Rating:  Summary: Very interesting and (hopefully) not prophetic Review: Mr. Chittum makes a chilling case for another Civil War in America's future, this one going along racial lines. He sets out his evidence in a coherent, compelling fashion and tells everyone who cares to listen how to survive the upcoming war. Contemplating the purchase of an armored vest and moving to a place well away from long distance artillery as Mr. Chittum suggests should be enough to sober up all Americans to the dangers of multiculturalism. While many critics would be happy to just dismiss the book outright as paranoid propaganda and say that another Civil War could never happen, these people only need to look out to southern California to see the treasonous Aztlan Movement that is growing there. Hopefully, enough people will read this book and take actions to keep the tome forever in the realm of "what-might-be" and not "what-was".
Rating:  Summary: Sound Analysis, Overbold Prophecy Review: Mr. Chittum's book deserves as wide an audience as possible, but it will not receive it because of the unpleasant feelings it would arouse in the "normally" socialized American. Quite simply, the book points out the obvious: the new immigration of the late 20th century is an importation into the US not of foreign nationals, but of foreign nations. In the past 30 years a number of Hispanics larger than the population of Canada have entered this country. They possess a vast infrastructure of their own, are supported from outside our borders by Latin American governments, and from within by the leftist Washington establishment and by the "conservative" corporate elite which craves their cheap labor. Their avowed goal is to transform America, not to assimilate into it. They are, compared to their white counterparts, shockingly criminal and profligate. In the past few years, for example, they have managed to achieve an illegitimacy rate higher than that of native-born American blacks - which takes some doing. This book's thesis is simple: in an environment where there is no longer an unspoken loyalty to cultural and behavioral norms on a basic level, abstract concepts like adherence to the rule of law and respect for centralized authority will disappear. Mr. Chittum demonstrates how this has already begun to happen. If anything, the passage of time since publication only serves to reinforce his views - recently, for example, the town of Cenizo, TX quasiofficially seceded from the Union and joined Mexico. It abolished English as its official language and declared its denizens immune from federal law. This is directly in keeping with Mr. Chittum's analysis of the coming breakup of the US.The facts are clearly in support of Mr. Chittum's thesis and he marshals them admirably. Leftist critics can fulminate and rage, calling his book hateful or paranoid or extremist - but they cannot call it factually inaccurate, historically erroneous or poorly reasoned. You will note that the left will make emotional appeals of this kind against the author's thesis - this is because they are unable to make an effective logical argument against it. Note the one piece of mindless liberal drivel below. It supports my point. Despite Mr. Chittum's excellent analysis of the current situation, I feel he makes far too many assumptions about the future. We can only extrapolate the end result of our current situation by stating an incontrovertible historical fact - no multiethnic society has ever survived. In the short term there are no guarantees as to how long this situation can continue. Mr. Chittum fails to address one important social issue: economics. This is the key driver which will regulate the speed of America's inevitable decline into demographic anarchy. A book which ignores this factor remains in some sense incomplete. Thus the 3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: For those who have trouble falling asleep at night Review: Now don't get me wrong,I love a good conspiracy book or one about some future domestic conflict as much as the next guy.With that being said, I found this book one of the most boring books I read in a very long time! I've had this book for about a year now, and I started it half a dozen times but I've never been able to get past the first 50 pages.While I give the author credit for his obvious exhaustive research, he desprately needs someone to show him how to write a book that is readable! This is not a novel as much as it is a referance book.If someone ever needed to look up facts and figures,this is the place to go.With a pie chart or bar graph on every third or fourth page it is more an encyclopedia than a novel.If you're looking for entertainment or even info-tainment, avoid this book!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good Grief Review: Oh, how sorry we all should feel for poor Mr. Chittum and all his reationary friends who have to endure the horrors of living in a progressive modern state based on such heresies as universal human rights and tolerance. They might actually have to live next door to a Cambodian or ride the bus with a gay person. Boo-hoo! Better to revert to the Dark Ages and found new warlike nations based on blood, soil, and religious fanaticism. Not im MY future, buddy. If anyone turns America into "another Balkans" it will be people with ideas like those in this book--not liberals.
