Rating:  Summary: absolutely -awsum Review: Leave your ideas and attitudes on the shelf, open this book and open the possibilities to what could be. The wisdom and truth you will find in these pages will change your views on others and God til the end of your days. And if you choose not to believe; the final story in the book of one mans life will leave you in awe.For his is a story that should be told everywhere. Read this book you will not be sorry but read it all for there are treasures throughout the text.
Rating:  Summary: Urantia book the start of New sacred scripture Review: The book especially the first section seems a little hard to digest intellectually but when you have passed it the rest of the book takes on a unique flavor all its own. From additional readings it seems some people are connecting at least part of the book with Edgar Cayce. If it can be proven it could give the New Agers their very own type of Scriptures.
Rating:  Summary: Finally an ALIEN COMMUNICATION we can understand. Review: Search no further if you want to know if there is intelligent life beyond our atmosphere - HERE IS THE PROOF. The authors are a commission who hold various positions in the hierarchy of what they portray as a highly organized and friendly universe. Earth is known as "URANTIA" to them and they say we would know everyhing in this book if our planet had not been isolated from the Universe Broadcast System due to a war that began on our planet half a million years ago. If you want the shock and adventure of your life, use this as an encyclopedia on any historical myth, legend, culture, race, scientific discovery, or religion that has ever existed on Urantia as recorded in the Universe Records. (Helps to have Bedell's Concordex as a companion for research.) The authors say they have provided enough information to satisfy the curiosities of humanity for the next thousand years. If every human was operating from this reference point, our backward and confused planet would be a different place, which is the authors' intent. WARNING: THIS INFORMATION WILL ALTER YOUR PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS CONCERNING REALITY.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads Review: After 30 years of life with The Urantia Book, I am still amazed at the inspirational beauty in its text. For example: PAPER 34 Page 383 line 145: Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, "This is the way." Yes, reading 2097 pages may take some time, but then, have you found all that you were looking for?
Rating:  Summary: WARNING: Dangerous Book! Review: This is the most dangerous book on this planet. If you read it, it could completely change your life. Your priorities will change. You will be more tolerant. You will modify your goals and values. You will know God's will for you. Thereafter you will be held to a higher standard - no more excuses. You will be on a mission of personal service. Be careful what you ask for: you just might get it. This book is a revelation, pure and simple. Check it out. One way or another One way or another One way or another This darkness has got to end -Robert Hunter-
Rating:  Summary: The Actual Truth Comes from God, the Book is simply a guide. Review: The Urantia Book is simply that, a book. It is 2,097 pages of words glued together in a binding made of rice paper (or another type if you have the paperback). What your mind gleans and understands from the content is what really matters. And what vestiges of God you are able to manifest in your life to your fellows is of the most supreme importance. More important than any Book. The Urantia Book simply sets you on the path. The Book is not the path itself. It is interesting to note to those who are negative to the book are either closed minded to new Truth, have failed in their faith in God, or have not read and understood the Book in its entirety. Please read the book from cover to cover before you pass judgement. Yes, there are some questionable things mentioned (race). But,the Revelators frankly and clearly warn us: "But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete."(1008) So, there is no pure revelation except in the personal relationship with God the Father who is within us and as Jesus stated in the bible and the Urantia Book (Ez36:26-28,Luke17:20-22 & UB 1747,1609,1474) And not all of the UB is going to be accepted. The UB explains this: "Races of men only superficially accept a strange and new religion; they actually adjust it to their mores and old ways of believing."(1005) Understanding and loving readers are not hurt by the unwise pronouncements of so-called 'men of wisdom', for these readers and believers are already lit by the inextiguishable fire from the Father within and without. (MRB) Peace, Love, and Understanding, Mike "Sixosix" Bain
Rating:  Summary: philosophy for the new age or crap for small minds?? Review: This book is not a bold new philosophy or a new envigorateing revelation.If you want real enlightning philosophy i sugest you study some actual theology,i sugest Thomas Aqainus or a more contemporary theologin would be Frank Sheed.I if you want real answers you wont find it here Instead youll find racist opinions and really poor science with a healty dose of superstition!!
Rating:  Summary: How valuable? Review: Quite possibly the most important piece of literature ever produced.
Rating:  Summary: Seek and you shall find! Review: Aloha! What is the Urantia Book... Simply a tool:) Nothing more nothing less! Some people use tools others put them on the shelf and some don't want anything to do with tools, because usually they mean work! The Urantia Book is a tool to do work! Sadly many people don't want to work at becoming more like God, they want someone else to do it for them, either a preacher or Jesus or someone but not themselves! There is no doubt that the Urantia Book causes one to Love more usually! Is that a bad thing? Does your book cause you to Love more? If so GREAT that is the whole point:) If it doesn't then maybe you need a new book? It seems there will always be those who don't like a Book, whether it be the Urantia Book, Bible or Koran........... Who really cares what others think or believe, can their thoughts or beliefs do even one thing to bring you closer to the Father??? The Urantia Book is simply a book to set the record straight, just like Jesus set the record straight and we all know what happend to him! The Urantia Book is no doubt the most IMPORTANT BOOK here on Amazon.com and for right now since your reading this I guess thats all that really matters:) The Urantia Book is a complex book with a very simple message! "Love God with all your Heart and Soul and Love Your Fellow People of Earth as the Father Loves you" If you can grasp that, you don't even need to read the Urantia Book, unless you would like to read the Repair Manual of Life? Because the Urantia Book can Repair even the Athiest:) aloha nui, runswithwind````````---------------------> "Do as LOVE would do ALWAYS"
Rating:  Summary: The Rewards of Eternity are Waiting for You! Review: I have lived most of my life as a skeptic and thus was disdainful of anything to do with God or religion. In spite of my negative self, I had always felt a longing to understand myself and others, and the purpose of my existance. One day, a friend gave me a copy of The Urantia Book. He told me it was the most amazing book he had ever read. I looked it over and said, "This looks like some hokey book about religion". He said, "Just read it...it will change the way you look at life." On my first attempt to read it, I found it to be arduous. It requires diligent effort to get through and understand. Unless you have absolute command of the English language, the use of a comprehensive dictionary will be necessary to assist you. Somewhat discouraged, I put it down and didn't try to read it again for several months. The next time I attempted it, I skipped directly to the last section, Part IV. I wanted to know, Who is this Jesus person that so many people profess to believe in and why is he so influential 2000 years later? I was moved to joy and to tears by Part IV, The Life and Teachings of Jesus. Never before have I read anything so mesmerizing, so enthralling, so utterly beautiful. I felt as if I was shoulder-to-shoulder with the Master, walking beside him on the ancient dusty roads to that fateful day in Jerusalem. I found myself reading it for hours at a time. Talk about a page-turner! I could not put it down. After I read Part IV, I tried starting again at the beginning of the book. Although I still have to use a dictionary, the concepts seem easier to grasp this time around. And what exciting concepts they are...that mortal life is the just the first step of many in the grand eternal adventure! I was sorrowed by the negative reviews from some of the readers, because this is the book that finally brought me understanding of the historical signficance and spiritual magnificence of Jesus Christ. I hope someday they will be able to discern the difference between opinion and truth. I wrote this review to share as a personal experience in the hope that it will motivate even one person to purchase this book. It is my sincere desire for you to find the Keys to Eternity. I know something has changed in me because I catch myself thinking about the concepts presented in the Urantia Book. And I have developed one heck of a vocabulary in the process.