If we could name the greatest environmental threat that we face, it wouldn't be the depletion of the ozone or even of the world's natural resources. In fact, it would be the depletion of the human spirit, according to ecopsychologist Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. And how did this catastrophe come about? It all happened when the religions of Western civilization were no longer based on living harmoniously with the earth. Once Western religions began to seek dominance instead of partnership with nature, we created a pathology that led to a massive destruction of the human spirit and a frightening worship of consumerism to fill the void. Simply put, by disrespecting and destroying the earth, we are disrespecting and destroying what sustains the human spirit, explains Metzner. Although the perils of disconnecting from nature are well written and researched, this is not a book of doom and gloom. In fact, Metzner has accomplished an extremely well-written and thoroughly hopeful book. The final chapters suggest numerous solutions. Metzner also points to encouraging signs, such as the new wave of ecofeminism, as evidence of our ability to return to the earth--once again bonding spirit with nature. --Gail Hudson