Rating:  Summary: The Sad Future Review: Personally, I think Mr. Chittum is a visionary in the way he predicts the fall of white culture. America has always been a predominately white country and when you take that away from us(as predicted in 10-15 years) you won't have America any more. I'm not saying that I am a racist or anything but I believe that the USA should stay a majority-white country, as it has been since it's creation.
Rating:  Summary: It's class, stupid, not race Review: Settle down, rednecks--the real conflict in this country has always been class-based, not race based. The whole idea of "race" is a fiction started up by scientific analysis of different "types" of people and their supposed characteristics. Chittum ignores this reality. The fiction of "race" was glommed onto by early Anglo-American leaders as a useful tool for keeping the lower orders at each other's throats, rather than uniting together against their real enemy, "The Man." Hell, Richard Nixon (no doubt a saintly figure in the eyes of Chittum's fans) LIKED the idea of affirmative action because he knew it would further fan the flames of white resentment over threatening, "job-stealing" minorities. Settle down, rednecks-- there's no ethnic/racial war coming, but there HAS been a class war going on, ever since this country broke away from England for mostly financial reasons. Look at the tremendous rise in interracial relationships as evidenced by the recent census--most Americans LOVE Tiger Woods, in part because he embraces his multiethnic heritages. Chittum is another paranoid fantasy-weaver who's been brainwashed into overlooking the realities of class conflict; when ethnic/racial violence gets worse in this country, look around for economic strain enforced on the participants from above--it's always there. Why, for instance, would whites worry about blacks and others taking their jobs through affirmative action unless there weren't enough jobs to go around? Why, to give a more specific example, did two white Detroit autoworkers in the 1980s go after and kill a supposedly Japanese man (Vincent Chin) when they lost their jobs, rather than "The Man" above them who had mismanaged their company? Oh, and how is race a "fiction" when you can look around and see Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and other "races"? For one thing, think about all the mixing that's already occurred--demographers and others estimate that 80% of black Americans have white blood (most whites don't know whether they do or not, as such "shameful" mixings in the family tree were typically hushed up--also, many "blacks" with "white" blood have passed into whiteness, marrying whites and making "white" families). And how can you be sure you're looking at a "Hispanic" person when the group includes people of so many different genetic types? And what does it mean to say Asian when China alone has so many different genetic types and features within it, or when Asian Indians differ so much from other Asian groups, and also include many other types? These realities aren't all that complicated, but they certainly counter the simplistic "white" versus "colored" worldview of Chittum and his fans. Settle-down, rednecks--a mixed America will continue to mix more and more, instead of breaking down into divisive, hateful camps, despite the efforts and desires of our moneystuffed leaders. See Michael Moore's insightful and hilarious film, _The Big One_, if you want a more realistic vision of what's tearing this country apart. And read Omi and Winant's _Racial Formations_, or Ted Allen's _The Invention of the White Race_, or Ignatiev's _How the Irish Became White_, or Brodkin's _How the Jews Became White Folks_, or so many others that show so clearly how silly we've been to let the idea of race occupy so much of our time and energy.
Rating:  Summary: It's class, stupid, not race Review: Settle down, rednecks--the real conflict in this country has always been class-based, not race based. The whole idea of "race" is a fiction started up by scientific analysis of different "types" of people and their supposed characteristics. Chittum ignores this reality. The fiction of "race" was glommed onto by early Anglo-American leaders as a useful tool for keeping the lower orders at each other's throats, rather than uniting together against their real enemy, "The Man." Hell, Richard Nixon (no doubt a saintly figure in the eyes of Chittum's fans) LIKED the idea of affirmative action because he knew it would further fan the flames of white resentment over threatening, "job-stealing" minorities. Settle down, rednecks-- there's no ethnic/racial war coming, but there HAS been a class war going on, ever since this country broke away from England for mostly financial reasons. Look at the tremendous rise in interracial relationships as evidenced by the recent census--most Americans LOVE Tiger Woods, in part because he embraces his multiethnic heritages. Chittum is another paranoid fantasy-weaver who's been brainwashed into overlooking the realities of class conflict; when ethnic/racial violence gets worse in this country, look around for economic strain enforced on the participants from above--it's always there. Why, for instance, would whites worry about blacks and others taking their jobs through affirmative action unless there weren't enough