Rating:  Summary: Chittum sees the future of America and it's not pretty . Review: "Civil War II" goes with Casper Weinberger's "The Next War" like a duck takes to water. You want to get a bad nights sleep, well this is the book for you...Too bad that a lot of Americans will loose more than sleep if Thomas Chittum's book proves to be correct. A copy of his book should be on
the desk of every polititian in the United States while there still is a "United States". Best book I've read on the topic of future racial relations in America by a man who
doesn't know the definition of what it means to be "politically correct". Anonymous
Rating:  Summary: Right on target Review: Anyone who reads this book, looks at the news, even in the controlled media, and still thinks this is baloney, deserves what will happen when this 2d civil war does occur. Personally, I think it's going to be alot sooner than a generation. And judging from the Stalinist actions of the Imperial govt, so do they.
Rating:  Summary: THE RISE OF THE MULTIETHNIC EMPIRE Review: As an Asian-American, I just want to say that I truly appreciae Tom Chittum's work. By far, "CIVIL WAR II" is the best political book that I have read this year. Indeed, Mr. Chittum is refreshingly honest and America needs more patriotic men like him. As an inspiring journalist and college student, "CIVIL WAR II" will be useful for my term papers. It is time that we talk about the possibility of a race-war with honesty. The prospects of a second Civil War is something that we cannot take likely. With the rise of illegal immigration and with the proliferation of Black extremism, the possibility of another Civil War is a reality. I believe Tom Chittum's book should be in the homes of every American citizen, if we are to be prepared for an incoming race war which will leave America blood-stained.
Rating:  Summary: The Resurgence of Tribalism in America Review: Author Thomas Chittuhas written a scary account of civil war might break out in America. He has been a soldier of fortune in various conflicts and and looks at social events from a military perspective. He has a sweeping knowledge of ethic conflict and revolutions around the globe and uses such examples of conflict to prove his point that America may soon face ethnic civil war.One of his main points is that most countries that are multi-ethnic usually have ehnically based civil wars. Countries that are almost mono-ethnic do not. He give s examples of such countries. Once a country's majority ethnic group dips below 70 percent serious ethnic troubles begin. He gives warning signs of what these ethnic troubles will be and how they signal a coming civil war. According to Chittum, America is fast turning into an undemocratic, multi-ethnic empire that is inherently unstable, unlike mono-ethnic nations. The elite upper class intends to break the power of the white working class in America and make them serfs in a multi-ethnic empire by using what he calls "racist" affirmative action, gun confiscation, and uncontrolled immigration and its attendant wage deterioration. He believes that this elite plan to control America in such a way will not work and eventually America will have a civil war. Chittum shows the areas in which he thinks that the multi-ethnic empire will split into and advises people to go to where their ethnic group will be. He gives other survivalist tips for the coming civil war. He has some great quotes about human nature and the nature of war and has some gallows humor sprinkled throughout the book. The coming civil war will be vicious, he says, given the vast differences between the combatants and inability to give land away peacefully because of the mixing of ethnic groups in the same territory. He says it will be a lot like the war in the Balkans.
Rating:  Summary: The Resurgence of Tribalism in America Review: Author Thomas Chittum has written a scary account of civil war that might break out in America. He has been a soldier of fortune in various conflicts and looks at social events from a military perspective. He has a sweeping knowledge of ethnic conflict and revolutions around the globe and uses such examples of conflict to prove his point that America may soon face an ethnic civil war.
One of his main points is that most countries that are multi-ethnic usually have ethnic-based civil wars. Countries that are almost mono-ethnic do not. He gives examples of such countries. Once a country's majority ethnic group dips below 70 percent serious ethnic troubles begin. He gives warning signs of what these ethnic troubles will be and how they signal a coming civil war.
According to Chittum, America is fast turning into an undemocratic, multi-ethnic empire that is inherently unstable, unlike mono-ethnic nations. The elite upper class intends to break the power of the white working class in America and make them serfs in a multi-ethnic empire by using what he calls "racist" affirmative action, gun confiscation, and uncontrolled immigration and its attendant wage deterioration. He believes that this elite plan to control America in such a way will not work and eventually America will have a civil war.
Chittum shows the areas in which he thinks that the multi-ethnic empire will split into and advises people to go to where their ethnic group will be. He gives other survivalist tips for the coming civil war. He has some great quotes about human nature and the nature of war and has some gallows humor sprinkled throughout the book. The coming civil war will be vicious, he says, given the vast differences between the combatants and inability to give land away peacefully because of the mixing of ethnic groups in the same territory. He says it will be a lot like the war in the Balkans.
