Rating:  Summary: Don't bother! Review: I have been training dogs professionally for just over five years now and am always interested in finding ways to make training gentler, more natural, and easier all the way around. This book is simply a rehash of a theory based on wolf packs. The problem with this is that dogs are not wolves, although they share some of the same characteristics, and we, humans, are not dogs. Dogs recognize this difference between us and them, although the author does not seem to. She seems to apply the same solution to every single problem, barring physical illness or injury, that a dog could have. Her writing is not the best, and her editor wasn't as helpful as she could have been. Save your money and invest in one of Karen Pryor's books.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely the Best Training Book! Review: I'm a owner of a 11 month old male collie, Tony. Tony went to obedience class when he was 6 months old and although he has done well and I've stuck to the training of sit, heel, etc, Tony has always had a problem with meeting people. Not mean, just wants to bark, jump, whine the whole time he sees someone. I always have to put him in his crate while we have company. Well three days ago, I received The Dog Whisperer and I now have a dog who doesn't carry on so crazy. That is 3 days working with him with Jan Fennell's method of training. Absolutely a must for everyone who has a problem dog or is thinking about getting a puppy. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself. You certainly will not be sorry to buy this book...it's the best and best of all it WORKS!
Rating:  Summary: Recomended to all my doggy friends worldwide Review: I first heard of this book when I was visiting England in February and had the pleasure of seeing Ms Fennell's pilot TV show, Wow was this something special I needed to know more about the book. I managed to get the use of a putter and logged on to amazon.co.uk. The reviews on there told me what I need to know, " It works". I ordered a copy and brought it home with me to Canada. What a great read I could not put it down. It has everything. You get to know that this lady had not always done it the right way but knew there must be a more compassionate way to get her dogs to do as she wished, Monty Roberts that fantastic horseman was the key. She tells you how she studied every thing she could on wolves/canines and her own dogs. Jan tells how she listened to her own dogs as they communicated with her and one another in their very own language, and how she uses this knowledge to achieve peace and harmony within her pack. She gives many case studies where she as helped troubled owners, many are humorous some tragic, but the truth is if you follow her examples in the book it works. You and your dog/s can live in peace and harmony, you won't have a robot, but you will have a willing loving companion for the rest of his/her life. I have been connected with dogs all of my life, I thought I knew how to get my dogs to do as I wanted, and I could, but now they do it because they want to and not because I made them. I thank Jan for showing me how, and recommend this book to all my doggy friends all over the world, and to every one who thinks the dog is a living being who deserves respect and understanding as well as our love and friendship. Paul Noir Drummondville Canada
Rating:  Summary: control freaks or macho men this is not for you Review: I have followed this ladys progress from her first article, to where she is today a best selling author throughout the world with a tremendus following throughout dogdom. This book is for all dog owners who want to enjoy and share their life with their dog/s as part of their family. It will help you understand that the mind of your pooch does not think like a human. It provides you with easy to follow ways to communitate with your dog/s, without the use of force or any silly gadgets. All the problems most dogs display are caused by them not understanding this strange world they share with us. With the help of this book we can help them attain peace of mind and enjoy their life on this planet as our best friends. Thank you Jan for helping me help my pack.
Rating:  Summary: Opeing the door to understanding canine behavior Review: I am a x-police handler and trainer. This book has opened the door for me in understanding canine behavior. I feel that this book is a must for every person who ownes a dog and wants it to become a manageable family member. I have also incorporated Miss Fennell's methods into our obedience training at our boarding and training kennel here in Texas. Many thanks to Jan Fennell for sharing this valuable information in her first book and I look forward to her next one.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Science Review: Although her training techniques are loosely based on operant conditioning and positive training, Jan Fennell has little true knowledge of why and how this kind of training works. She also operates from the presumption that all bad behavior stems from dominance issues. This leads her to state some rather outrageous opinions as fact and to devise some very silly training exercise for things that can be accomplished much more easily.