jobs to go around? Why, to give a more specific example, did two white Detroit autoworkers in the 1980s go after and kill a supposedly Japanese man (Vincent Chin) when they lost their jobs, rather than "The Man" above them who had mismanaged their company? Oh, and how is race a "fiction" when you can look around and see Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and other "races"? For one thing, think about all the mixing that's already occurred--demographers and others estimate that 80% of black Americans have white blood (most whites don't know whether they do or not, as such "shameful" mixings in the family tree were typically hushed up--also, many "blacks" with "white" blood have passed into whiteness, marrying whites and making "white" families). And how can you be sure you're looking at a "Hispanic" person when the group includes people of so many different genetic types? And what does it mean to say Asian when China alone has so many different genetic types and features within it, or when Asian Indians differ so much from other Asian groups, and also include many other types? These realities aren't all that complicated, but they certainly counter the simplistic "white" versus "colored" worldview of Chittum and his fans. Settle-down, rednecks--a mixed America will continue to mix more and more, instead of breaking down into divisive, hateful camps, despite the efforts and desires of our moneystuffed leaders. See Michael Moore's insightful and hilarious film, _The Big One_, if you want a more realistic vision of what's tearing this country apart. And read Omi and Winant's _Racial Formations_, or Ted Allen's _The Invention of the White Race_, or Ignatiev's _How the Irish Became White_, or Brodkin's _How the Jews Became White Folks_, or so many others that show so clearly how silly we've been to let the idea of race occupy so much of our time and energy.
Rating:  Summary: Chittum's predictions are proving daily to be true. Review: Since reading the book, I have seen Chittum's predictions coming true as scheduled, and it appears that there is an acceleration process taking place right now which very well could mean that Chittum's estimate, that we have 5 to 20 years before the start of civil war II, is going to prove true on the lower end of his prediction. Black and Hispanic racism is on the rise and becoming more open and brazen with each passing day. The country is rapidly breaking up along lines of race, age, ethnicity, sex,sexual perversions,etc.,and the conquering hordes from Mexico and Central America are filling our prisons, bilking our welfare system, forming latino street gangs throughout the Southwest and openly vowing to take control of the Southwest as part of Mexico, while making every place they inhabit look like Tijuana north. To be forewarned is to be forearmed
Rating:  Summary: I moved to the Pacific Northwest mainly because of this book Review: So many people have reviewed this book I would like be a little different and suggest related titles: "Anticipating Ethnic Conflict" by Ashley Tellis - similar to CW2 but on the highest intellectual level. "Ethnic Groups in Conflict" by Donald Horowitz State-of-the-art survey of theories of ethnic conflict. The single best book on the subject. It's easy to relate this information to USA even though it doesn't discuss the situation here at all. "A Popular Guide to Minority Rights" by Yussuf N. Kly The author advocates "non-territorial autonomy" for blacks under to auspices of the UN. And you thought they had run out of demands! :) "The Fatal Embrace" by Benjamin Ginsberg This is a shockingly honest account of the recent (specifically in USA) and historic ethnopolitical activities of a group few people dare to criticize. Ginsberg has a PhD in political science and is writing about his own ethnic group. And one more book... "Mexican-Americans in Comparative Perspective" edited by Walker Connor This book is excessively optimistic, but so far I haven't found anything better... still looking though! You certainly won't be optimistic if you read this after the other books. So... now you have a serious book specifically on race wars, a general book on ethnic conflict and 1 book on each of the major ethnic groups in USA other than European-Americans. I hope at least *someone* reads these books!
Rating:  Summary: This is the book that lays it all out! Review: The 10 rating is not an exaggeration and it's the first I've ever given for a book. I think most Americans agree, regardless of their ehtnicity, that a major ethnic war is in our future. The only burning questions have been WHEN? HOW? WHAT WILL IT BE LIKE? and WHAT WILL BE LEFT WHEN IT'S OVER? Chittum answers these questions and more. The book is written in the no-nonsense style that you'd expect from a grunt, and in an expertly articulated manner that you might not. You can get through this in one reading and will probably refer back to it often. The basic premise of the book is that an ALL-OUT race war is coming within our lifetimes. The result will be the carving up of America into several ethnic nations. Which future ethnic nation are YOU living in right now? How can YOU expect events for Civil War Two to unfold in YOUR neighborhood? What will the war be like for YOU and YOUR family? Only the naive would dismiss out of hand the horrifying predictions of this book.