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Rating:  Summary: Only Observable Evolving is the Theory Itself! Review: A powerful resource supporting literal reading/understanding of Genesis, Special Creation, rendering all competing theories, especially theistic evolution, quasi-creation views as on the verge of extinction Biblically, coherently, logically, exegetically, even scientifically (note the recent upsurge in Design, Irreducible Complexity, etc.) Fully endorsed by Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Duane Gish of Institute of Creation Research (see ICR website) and Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis (see AIG website). Takes issue with compromisers and theistic evolutionists like Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. While an otherwise sincere, evangelical Christian ministry, this book gently but firmly recommends re-evaluation of using finite scientific understanding to adjudicate Genesis issues (length of Biblical days: 24 hours as historically, even Hebraicly understood, or long periods/eons/evolutionary ages); warns against overdependence on astrophysics, paleogeology, humanistic interpretation of fossil evidence; embracing of local flood theory vs. literal, plain sense worldwide cataclysm mentioned even by Jesus and Peter in New Testament. Author does not attempt to dogmatically posit Young Earth, Recent Special Creation as the only way to go: this is an 'in-house' debate needing more Biblical and scientific (ICR,AIG) research. But it seems clear that letting Genesis be defined by science vs. vice versa is dishonoring to Scripture and the Creator. Get multiple copies as gifts so friends can evaluate the evidence themselves.
Rating:  Summary: FARCE Review: An excellent book! And easier to follow than many others. Using acrononyms as an easy way to remember how to prove evolution wrong. A lot of people give it one star just because they have been proven evolution wrong and they find an excuse to put it there. Evolution has just been proven wrong-again.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opener Review: Hank Hanegraaf does an outstanding job in this book. He clearly explains that Evolution should not be taught as fact and is a theory that many people believe. No science has ever proved if you having nothing, you can make something. Therefore, a Creator (God) is the only reasonable answer. The book is easy to read and understand. The book ponts out many myths and errors with the teaching of Evolution
Rating:  Summary: The FACTS in your FACE Review: Hank Hanegraaff deserves an award for putting together an excellent and memorable addition to the many books which reveal the farcical nature of evolutionary theory. As I have followed the Creation/Evolution debate in-depth and have even written my own book on the subject, I think I am qualified to say that, although much of Hanks information is not new, his approach and style which aids people in memorizing the facts is. Although it is commonplace for evolutionists and other "believers" to ad hominem attack people who differ with them on the scientific evidence, Hank provides clear evidence from both evolutionist and creationist scientists that evolution is a theory in serious factual crisis (as the title of one evolutionist's book "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" points out). It is easy for some with biased and ulterior motives to ad hominem attack Hank by saying he quotes authorities out of context or quotes "irresponsible" statements by scientists. However, instead of merely making unsubstantiated assertions, I decided to actually CHECK the authorities Hank quoted. My findings? Out of 64 quoted authorities surveyed, 36 were secondary sources (evolutionists quoted in creationist material), and 28 were primary sources (actual evolutionists quoted in their material). From my own personal library, I was only able to check 23 of the 64 quotations. Out of the 23 quotes checked NOT ONE WAS OUT OF CONTEXT OR MISREPRESENTED IN ANY WAY. This includes 8 primary creationist sources, 10 primary evolutionist sources, and 5 secondary evolutionist sources. It was actually getting tiresome to keep checking the quotes, since every one was turning up 100% accurate in detail and contextual content. This is what factual evidence shows, and I challenge any HONEST person to go even further than I have and find anything different. And how exactly does one judge a statement by a non-creationist scientist as "irresponsible"? Simply because it may go against the grain of established evolutionary dogma? That seems like wishful thinking at best, and self-serving ideological bias at worst. Once the "smoke and mirrors" of pro-evolutionary speculators using ad hoc rescues is dismissed, we find that Hank provides an excellent way to remember the fallacies of this science fiction pretending to be pure scientific knowledge. He employs the acronym FACE, which means Fossil Follies, Ape-Men Fiction, Frauds, and Fantasy, Chance, and Empirical science. From the Fossil follies section, we learn that the fossil record is indeed "an embarrassment to evolutionists," so much so that new and innovative theories of punctuated equilibrium had to be invented to explain away the very real gaps in the record, gaps which should not be there according to Darwin's own theory (pp. 33, 42-44). Some have argued that there are "intermediates," and yet after so many millions of years of alleged evolutionary change, we only have about "two dozen" examples. That makes little sense, and the evidence from even some evolutionists shows that how one views a "transitional" form can be very subjective. In the section on the Ape-Men and the fictions and frauds, Hank provides substantial evidence of the mishaps and mistakes science has made in an attempt to find and categorize the "missing" evolutionary link between homo sapiens and his supposed ancestors like Nebraska Man, Java Man, Piltdown Man, and Peking Man. All of these were either outright frauds, misinterpretations of data, or serious cover-ups with deception in mind. I would have liked to have seen information on Donald Johanson's "Lucy" and other australopithicines in this chapter since they are but more examples of scientists forcing evolutionary interpretations on the evidence; another example of what Hank seems to be pointing at. In the third letter of the acronym FACE we find Hank explaining one of the pillars of evolutionary theory, which is time mixing with "Chance." Chance in evolutionary theory is not denied by any