his works.
Province of Coptic Soteriology:
Shenute as founder of Coptic christology, other than Alexandrian soteriology, is well treated from Thebaid monasticism to Atripe' exhortation, a miror of Coptic faith, two decades prior to the schismatic council and Dioscorus call for support. Here, read an articulate treatment of specifics of seraphim, Nicene faith, and Shenute witness to the Jesus prayer. Gnostic infiltration of Origenistic apocryphal 'double creation' are wonderful, in addition to delightful small 'Large' histories of Nestorius by Shenute own report, with quotations. His second christological catechesis enthrone him as the real biblical Christocentric Coptic, in the eyes of hegemon Besa his kerygmatic successor.
Liturgical Christology:
Christological peculiarities of the three Coptic Anaphoras that survived liturgical ordination of the two Gabriel's II & V, is the zenith of the prevailing excellence of scholarship of this work. The anaphora of St. Gregory, the Capadocian theologos who addresses his prayers to Christ has a unique place in Coptic liturgy. His beloved fellow, St. Basil, is the author of the dominant Coptic liturgy, both christologically enlightening and their christology deserves a separate analytical treatment from Dr. G. Bebawi, Cambridge Parasitic scholar, in addition to the Coptic Synaxarion, and book of Psalmody.
New Messianic Kingdom:
Parts IV (130 pages) is devoted to the fourth century kingdom of Axum; the Christians' Church of Ethiopia that preceded Europe. The Cross over Nubia; in chapter III recounts the evangelization by the Copts of Nubia, in the sixth century, forced later into Islam, recalling the Western reluctance to stand against their Massacre in Darfur, a shame!
Theognostic appeal:
Read this unparalleled work of grillmeier eminent scholarship to learn how those sons of the Pharoes, ancestors to the remaining Coptic minority deserved to be specifically blessed by the Lord as "Egypt, my people" Isaia 19:25
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