Rating:  Summary: Could be a lot better Review: "The Dog Listener" had the potential of being a LOT better than it is. The author has some good insights that could be used in improving our relationships with our dogs, but she didn't do a great job writing about those insights. I had trouble getting past the inconsistencies in the writing, and it made me skeptical about everything she was saying. For example, on page 38 she talks about how, with one of her techniques, "the dogs calmed right down...". Then the very next page she states that she "wouldn't want to create the impression that all this came easily..." Huh? Which is it? Did she get results right away, or did they take awhile? This type of inconsistency occurs throughout.As another example, in chapter 6 on "Amichien Bonding", I couldn't find where she gave a good definition of what that is. She rambled on in an entire chapter without ever getting to a concise definition. Did she make the word up? Does it mean "friendly dog", or "dog-friend"? Is it part of her marketing strategy where she had to find a parallel word to Monty Roberts' "Join Up"? I've read all of Monty Roberts' books and I wouldn't be surprised if the author's got some marketing team behind her saying "Monty has had great success with his books. Just follow his format, change 'horses' to 'dogs', and make sure you have a tragedy in the beginning." Sorry to be so cynical but I couldn't stop thinking about this the entire time I was reading the book.
Rating:  Summary: height of stupidity Review: This is really an idiot's delight when it comes to dog training. The author proposes such amusing training techniques as climbing in and out of your window and chewing your dog's food before feeding it to the dog and it's all based on the author's absurd notion of instinctual canine behavoir - as if she has a clue. There are much, much better and far more rational books for dog owners beset by difficult dogs than this including another book with the same title. When you get right down to it, the best way to cope with sharing your life with a dog is to be very careful in selecting the breed, gender and temperment that's appropriate for your life style. All of these factors can and should be considered before adopting a dog but mimicking alpha wolf behavoir as the author feels she alone understands it, will only leave the dog owner feeling like an idiot while your dog is either bemused or freaked out.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely moving and inspiring. Indispensable to dog owners. Review: This wonderful book shows us how we can walk across the language barrier that separates man from his best friend. I found the book extremely moving and inspiring. I have been a dog lover all my life and I have never come across such a book. This book will fascinate animal lovers and prove indispensable to dog owners. The book is a study journal of years of observations and research, which led to the development of a new technique called Amichien Bonding. Many pet owners who purchase a puppy simply do not fully realize the commitment involved in training a puppy. What people often forget that a puppy is a living, breathing life that requires a lot of love, patience and encouragement. If you are looking for help in raising your puppy and want your new friend to be happy, loving and a well behaved part of your family then look no further this book is for you. FinancialNeeds.com
Rating:  Summary: IT REALLY WORKS! Review: Since I have studied human psychology, animal psychology has also fascinated me. I loved this wonderful book by an author who has definitely spent much time researching her canine subjects. So many trainers use an agressive, commanding approach to training and disciplining dogs, tossing them a treat as a reward. I thought about how this method would teach anything of value to a human, and the potential (and horrendous) results this method of training would bring. What would happen if people were kept tied up in the back yard, or someone kept yelling "no," in your face all day long? How would a human feel if they were slapped and hit every time they did something that was not acceptable or did not live up to someone else's standards? I have disciplined my dogs (and cats) with the same loving kindness used in raising a child. I have had cats and dogs my entire life and the results are living proof this method works. Many pet owners who purchase a cute little puppy do not fully realize and understand the stamina and commitment involved in training a puppy. What it does take to train your canine friend is a lot of love, patience and encouragement. Hitting and slapping teach aggressiveness and mistrust; being yelled at teaches barking, being alienated from the family teaches loneliness, dispair and rejection. Love, acceptance and gentle discipline on the other hand, will allow your canine friend to develop into a happy, loving, sociable, well-behaved friend and companion. I very much liked this author's approach and any person who is a canine owner will benefit tremendously from this excellent book. It is highly recommended reading and definitely worth a five star rating.