evolutionary advocate, except those who would seek to lower the role chance plays in evolution for obvious reasons. As Hank puts it, "Thus, chance implies the absence of both a design and a designer....Consider the absurdity of boldly asserting that an eye, egg, or the earth, each in its vast complexity, is merely a function of random chance" (pp. 61, 62). In Darwin's time, ignorance could cover the wild assumptions of time and chance, working with "natural selection" and mutations to create complex structures. But today, our knowledge precludes such assumptions (the reader is encouraged to read of the intricacies of how sight works in Hank's extensive notes). Chance, as the evidence from science in this book shows, cannot adequately explain the organized complexity of our world. The last letter in Hank's acronym stands for Empirical science. This is where the rubber meets the road, and the true test of whether or not the theory of evolution is purely about verifiable scientific evidence. Hank points out, among other things, that creationists are often caricatured in popular culture and literature as "bigoted ignoramuses" while evolutionists are pictured as "benevolent intellectuals" (p. 77). However, Hank points out that many great pioneering scientists of the past were creationists, e.g., Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Louis Pasteur, Gregor Mendel, and Johannes Kepler. Thus the caricature is proven to be just that. Hank points out other empirical scientific facts which militate against evolutionary theory, including knowledge from what we KNOW from cause and effect, energy conservation, entropy, and common sense reason. Finally, Hank revisits the debunked but still used recapitulation theory (the "R" added to FACE to get FARCE) and goes on to conclude with appendixes to help people argue more rationally, know the veracity of the Bible as a divine Book, understand the truthfulness of Christ's Resurrection, Annihilate abortion arguments, and see the moral ramifications of human cloning. Kudos to Hank for doing a great job and putting the FACTS out there that many simply will not FACE.
Rating:  Summary: Honest and fair Review: Hank Hanegraaff's approach to the creation-evolution controversy is excellent. It is very obvious that he has done his homework...and done it well. Instead of attacking evolutionists or characterizing them as evil, he looks at the facts. His acronym FACE (Fossil Fallacies, Ape Man Fiction, Frauds and Fantasy, Chance, and Empirical Science) makes it easy to recall the relevant points. He is thorough, while still keeping the issues at the "layman" level. For those interested in further study (on either side of the issue), he sites all sources. Hanegraaff demonstrates a clear grasp of the issues and of the controversy around those issues. While many may still disagree with his views, he has proven himself once again to be an intellegent, well-studied author of integrity. I recommend reading this book with an open mind before dismissing creationism as a "crock"!
Rating:  Summary: Whoohoo! Review: Hank is terrific! Not much is new stuff here, folks. It's a reminder to us that evolution really has been proven wrong. Not many can take this harsh dose of reality, as you can see.
Rating:  Summary: The Case that Demonstrates the Crock of Creationism Review: I read Mr. Hanegraaff's book on the urging of my Creationist brother, and after fully analyzing it, researching the science, and tracking down the qoutes used, I decided there is only one thing you need to know about this book: it is designed to intentionally mislead people who do not know very much about science. Anyone with a layman's knowledge of evolution will see through this book immediately, but those who are less well informed can be easily swayed by the misqoutes, bad science, distortions, and outright fabrications contained within. I must hand it to Mr. Hanegraaff, however, as he is a propagandist of the first rate.
Rating:  Summary: Makes Christians look stupid Review: Let me say this, more people have been killed, and enslaved by Bible reading Chistians than Darwinian Atheists. If scientists are wrong about evolution they are wrong also about much of modern science,space rockets, nuclear bombs,computers are therefore figments of our imaginations.!! This book is so bad only simple minded peoples would believe this.
Rating:  Summary: MR HANEGRAAFF LIVES IN THE 13TH CENTURY!! Review: Mr. Hanegraaff, though an affable and sincere man still lives in a 13th century world haunted by demons, witches and angels! He mistakes cultural evolution with biological evolution. Cultural evolution is not scientific! It was created, like religion, to allow powerful men to have control over the less powerful. First seek to understand then seek to be understood. Mr. Hanegraaff misses the mark every time.
He states that there are no intermediate creatures in the fossil record but he forgets Ambuloceatus the land walking whale, and Proavis the link between Dinosaurs and birds and there are so many others. He also accepts that bacteria can develop immunity to drugs! How can they change if all creation was perfect the first time? Did God give special dispensation to germs? Human DNA, he accepts DNA, is 99.6% the same as a chimpanzee. God ran out of materials?! We are more closely related to a chimp than a rat is to a mouse! He also misses the Dinosaurs completely. Why would the God he believes in obfuscate and try to trick us? To test our faith? Thats a bit weak, no?
Mr. Hanegraaff should stick to the things he knows something about, like the discredited books of the bible. He has no more understanding of evolution than a dog understands religion!
Rating:  Summary: Solid Science Review: This book is right in line with popular agnostic/atheistic science (within the last ten years). Evolution is no longer accepted by seasoned scientists. I used to believe in evolution, but the science surrounding it is virtually void. There are rules that science must adhere to, and evolution is far from anything scientific. This book is short, but packed full of information. Read it several times, and you'll get new something out of it each time. There is little to argue about with his points, as he uses the very basic principles of physics and science. If there is nothing else that will get someone's attention, focus on the basic laws of physics. His statements regarding such are completely irrefutable. I praise this work. Please read it and find out for yourself.
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