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Rating:  Summary: Fascinating and well-written Review: Certainly a fascinating tale, although I have no clue if it's anything more than a bizarre piece of fiction. If it is a piece of fiction or delusion, the author certainly has one heck of an imagination, and a twisted interest in s/m sex with aliens.The book is quite well-written and proofread, certainly better than most books in this genre. The author claims to be very neutral during his hypnosis sessions, but reading the transcripts in the book, it appears that he is definitely trying to lead his subjects into certain areas. For example, he will ask a leading question like "You mean they are doing x". It's worth noting that many times the subject disagrees with where he is leading and they offer their own explanations. And my main beef with the book is that the conclusion of a dark "threat" is drawn at the very end, with only limited evidence to support it. I think, frankly, he added that title to make the book more sensational and outrageous. The evidence supporting a "threat" is not overwhelming.
Rating:  Summary: The Reason for Alien Abduction Review: Dr. Jacobs, a Temple University professor of history, tells us of his research into the alien abduction phenomenon and writes this book to tell us what he feels is the rationale behind it. According to Jacobs, the aliens are planning to inhabit our world and control us. There are a few things I have difficulty with in reading his research. First, his evidence is mostly from hypnosis sessions. Jacobs' credentials as a historian is not in doubt, but he never discusses where he learned to hypnotize people. He discusses how other hypnotists are making errors by asking leading questions, but assures us that he is not. As an example, he mentions an abductee telling him that the aliens were playing a game of Monopoly. Not wanting to lead the abductee, he asks what the aliens are looking at. This way, he does lead the person to believe Monopoly is really being played. Kudos for that, but Jacobs, it appears, has lead the witness to believe in the alien abduction. He does mention a poll, the Roper Poll, in Omni magazine which reputedly says that statistically abductions happen. From the same poll, however, there should also be ghosts, which he does not go into any detail on. By his work, he feels that there is a breeding program (the alien abductees and the aliens) which will lead to the aliens taking control of our planet. Basically, we will not be able to distinguish the hybrids (as he calls them) and us. This is a bit apocalyptic. Jacobs does call for stricter guidelines in hynopsis, which everyone feels would be helpful. I just wish he had thought of this before predicting the end of the world as we know it.
Rating:  Summary: ...on the road to damascus Review: I find it interesting how the amazon.com review manages to turn this into a comedy classic...it is a good example of the human tendancy to react to semantic/semiotic ambiguity, emotionally with humor. What is interesting to me about this book is how it more or less documents how a historian, who did his PhD dissertation on the UFO/Alien mythos in America, eventually is drawn into a rather fearful "belief" in the reality of Alien abduction, finally to the point of positing a "breeding program" for the near-future takeover of humanity's social structures. Dr. Jacobs in fact seems quite hopeless in his faith in this paradigm. Other things that are interesting to me about the paradigm described in this book is how similar it is in some ways to the historical reality of the "Alien invasion" from Europe of the Americas...note how "breeding programs" in the Southeastern US were used to gain inroads into American Indian nations, to change their economies, their governance, their cultural values, etc. So, is the whole "Alien abduction" phenomenon a corporate psychological projection happening as a result of the repression of America's own Alien invasion history? Or, is it simply the same old same old happening at a new level of cosmic order...are there really bugs from space who want to have sex with you or your sister and who are hoping they can take over via hybridization? I think if you simply read this book as a documentation of how the Alien abduction mythos is taking root and spreading, you'll be well served (lol...remember the old Twilight Zone episode with the Alien cookbook?).
Rating:  Summary: THE END OF THE WORLD? Review: I have read this book and just want to say I do not agree with it. BUT, it is very well written and easy to read. You will read it in one sitting. The author will respond to your emails so before writing one put aside your anger and frustration which you may feel after reading this book. The author will respond to your email in a fast and timely manner and seems to be a nice guy. Just don't let any child under 18 get their hands on this book. It will scare them really bad with the doomsday stuff and the fact that these little green aliens can come and go in your house anytime. And we aren't talking SANTA CLAUS HERE. Makes even a 18 year old fearful! Good Luck World we may need it! But I doubt it!
