Rating:  Summary: GOD ISN'T OUT THERE, HE'S WITHIN EACH ONE OF US AS 'ONE' Review: AAfter The Urantia Book I thought there would or rather could be no more, but CWG has proved me wrong and that the more I know, the more I realize that I don't really know at all. And now I know for sure that there is always more awaiting our wakening into the spiritual realm. I learned to look within for the Kingdom of Heaven like Jesus told us 2000 yrs ago, but wereally never understood. After these books I am totally sensitive to all that surrounds and contains in me. I have learned to love without expecting love in return, to forgive without expecting forgiveness and to know that just my loving and forgiving is ENOUGH that those vibrations are being constantly sent out to those in need and they are receiving God's blessings through my love which is how God really loves us. I look forward for each new day and the adventure and blessings God will bestow upon me, so I may in turn bestow upon others. This is the omni-never ending cycle of eternal love.
Rating:  Summary: this is must reading, especially for the fundamentalists! Review: Doesn't matter if the stuff here comes from God or Walsh. It has the ring of truth and yes, even the grains of believability. When I finished reading it, I gave it to my born-again neighbors to read. They could not. The book forces reconciliation of beliefs with reality, anathema to the fundamentalists. The idea of a vast God, who loves you, yet forces accountability, doesn't sit well with those who'd rather be his "children" forever. It seems so plain to me now that you can believe in God's love and explain the terrible cruelty in the world without resorting to the "it's in His plan, so don't ask" evasion the Christians hold so near and dear. I feel HE wants us to know the truth, to rise to the occasion and not wallow in the perpetual ignorance certain dogmas demand. I feel at ease with myself and HIM. The books demands we grow up. Thanks, to the Inspiration Mr. Walsh found to write this book.
Rating:  Summary: wow, man Review: During the last 5 years i have been on a quest reading books of all kinds mystic,religion ect.A dear friend of mine said to me have you read the conversations with god trilogy? NO i replied. So i went right to the book store and bought the first one.I could not put this book down, I felt i knew the content already it was my life. I had never read more truth than what was in this book and at that point I wanted the world to know. however when they were ready. I quickly went and bought all his books thirsty for more.I'm a firm believer that when you read these books with an open heart they will speak to you. Shed all the beliefs you have been programed for so long and listen as god speaks directly at you with the most awesome love and compassion.Question the ideas brought forth in this book as you need to however, really listen and pay close attention it will change your life forever and i literly mean forever..... Some will say these books are the devils words yet, how could a book leave such a lasting impression of the most ultimate love and truth. Decide what you want about these conversations as we all have free choice but, leave your mind open and allow the words to communicate the answers we all have been wanting to know.
Rating:  Summary: Read This Book if You Are Ready for Truth Review: Hurrah for the Truth! Viva La Truth! Death to the Tyrants of Organized Religion and Bigotry Forever! These Books are Revelation! I demand a Book 4!!!! Alright Neil, get busy!I am one of those many people having been "lead" to Book 1 a year and a half ago. In short, it said a lot about God that I already suspected was true, and confirmed it. On the other hand, Book 1 opened up a whole new revelation to me, and it has changed my life forever. I have to admit that I was a little stymied by the rather extended recap of Book 1 in Book 3, and I kept finding myself saying..."when are we going to get to the new stuff?" After all, we could read Book 1 over again, right, if somehow we had lost continuity? I felt every page was golden, and need not be wasted on repetition; this is the 3rd and FINAL book. I found myself constantly hungering for more knowledge. Only when we get to the middle of Book 3 are we starting to see something new. I think there was too much time spent by Neil insisting on talking about open sex and open marriage, not enough time spent on the "How To" of our relationship with God, which is, after all, the whole point about all three books in this trilogy. I firmly believe that this work is revelatory and is divinely inspired. God makes a point of saying that God never stops talking. When will we not just listen, but truely HEAR what God has been saying for thousands of years? Who says that a man in our day and age cannot be an inspired source as the prophets of old were? God can do what God wants, despite all of our wishes that WE be the ones in charge and not God. I have noticed that the press has given no credence to the SENSATION that these three works are! But God, who speaks thru whom God chooses and when God chooses, will not be stifled by bigotry, cynacism, or being ignored or being crushed by those who self appoint themselves in the name of organized religion and continue to teach the doctrine of fear as opposed to the rightness of love. Book 3 did not even begin to answer many of MY questions, but did answer SOME questions. I noticed that some hot topics like abortion were judiciously (and perhaps prudently) avoided. Maybe Neil has the answers! Shall we go to Ashland Oregon and demand the answers he has failed to give us in three books? All I can say is this: This isn't the last we will hear from God! Neil won't be the last messenger. And it won't be the last time that most who listen to God will not hear God and will not believe God. After all, don't most of us have somebody else to tell us what God said?
