Rating:  Summary: A book for the next millenium. Review: An incredible book. Detailed and often very intellectual, The Urantia Book's message is spiritual. This often escapes many of the book's detractors who miss the whole point of the book. In order to grasp the book fully, one must have an understanding of the part of the Forward which states that the concepts to be portrayed in the book are really not fully explainable to humans using human language. The revelators of the information in the book surmounts this difficulty by saying they will use the closest words in the English language to describe new and "enlarged concepts". This means that the book must be read using one's imagination towards what the words might point upward to, rather than what it actually says. The Urantia Book is not an easy read. Many years of study and discussion with other readers are necessary to gain a full comprehension. But the knowledge gained and the spiritual fruits borne are all well worth it! By the way, it is just a book! . Not a cult, a religion nor dogma. Nowhere in it does it say that it is the only truth. Rather that truth is found in many avenues. A book of a lifetime!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely the BEST book I have ever read and read and read! Review: I have been reading religious and spiritual books for 20 years in search of the real Truth. Along the way I compiled a list of these Truths from each book and put them into an epic poem. I gave a copy of my epic to a new friend and she excitedly replied, "you've read The Urantia Book!". I hadn't but was amazed she thought I had. I ran to the nearest bookstore and bought a copy in 1988. I have been reading it ever since. It speaks to every faith, ethnicity and personality. If you are a Real Truth Seeker - I Dare you to start from the beginning and read it All The Way Through! It will change your life and set you free. P.S.Destiny maintains, its outcome explains and all is lost and found in change! SMK
Rating:  Summary: soul gratifying Review: I've studied the UB for over 28 years, have been to study groups, and shared with whoever would listen, and I personally feel that the UB is only a tool to help any individual that reads it to find their own way to God. Whether you believe in the teachings of the UB, or the Bible, or any other source on God, the real truth comes from within yourself, and that it's through faith, love, and trust in God, that's going to get you "there". I do not believe that the UB has all the answers, and I don't feel that it was intended to, only a "spark" to ignite your spiritual desires. I believe that you can find truth in several places, other than just in the UB, and I also feel that that's how the writers of the UB wanted it to be. If you have the desire to find God, the UB offers a tremendous alternative to the more fear driven teachings of some other beliefs, and, if you're willing to read with an open mind, and heart, it certainly can answer a lot of questions you may have. It also may inspire an individual to become more "God Hungry", and wanting to know God on a more personal level, and realizing that God isn't the "tyrant" He's been made out to be, rather, a loving, forgiving, compassionate Father, who wants more than anything, to be in your life, whether it's through the UB, or any other source, and welcomes all who come with an open heart. Hard cover, fourth printing, 1973
Rating:  Summary: The Urantia Book is a incredably amusing novel Review: The Urantia Book like all over-sized useless religious texts amuses the reader as much as provides any deep explanations for why things are the way they are. I would liken it to the the Christian and Jewish Bibles and the Muslim Koran in that it claims that it is the truth in whole as set down by some higher power or other. Some time ago (I believe it was 1955) some people concocted an amusing story of man's evolution form various diffrent species that were all diffrent colors. The orange indigo ect. all died out for some reason and only the yellow brown and white remain. All in all I recomend it for some light reading.
Rating:  Summary: The big picture put in words. Review: The book's prevailing theme is Time and what happens of revelance during that time, so that human behaviour is seen objectively. I couldn't vouch for its authenticity, I wasn't there, but its account of events rings true. I do believe in Christ-Michael-Jesus and this book gave me a glimpse of the life of the Son of Man, as a road to follow, and not of the death of the Son Of God where all others try to lead you. Godspeed it's message, and godbless us all.
Rating:  Summary: The Urantia Book is a unique and remarkable religious text. Review: The Urantia Book is a unique and extraordinary religious text with an equally remarkable and intriguing history. The massive tome, 2097 pages in its official, Urantia Foundation-published versions, is divided into four parts comprised of 196 Papers that address a myriad of topics that may interest and challenge even the most advanced reader. Parts I and II offer the most sophisticated and detailed cosmology ever presented in the English language. Part III is a history of the planet. Part IV, titled "The Life and Teachings of Jesus," is far more comprehensive than New Testament records. And there's the rub, or one of them. The Urantia Book's authors present a meticulous and, to many readers who have perused it, a thoroughly convincing account of Jesus' life, religion, teachings, and times. This expanded account of Jesus' life and teachings, though it confirms much of the New Testament record of the same life and teachings and many of the New Testament's authors' assertions, offends some traditional Christians. Inerrantists are likely to find The Urantia Book to be highly politically incorrect. Other people have found the Book's teachings about race to be provocative. Some long time readers have supposed that the book's troubled history--it has been the subject of a legal dispute over copyright ownership for several years--is a direct result of its candid discussion of two inherently controversial topics, religion and race. Others have said that the book has been the target of a quiet campaign of suppression. The fact that the Urantia Foundation de-listed the Book with booksellers in the early 1990s and has engaged in a several legal actions against enthusiastic readers seems to support that assertion and lends credibility to those who say that powerful religious and ethnic special interest groups have targeted the nascent community of Urantia Book readers for efforts designed to subvert and marginalize it. All in all, the Urantia Book is likely to impress the faint-hearted as a ! lot of work, and it probably won't strike the average materialist as a thrilling page-turner. But if you are minded to seek out the esoteric (and if you've read this far, you may be a candidate), well, as some forgotten sage once said, "The truth is where you find it." Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: If I could only have one book... This is the one! Review: It takes a person willing to THINK to really appreciate the vast amount of mind expanding information in the Urantia Book. When I first read about some things in this book, I had to stretch to accept their possible trueness. I had to think about what I have grown up believing (I was a Born-again Christian since I was seven), how it fit in with the scientific information that we earthlings have gathered already; and realized that although we in this age have learned and know more than our predacessors have, we are still a young planet. We have just barely entered the "Age of Knowledge." My grandparents (who were born in the late 1800's) and their cohorts have witnessed greater changes in their lifetimes than was ever witnessed here before. They were born in a world of horse-drawn carts and oil lamps and matured to see men walking on the moon and computers. Talk about being ready for a new paradigm! I believe that this universe was not created just for us. There is much more about reality than we know. I think that God has appointed Beings greater than us to watch and take care of our planet. They would see that we are indeed ready for more information. Many people have lost interest in religion because the old ways don't fit with our new conceptual framework, unless one is willing to THINK about it. The Urantia Book is not necessary, but it sure helps!
Rating:  Summary: Utterly ridiculous! Review: The Urantia Book is not worth your time or money! Any thinking person can see it is a hoax just by looking at some of the names of places such as Morontia (must mean it is a place for morons!). Other ridiculous names include Ganad (what if that first a were an o!) and Adamson.Reading this book is totally confusing. Don't bother! Read the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Torah or some other spiritual scripture, but pass this one by!
Rating:  Summary: Truly inspirational!! Review: So many times, in the course of a lifetime, we find ourselves questioning our beliefs. This book has not only answered many of my questions, but has also posed many more questions for spiritual contemplation. Caution: This book should only be read with an open mind!
Rating:  Summary: The "real Bible" of our Age Review: The Urantia Book is the mostsignificant spiritual text of ourtime. Its depth and simplicity,spectrum of topics, and truerevelatory "taste" make it essential reading for every truthseeker. It is true that "the finger pointing at the moon is notthe moon" but, if you are lookingfor a pointer, you could not askfor a better one.