Rating:  Summary: Very well written. Review: I liked the first book, The Threat. This is part two by Jacobs on alien abduction and gets to the heart of the alien agenda. Jacobs has all the credentials and intellectual honesty required by non-believers; it is time to believe. After reading the first part, I do believe he takes too many of these accounts at face value and jumps to conclusions that other scientists would not make. However he is a very intelligent man with an interesting viewpoint. The treat is that aliens want planet earth and know how to take it, by infiltrating humanity with their own hybrids. Some believe, as Jacobs appears too, that a Breading Program has been taking place for decades and the level of alien hybrids is now indistinguishable from your neighbor next door, except he has full allegiance to the alien agenda. Jacobs includes many abduction accounts with new insights about the threat that no one wants to take seriously. For textbooks, I read Unconvential Flying Objects by Dr. Paul Hill and Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs. For the best fiction which includes inside information on the cover-up, the black technology, and government dirty tricks, I highly recommend Brad Steiger's new book, Alien Rapture.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST-READ--best book on alien abduction Review: I read most books on the abduction phenomenon, and this one is really staggering. I though a lot about all this, and theories in astrobiology and evolution, and I woudn't be surprised if he was right. Why do we still wonder whether the aliens are benevolent or not? How come it has not become obvious, after thousands of cases studied, and thousands of hypnotic regressions? Budd Hopkins, who has been investigating abductions for 25 years, who has worked with over 800 abductees and performed well over 1000 regressions, still does not see any evidence that the aliens are benevolent. Why don't the aliens make it more clear that they are here to help us? at least from time to time. The theories expressed in "The Threat" definitely make sense. The idea that the aliens are here to help seems to be just wishfull thinking in the light of the research that has been done so far. A full review of the book by Hopkins would be very usefull I think, to confirm or infirm each of the details Jacobs puts forward.
Rating:  Summary: Jumps to conclusions Review: I will admit to having had experiences that i can't quite explain in my life. Green and white lights filling my room in the middle fo the night, strange electronic humming sounds and intense vibrations all occuring while I'm trying to sleep. But lets face it, this is a regular occurence of REM sleep, and while I don't disbeleive in UFO's or abductions and did enjoy this book, I have issues with Professor Jacob's book. 1. He uses hypnosis as his main method of information gathering. Using only one means of info gathering is leaving far too many of your bases uncovered, not to mention that even though Jacob's gives the good old college try to stand up for the scientific validity of hypnosis, in my mind he still fails. 2. he takes everything said by the abductees at face value. He ignores the fact that there IS!!!!!!!! a lot of media influence in the alien abduction phenomenon, not to mention the fact that we have to take his word for it that he's beign a good hypnotist and not leading the abductee. 3. He completely ignores the govt/military side of alien abductions. I know that it's hard to beleive but lets face the facts brought to us by good old fashioned cloak and dagge rresearch and scientific method and wake up! There is a world wide cover up of UFO information, there was a crash at Roswell in 1947, we've been disseminating the technology ever since, Operation Majestic-12 (despite obvious govt. attempts to flood the net with false MJ-12 docs and efforts to discredit it) was and still is a reality, there is a working treaty between certain world govts and extraterrestial intelligences that is not benign. I'm not saying abductions don't exist, I'm merely saying that Jacobs has missed almost 2/3 of the story. You can't ignore the abduction phenomenon just like you can't ignore the duplicity and treasonous actions of world governments against their own populations. The conspiracy goes as far back as Ancient Sumeria (Sitchins 12th planet series) and goes on today in the US govt. (Behold a pale horse by Will Cooper) If you are an abductee know this, it is a LIE that we can't fight back! It's a lie that there are'nt any splinter groups developing technology to fight these little buggars! It's a LIE that all you can do is live a comfortable life because were f'd anyway! That's what they want you to think. Our own military is in on it, but there are those willing to stand against it. God didn't make us just to perish in the 21st century, on the very dawn of greatness. No, he didn't! Resist or Serve! It should be the motto for us all!