Rating:  Summary: WITH THIS BOOK, THE TRILOGY OF EVIL IS COMPLETE. AVOID IT!!! Review: I ask all whom read, to fall to your knees and pray. Pray for the eyes and minds whom this work of SATAN passes through. It is clear that Walsch has turned away from the One, the Truth, the Almighty, so that he can reap mammon by unholy deception. With this book and his others, Walsch has spat in the face of GOD and JESUS. Do not buy this book. Do not read a single word contained within. If you do, you will go to Hell. GOD BLESS JESUS CHRIST!
Rating:  Summary: The CWD series is for positive thinkers. Review: I came across the Chinese translation of book one and two in my local library; I finished the books in a week and went on to buy the whole English series. Now my sister and nephew are fighting to see who got to read the books first. I just finished book three and have the following suggestions for people who are interested in the series:
1. First of all, don't mind whether the conversation actually took place in our collective reality or not (or in Neale's own). Focus on the messages instead of the speaker. According to God, we are all God, or part of God. So technical speaking, talking to yourself qualifies as talking to God. The messages in the series are all positive and I don't see a single negativity in it.
2. You have to be open-minded. This is one attribute of an evolving-being (EB). Read it like a science fiction (actually this is a very good and well-written SF) and you will walk away with more. Put aside your religious teaching and life-long experience; just listen/read first and judge later.
3. God says, "Don't take these messages more than they are and don't take them less then they are". Personally, I don't agree with a lot of the "messages" in the series but I took the one that I believe in and one that works for me. Like everything else, you cannot take things for granted. God gives everyone of us the ultimate choice of creating/re-creating our own experience. We are our makers!
4. There are a lot of reverse psychology here in the book, like "be there instead of get there" , "give instead of acquire", etc. When you really think through them, they contain deep wisdom. Yes, these words had been said before in different ways but not as clear and simple as been related in this book. I guess messages get across better in a conversation (peer-to-peer) than from an authority. No body likes to take order which itself is a divine order.
5. This is my message - the free will and free choice mentalities are for highly evolved being (EVB) only. They are not for criminals or psychopaths.
All in all, this series is highly recommended. I am sure everyone could learn or re-learn something from it.
Rating:  Summary: Enlightening Review: I found this book to be an enlightening one. It brought me a lot of answers that I was searching for, and it shows that there are many people who are here to help humanity by bringing messages for all. I think people should not judge Neale, but take in the messages with an open mind.
I don't think any of this is "blasphemy" or "the devil in disguise". I think a LOT of Christian people (of which I am one) should remember that Christ was terribly condemned and nailed to a cross because HE brought messages to humanity that people were not comfortable with, and did not like.
So in over 2,000 years, what has changed? Why are so many people STILL condemning people that are bringing messages from God?