Rating:  Summary: If you like the idea of living, you may want to invest $... Review: Ben Klassen wrote "be suspicious of any idea, never automatically accept anyone on their word." I happen to agree with him. Considering the way Thomas Chittum backs up every fact in Civil War II through it's source in the mass media I can only assume that he encourages suspicion as well. Mr. Chittum makes several predictions and scenarios, and then explains why he thinks this way through facts and statistics. If you are unaware of the fact that the urban army known as the "Gangster Disciples" which runs 50,000 men deep and has killed over 1,000 people int the last twenty years, is now funding candidates to run for city council in Chicago... then you NEED to read Civil War II. If you think that the 554,000 police officers in America can save you, when there are 100,000 better armed, better paid and more motivated gang members in the city of LA alone, you need a dope slap. If you're thinking of moving, Civil War II is an excellent (and possibly the only honest) real estate guide. If you live somewhere in which you depend upon other people to live or you place your trust in the authorities to live, you should consider moving. If you think that another Civil War will not effect you, if you think that a fence and a couple of mickey-mouse security guards are sufficient protection for our nation's armories refer to Civil War II. The military branches of the US will either begin to kill themselves because of ethnic differences or they will segragate troops - proving that their cause is a sham. You will be caught with your pants down, unless you begin thinking like Mr.Chittum. A good head-start would be to put down the beer pick up your wallet and invest the relatively minor $... If you like Civil War II you should read Ben Klassen's "The White Man's Bible" which you can buy from amazon.com as well. Although it's quite different it is equally as important. If you are unaware of the fact that the gang/army known as "the Ganster Disciples" which runs 50,000 men deep and has killed over 1,000 people has candidates openly running for city council in Chicago...you need to read Civil War II. Mr. Chittum took that fact from the April 6, 1995 edition of "The New York Times"
Rating:  Summary: If you like the idea of living, you may want to invest $... Review: Ben Klassen wrote "be suspicious of any idea, never automatically accept anyone on their word." I happen to agree with him. Considering the way Thomas Chittum backs up every fact in Civil War II through it's source in the mass media I can only assume that he encourages suspicion as well. Mr. Chittum makes several predictions and scenarios, and then explains why he thinks this way through facts and statistics. If you are unaware of the fact that the urban army known as the "Gangster Disciples" which runs 50,000 men deep and has killed over 1,000 people int the last twenty years, is now funding candidates to run for city council in Chicago... then you NEED to read Civil War II. If you think that the 554,000 police officers in America can save you, when there are 100,000 better armed, better paid and more motivated gang members in the city of LA alone, you need a dope slap. If you're thinking of moving, Civil War II is an excellent (and possibly the only honest) real estate guide. If you live somewhere in which you depend upon other people to live or you place your trust in the authorities to live, you should consider moving. If you think that another Civil War will not effect you, if you think that a fence and a couple of mickey-mouse security guards are sufficient protection for our nation's armories refer to Civil War II. The military branches of the US will either begin to kill themselves because of ethnic differences or they will segragate troops - proving that their cause is a sham. You will be caught with your pants down, unless you begin thinking like Mr.Chittum. A good head-start would be to put down the beer pick up your wallet and invest the relatively minor $... If you like Civil War II you should read Ben Klassen's "The White Man's Bible" which you can buy from amazon.com as well. Although it's quite different it is equally as important. If you are unaware of the fact that the gang/army known as "the Ganster Disciples" which runs 50,000 men deep and has killed over 1,000 people has candidates openly running for city council in Chicago...you need to read Civil War II. Mr. Chittum took that fact from the April 6, 1995 edition of "The New York Times"
Rating:  Summary: There's a grain of truth in every story. Review: Chittum has done a fine job of collecting statistical facts that point to the racial polarization of American society. Much of what he writes could well become fact. That being said, this book serves as fuel for those that need their racist views validated. If you think that the U.S fought on the wrong side in World War II, you'll love this book. Reference the reviwer below that stated that their preferred reading was "The Turner Diaries" and "Hunter", books written by William Pierce, head of the American Vanguard.
Rating:  Summary: Chittum's Done His Research Review: Chittum is dead right when he notes that multicultural nations rarely hold together. Diversity is a solvent not a solder. But like the previous reviewer noted, not all of his predictions hold up. In Chittum's defense, future predictions rarely hold up in books whether they're about the weather or about economic forcasting. And some of what he's predicted is coming true (ie, the increasing push for reparations). This book should be read by all those living in high-diversity areas. And one thing is absolutely true, and that this book is a compelling read, designed to get you focused on the problems to come; because they are coming. And whether they take the form of Civil War II or, as I believe, a sort of smoldering Lebanon, we should be ready.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps, perhaps not. Review: Chittum is obviously correct when he notes the shifting demographics of America. With the rapid spread of the supposed desirability of multiculturalism and the abandonment of the "melting pot" ideal, we do run the dangerous risk of becoming Balkanized. That being said, Chittum writing in 1995 employed a repeated tactic to drive his various points home. He constructs a scenario and then makes several "predictions". To lend credibility to his predictive powers, included within his predictions are events which had already occurred by 1995. In short, several times he states that events 1 through 6 will take place. And then he adds, "As a matter of fact, events 1 and 2 have already occurred", thus imparting believability to predictions 3, 4 and 5. A rather neat hook. Elsewhere he makes blatant misstatements. Examples; he stated in 1995 the US economy was weak; that the US was no longer "the world power"; that it is impossible to have a peaceful transfer of power in Mexico, which we witnesses last year. Omitted from his vision of a coming US Civil War is the role of other world powers. Does he really think our friends and foes alike will calmly sit on the sidelines while this battle rages? Hardly. The book has value in that it raises valid concerns about our shortsighted immigration policy. No nation in history lasted very long when the dominant culture was no longer shared by the majority of the population. The shift in population of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California has serious overtones. And who does Chittum claim is behind this purposeful break up of the US? At various times he referred to them as "the establishment", "global elitists", "establishment media", "global, imperialist establishment" and yes, even the "Trilaterialist". Could something besides shortsighted democrats merely wanting to swell their ranks be behind all this? Something far darker? Perhaps. But it would appear Chittum doesn't have a clue as to who or what they are.