Rating:  Summary: Jumps to conclusions Review: Jacobs is the one researcher that other researchers always end up having to concede to. I'm an abductee, so all this stuff is known to me first hand. And by the way, I've never been hypnotized or institutionalized. There are a lot of us out there, and for obvious reasons don't advertise. It hurts sometimes to look at a blinding truth. They're here. They abduct people. They breed hybrids. The beings working on the various programs are not able or allowed to breed without taking part, and because their ancient society has dispelled every religious myth there ever was, the only eternal life is in the larger genetic lineage and society. They subvert normal ethics for this "greater good". Think of a cross between the biblical Abraham and the popular scientist Carl Sagan, then suppress whatever conscience either of them had. Obsession with continued progeny and the perpetuance of intelligent life. The engineered humans and hybrids often rub our technological inferiority in our faces...how very human of them. The aliens use a variety of psychological warfare techniques, including utilization of regional myths and superstitions to mask their operations. They prefer to work in secret, painstakingly avoiding risk to themselves. So much so, that we don't even know what planet they're from. They often train and program abductees to be useful at the "big event", sometimes as spotters for roaming drone ships that will be used to eliminate resistance, should humanity choose to ever take such an action. Many of us have also been trained for skills in the post-event era.
Philippines, Belgium, and other countries have already produced government reports indicating the ET phenomenon is probably real. Our own Air Force Academy physicists were forced to a similar conclusion, but the textbook chapter on the subject was removed for being contrary to the belief systems of certain parents of Academy students. U.S. intelligence agencies have so over-compartmented and decentralized the pieces of information on this subject, that although every pilot and air traffic controller knows strange things are flying around, our governments will not do anything about it until it is too late. And it was too late the moment they arrived. The war was over before it began. We are defenseless. There are no reverse engineered UFOs. No ELF super-HAARP planetary shields. If you resist, you die. If we try and take a landed ship, our soldiers will have their flesh dissolved off their bones by thermoacoustic pulse. We can either accept it and live out our puny little lives with the joys available, or not. As for myself, I'm getting a second degree in Film, learning how to DJ, and pursuing my dreams while there's still time. I assume at some point world governments will try something and all hell will break loose. I'd like to live a little before the idiots in power ruin everything.
For the record, the laws of physics do not prevent superluminal travel, just limit how one can go about achieving it. The primary constraint having to do with causality. If you people had actually studied Einstein and gravitation without making assumptions he never indulged in, you'd have figured that out. If you'll excuse me, I can't help but feel a certain contempt for some of you. We're the ones enduring all of this, and all we ask is for your support and comfort. But we don't get it. Instead, you just make fun. And when you finally take your heads out of your butts and take notice, you'll likely just get everyone killed in the process.
Rating:  Summary: Good reading. Review: This is part two by Jacobs on alien abduction and gets to the heart of the alien agenda. Jacobs has all the credentials and intellectual honesty required by non-believers; it is time to believe. After reading the first part, I do believe he takes too many of these accounts at face value and jumps to conclusions that other scientists would not make. However he is a very intelligent man with an interesting viewpoint. The treat is that aliens want planet earth and know how to take it, by infiltrating humanity with their own hybrids. Some believe, as Jacobs appears too, that a Breading Program has been taking place for decades and the level of alien hybrids is now indistinguishable from your neighbor next door, except he has full allegiance to the alien agenda. Jacobs includes many abduction accounts with new insights about the threat that no one wants to take seriously. For textbooks, I read Unconvential Flying Objects by Dr. Paul Hill and Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs. For the best fiction which includes inside information on the cover-up, the black technology, and government dirty tricks, I highly recommend Brad Steiger's new book, Alien Rapture.
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