The big news is that we ALL can communicate with God. Either you are going to love this book, or hate it. If you are looking to judge, then don't read it. If you are looking for a higher perspective, and you are open minded, then by all means read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A marvelous end Review: I just finished this book recently...having already read book 1 and 2. I was so sad that this trilogy had to end. Although many concepts, ideas, suggestions are repeated over and over it is written in such a way that I felt like I was sitting right next to the author. This book is so very intimate and I felt as if I too was having a conversation with god. As with the other 2 CWG books, this is filled with practical solutions to any and every issue affecting our planet...from war to environment to personal relationships. What I have enjoyed most about the CWG series is the freedom. Never did I get the impression that the author was trying to shove information down my throat or threaten me with eternal damnation if I didn't agree with what he said. In fact, Mr. Walsch states clearly that he hopes the reader does not take the information in his books as the literal and only truth. Furthermore, he provides a list of other books...by other authors!! This book is not for the religious zealots who intend to 'spread' the word by throwing it at people. If you have an open mind and, more importantly, an observant mind then you will find this and the other 2 CWG books highly useful. I have never read anything regarding spirituality and life that made as much sense to me as the Conversations With God trilogy. Thank you Neale!!
Rating:  Summary: What we all want to hear Review: I would be lying if I said that I wasn't compelled by page one to read this book. After all, it caters to what we all want be assured of. We have nothing to worry about at all! Everything we could possibly want is already existing. When we choose to have them, there they are! We no longer have to worry about the afterlife. We will have whatever we choose! I do think that Neale is retelling a lot of interesting metaphysical ideas, known through the ages and propogated by groups like the Theosophical Society. It takes away any of the urgency that the true mystics and saints of all the great religions have sensed, and given us a perfect post-modern template with which to live our lives. There is no real right and wrong! Whatever you do, its ok! Couched in the rhetoric of love and grace is the licence to experience whatever we want. What about 'God's will be done', not our own? The danger with this book is that it aims to convince the reader that nothing we do will jeopardize our eternal selves and our relationship to God. True, I believe that the sacred does exist in the profane. But with this kind of licence, the reader is encouraged to live a life based not on principle, but out of desire. The urgency of the Gospel is forsaken. "Narrow is the Gate"... According to Walsch's 'god', the gate is boundless, and everything we do is really 'ok'. For truer guidance, try the "Philokalia" of Eastern Orthodoxy, or the New Testament. We shouldn't base our entire beings on our warm, fuzzy feelings. Human feelings are fickle! Ken Wilber said it best, although I cannot remember his exact words. He said that a huge misconception of modernity is that we can be enlightened through reading. The more we read, the closer we are. Not true. Wilber has enough sense to know that true spiritual progress takes work. The sages of so many religions haven't been holing themselves away on vigils, fasts, comitted to prayer and meditation, because it is swank to do so. Perhaps he understood in his own way that man has 'fallen' from grace, that the more we try to deify ourselves, our egoic personalities, the more we remove ourselves from the grace that is offered us. While sometimes a bit severe, the Orthodox fathers give much better guidance. Religion or 'spirituality' isn't just hearing what we want to hear. Christ said the world hated him because he showed them that what it does is at odds with the Father's will. That it is evil. We can white-wash it all we want, but the world is in crisis because man has lived primarily for himself and not for his Creator. In our longing for truth, all we really want to hear is that 'everything is ok'. Many of the people I know who believe in the kind of philosophy presented in "Conversations" are clearly indulgent, addicted to pornography and other destructive fun. This book offers God's blessing to do these things and not feel guilty about it. So people can go on creating death and hurting people, and receive a kind of holy licence to do so. Interesting concepts, but all in all, dangerous material to your well-being if you 'choose' to take it seriously.
Rating:  Summary: Christian Be Warned - This Is Deception Review: Quote from the book: "You are already a God. You simply do not know it."
Funny Mr. Walsch knows this 'truth' and we all missed it?
Funny that Jesus and the writers of the New Testament forgot to tell us that we are actually Gods. It is again a classical strain of New-Age type thinking 'Christian' authors who refuse to be like the Bereans and study the Word of God diligently!
A steady diet of this sort of mumbo-jumbo will muddy up the true Mind of Christ that you are to have. BEWARE!
The title then I presume could also be called: Conversations With Yourself
Lance Marchetti
South Africa
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